تعريف uyumun في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- compliance
- An act of complying
- the department of a business that ensures all government regulations are complied with
- The accuracy with which a patient follows an agreed treatment plan
- RSPA uses risk management to prioritize compliance activity and address the risk associated with non-compliance RSPA places greater compliance emphasis on materials and packagings associated with materials presenting high hazard to the public such as poisons and flammable gases, explosives, and poison inhalation hazard liquids When packagings are found in non-compliance, risk and benefit/cost assessments are used to determine if an appropriate course of action, such as recall, down-rating or use restriction, is necessary to protect public safety RSPA has developed a "Procedure for Removal of Nonconforming Hazardous Materials Packagings from Service that delineates a process and assessment guidelines for nonconforming packagings
- {i} submission, obedience, acquiescence; conformance
- Determination that the organization is complying with specific rules and regulations
- A disposition to yield to others; complaisance
- happy friendly agreement
- To ensure expenditures are conducted in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, policies, procedures and sound business practices
- A state of laboratory operations that ensures activities follow documented protocols GLP compliance is the responsibility of the study director who oversees the facility, the personnel, the materials and the equipment or subcontractors that fall under the compliance protocols A particular instrument is only GLP compliant when validated and verified by the operator for the specific analysis to be performed A vendor cannot claim GLP compliance for its products
- The tendency of conforming with or agreeing to the wishes of others
- Indication that a company has met the specific requirements of a standard
- The software is owned by Adobe When the End User purchases software they are being granted the right to use the product in agreement with the End User License Agreement (EULA) The most common example of illegal use is copying the software without buying the appropriate number of licenses based on the number of seats the product is installed In the event of an audit, and if a discrepancy is discovered, the End User must pay a penalty for the number of seats they have under reported
- adhering to or conforming with a regimen of treatment such as CPAP
- An affirmative indication or judgment that the supplier of a product or service has met the requirements of the relevant specification, contract or regulation; also the state of meeting the requirements [ANSI-ASQC Standard A3-1987]
- the act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another
- The act of following orders and adhering to rules and policies, i e taking one's medication post transplant
- a disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others
- Under most definitions, an application system is Year 2000 compliant when it has been proved to produce accurate results when: using dates in the 1900s using dates looking forward spanning two centuries(1900's/2000s) using dates looking backward spanning two centuries (2000s/1900s) using dates in the 2000s
- A device, computer system or operating system is in compliance with a specification when it implements all functional aspects explicitly stated as required in that specification
- uyum
- rapport
I would like to get a feel for your rapport with the customer.
- Müşteri ile olan uyumunuz hakkında bir fikir edinmek istiyorum.
- uyum
- concord
- uyum
- accord
According to custom, the bride should be compliant.
- Geleneğe göre, gelin uyumlu olmalıdır.
His speech did not accord with his feelings.
- Onun konuşması duygularıyla uyum sağlamadı.
- uyum
- harmony
A harmony prevailed among them.
- Aralarında bir uyum hüküm sürdü.
We must learn to live in harmony with nature.
- Doğayla uyum içinde yaşamayı öğrenmeliyiz.
- uyum
- adaptation
- uyum
- compliance
Tom is the chief compliance officer.
- Tom baş uyum görevlisi.
- uyum
- conformity
- uyum
- consistence
- uyum
- compatibility
- uyum
- {i} coherence
- uyum
- {i} concert
- uyum
- harmony; accommodation; adaptation; accord
- uyum
- {i} scheme
- uyum
- {i} accordance
- uyum
- (Politika, Siyaset) harmonization
- uyum
- harmonisation
- uyum
- unity
- uyum
- (Politika, Siyaset) alignment
- uyum
- (Dilbilim) agreement
- uyum
- cadence
- uyum
- adjustment
There was an adjustment period.
- Bir uyum dönemi vardı.
She made a quick adjustment to her new job.
- Yeni işine hızlı bir şekilde uyum sağladı.
- uyum
- cohesiveness
- uyum
- symmetry
- uyum
- concordance
- uyum
- unison
The flutes and violins are playing in unison.
- Flütler ve kemanlar uyum içinde çalıyorlar.
The woodwinds are playing in unison.
- Tahta nefesli çalgılar uyum içinde çalıyorlar.
- uyum
- collaboration
- uyum
- (Gıda) lag
I've been back for a week, but I'm still suffering from jet lag.
- Bir hafta önce döndüm ama hala jet uyumsuzluğundan çekiyorum.
I've been back home for a week, but I'm still suffering from jet lag.
- Eve döneli bir hafta oldu ama hala jet uyumsuzluğu çekiyorum.
- uyum
- (Biyokimya,Biyoloji) accommodation
- uyum
- symphony
- uyum
- congruity
- uyum
- consistency
- uyum
- consonance
- uyum
- tune
The piano in Tom's house is out of tune.
- Tom'un evinin içindeki piyano uyumsuz.
She danced in tune with my piano-playing.
- O benim piyano çalmamla uyum içinde dans etti.
- uyum
- {i} proportion
- uyum
- congruence
- uyum
- coherency
- uyum
- concinnity
- uyum
- (Hukuk) compliance, alignment, harmonisation, cohesion
- uyum
- balance
The music is in balance with the structure of the movie.
- Müzik, filmin yapısıyla uyum içinde.
- uyum
- keeping
- uyum
- chime
- uyum
- consecution
- uyum
- med. accommodation (of the eye)
- uyum
- {i} rhythm
- uyum
- (Avrupa Birliği) cohesion