
listen to the pronunciation of user
الإنجليزية - التركية

Güvenilir bir kullanıcı olmak istiyor musunuz? - Would you like to become a trusted user?

Sovyet Rusya'sında, bilgisayar kullanıcıyı kullanır! - In Soviet Russia, the computer uses the user!

{i} tüketici
{i} kullanma hakkı
user agent
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı aracısı
user code
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı kodu
user comment
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı açıklaması
user count
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı sayısı
user data
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı verisi
user defined
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı tanımlı
user details
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı ayrıntıları
user error
kullanıcı hatası
user field
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı alanı
user friendly
kullanıcıyla dost
user group
kullanıcı kitlesi
user group
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kullanıcı grup
user info
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı tanımı
user info
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı bilgisi
user input
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı girdisi
user instructions
kullanıcı talimatları
user list
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı listesi
user logon
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı oturum açışı
user manual
kullanıcı el kitabı
user manual
kullanım kitapçığı
user manual
kullanım talimatı
user network
kullanıcı ağı
user refused
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı reddetti
user rights
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı hakları
user role
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı rolü
user set
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kullanıcı aygıtı
user software
kullanıcı yazılımı
user type
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı türü
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcının
user's guide
kullanım kılavuzu
user defined function
kullanıcı tanımlı işlev
user defined key
kullanıcı tanımlı tuş
user defined type
kullanıcı tanımlı tip
user friendly
kullanımı kolay
user guide
kullanıcı kılavuzu
user interface
kullanıcı arabirimi
user library
kullanıcı kitaplığı
user oriented language
kullanıcıya yönelik dil
user program
kullanıcı bağdarlaması
user program
kullanıcı programı
user terminal
kullanıcı terminali
user transparent
kullanıcıya saydam
user's manual
kullanıcı elkitabı
user accounts
kullanıcı hesapları

bkz: user account.

user administration
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı yönetimi
user area
kullanıcı alanı
user base
kullanıcı tabanı
user charges
kullanım ücretleri
user created content
Kullanıcı tarafından oluşturulmuş içerik
user file
kullanıcı dosya
user friendliness
kullanıcı dostu
user generated content
kullanıcı içeriği oluşturulan
user hook
kullanıcı oltası
user id
kullanıcı kimliği
user link
kullanıcı bağlantı
user load
kullanıcı yükü
user manual
Kullanım kılavuzu
user memory
kullanıcı hafızası
user model
kullanıcı model
user need
kullanıcı lüzum
user qualification
kullanıcı gerçeklemesi
user request
kullanıcı istek
user responsive
kullanıcıya göre tepki veren
user rights assignment
kullanıcı hakları tayini
user satisfaction
kullanıcı memnuniyeti
user session
kullanıcı oturumu
user testing
kullanıcı testi, kabul denemesi
user view
kullanıcı görünüm
kullanıcı tabanı
Kullanıcı merkezli
Kullanıcı odaklı
kullanıcı ile ilgili
user access
kullanici erisimi
user access
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kullanıcı erişimi
user adjustment
kullanici ayari
user assist
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı yardımı
user catalog
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı kataloğu
user chooser
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı seçici
user chooser
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı seçicisi
user class
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı sınıfı
user datagram protocol
(UDP) Kullanıcı Veri Bloğu İletişim Kuralı
user dialog
Kullanıcı İletişimi
user dialog
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı iletişim kutusu
user dictionary
Kullanıcı sözlüğü
user directory
kullanıcı dizini
user documentation
kullanici belgeleri
user domain
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı etki alanı
user drivers
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı sürücüleri
user environment
Kullanıcı Ortamı
user eq
(Televizyon) kullanıcı ayarlı ekolayzer
user exit routine
kullanıcı çıkış yordamı
user fee
(Kanun) kullanıcı harcı
user fees
(Ticaret) kullanıcı vergisi
user files
Kullanıcı Dosyaları
user friendly
kullanıcı dostu
user hold
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı tutuşu
user hot line
kullanici icin dogrudan hat
user identification
(Askeri) kullanıcı tanıma
user info
Kullanıcı Bilgisi Kullanıcı
user information window
kullanıcı bilgipenceresi
user interface class
(UI) Kullanıcı Arabirimi Sınıfı
user interface toolbox
Kullanıcı arayüzü takımı
user keys
kullanıcı tuşları
user level
kullanıcı düzeyi
user limit
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı sınırı
user limit
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı sayısı sınırı
user log
Kullanıcı Günlüğü
user log text
Kullanıcı Günlüğü Metni
user macro
kullanıcı makrosu
user manager
Kullanıcı Yöneticisi
user manual
kullanici elkitabi
user mode
Kullanıcı Kipi
user name
kullanıcı adı
user nation
(Askeri) kullanıcı ülke
user nation
user network
(Usenet) Kullanıcı Ağı
user notice
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı notu
user notice
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı uyarısı
user object
kullanıcının yarattığı nesne
user objects
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı nesneleri
user options
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı seçenekleri
user patch
kullanıcı ilave proramı
user patch
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı ilave programı
user pc
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı bilgisayarı
user prefix
kullanıcı öneki
user profile
kullanıcı tanıtımı
user profile
Kullanıcı Profili
user profile data
kullanıcı profil verisi
user profile editor
Kullanıcı Profil Düzenleyicisi
user profile item
kullanıcı profil öğesi
user programs
kullanici programlari
user request
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcının isteği
user requirements database
(Askeri) kullanıcı ihtiyaçları veritabanı
user s guide
Kullanıcı Kılavuzu
user s reference
Başvuru Kitabı
user set
kullanici aygiti
user sid
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı sıd
user skipped
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı geçti
user stub
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı belirteci
user test
(Askeri) HİZMETE ELVERİŞLİLİK TESTİ, HİZMETE ELVERİŞLİLİK DENEYİ: Bir maddenin askerlik bakımından hizmete elverişlilik derecesini tayin için harekat veya manevra şartları altında yapılan bir deney. Ayrıca bak "tests"
user test
(Askeri) hizmete elverişlilik testi
user test
(Askeri) hizmete elverişlilik deneyi
user testing
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kullanıcı testi
user time
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı zamanı
user version
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı sürümü
user's choice
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcının seçimi
user's manual
(Avrupa Birliği) kullanım kılavuzu
user's mask
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı maskesi
user's name
Kullanıcı Adı
user's profile
Kullanıcı Profili
user's reference
Kullanıcı Referansı
user’s reference
Başvuru Kitabı
anonymous user
(Bilgisayar) adsız kullanıcı
as user
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı olarak
choose user
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı seç
current user
(Bilgisayar) geçerli kullanıcı
default user
(Bilgisayar) varsayılan kullanıcı
delete user
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı sil
edit user
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı düzenle
end user
uçtaki kullanıcı
ignore user
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcıyı yoksay
join user
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcıya katıl
joint common user items
(Askeri) müşterek kullanım maddeleri
last user
(Bilgisayar) son kullanıcı
multi user dungeon
(Bilgisayar) çok katılımcılı zindan
per user
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı başına
power user
(Bilgisayar) çok kullanan bilgisayar
privileged user
(Askeri) ayrıcalıklı kullanıcı
remote user
(Askeri) uzak kullanıcı
remote user
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan erişimli kullanıcı
remove user
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı kaldır
restricted user
(Bilgisayar) sınırlı kullanıcı
service user
hizmet kullanıcı
single user
(Bilgisayar) tek kullanıcı
switch user
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı değiştir
this user
(Bilgisayar) bu kullanıcı
this user
(Bilgisayar) aşağıdaki kullanıcı
(Bilgisayar) kişiler
verify user pin
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı pin'i doğrula

Tatoeba kullanıcıları kendilerini yalnız ve çaresiz hissetmemeliler. - Users of Tatoeba shouldn't feel alone and desperate.

Artık Tatoeba kullanıcılarının, herhangi bir çeviriye bağlı olmamaları şartıyla kendi cümlelerini silme olanağı var. - Now Tatoeba users have the opportunity to delete their own sentences, provided they are not linked to any translations.


Image Viewer bir resim görüntüleme yazılımıdır. Bu yazılım çok küçük bir programdır. Bu yazılımda sadece basit fonksiyonlar var. Bu, Tatoeba Project kullanıcıları tarafından çevrilebilir. - Image Viewer is an image viewing software. This software is a very small program. This software has basic functions only. This is translatable by Tatoeba Project users.

Google, kullanıcılarının özel bilgilerini topluyor. - Google collects the private information of their users.

الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A person who uses drugs, especially illegal drugs
One who uses or makes use of something, a consumer
A person who uses a computer or a computing network, especially a person who has received a user account
An exploiter, an abusive user (a person who uses something or someone unfairly, selfishly and/or unethically)
{n} one who uses, one who employs
Any person who uses a computer or a particular software or hardware system More specifically, user is sometimes used to refer to the user's computer identification tag, used as an address for electronic mail Its form depends on individual computer center conventions
Enjoyment of property; use
n A person who uses an application program that was written using CLIM
Any person working on a scientific program associated with a beamline at the NSLS This includes, but is not limited to: Participating Research Team (PRT) members; Insertion Device Team (IDT) members; collaborators; general users; technicians; programmers; BNL laboratory employees and NSLS researchers This term is further defined as
The current owner of the request (either the name of the user who submitted the request or the name of the user specified by the qsub -u option if that option was used)
1 n The person using the computer 2 n Someone who uses the computer to run application programs, as opposed to a programmer or operation
In most cases, the term users refers to the general population of individuals who are expected to make daily use of the product after final product release Users are different than customers in that customers define the scope and functionality of the product, whereas users apply the functionality to their work After the product has been released, the customer may become a primary user
A person who is authorized to sign in to the Windows Logo Program Qualification Service Users can submit products for qualification and track the progress of submissions they have made
The client to any biometric vendor The user must be differentiated from the end user and is responsible for managing and implementing the biometric application rather than actually interacting with the biometric system
Any person who uses applications on a computer
(1) Any person, organization, or functional unit that uses the services of an information processing system
a person who makes use of a thing; someone who uses or employs something
A user is a person or thing that uses something such as a place, facility, product, or machine. Beach users have complained about people walking their dogs on the sand. a regular user of Holland's health-care system. a user of electric current, such as an electric motor, a lamp, or a toaster
Any customer of the recharge operations University departments and programs are most frequent type of recharge operation user, students, faculty, staff and the general public may be served incidentally by the operation
Any user of a computer network with access to the Internet who connects to a MurdochNet Server at Murdoch University
Because Linux is a multiuser system, each person with system access should have a separate user account and password
a corporation, partnership, or party that uses a zone for storage, handling, processing, or manufacturing merchandise in zone status, whether foreign or domestic Usually, the zone user is the party which requests a Customs permit to admit, process, or remove zone status merchandise In subzones, the operator and user are usually the same party Sometimes referred to as "tenants "
Any person who interacts directly with a computer system Note that 'users' do not typically include 'operators,' 'system programmers,' 'technical control officers,' 'system security officers,' and other system support personnel
{i} one who uses, one who utilizes; one who uses illegal drugs; (Computer) one who uses a computer or computer system; (Informal) exploiter, one who utilizes for profit, one who exploits people or resources; (Law) right to use, lasting use of a right
a person who uses something or someone selfishly or unethically
The user of the internet protocol This may be a higher level protocol module, an application program, or a gateway program
Any person who uses a product or service to solve a problem or obtain a benefit, whether or not they purchase it Users may consume a product, as in the case of a person using shampoo to clean their hair or eating a potato chip to assuage hunger between meals Users may not directly consume a product, but may interact with it over a longer period of time, like a family owning a car, with multiple family members using it for many purposes over a number of years Products also are employed in the production of other products or services, where the users may be the manufacturing personnel who operate the equipment
That's you! Some people object to the term 'user' but it was set at the dawn of computing history so User it remains Anyone who uses a computer, application or program is a User
Any person who has a standard login account on the system When a User logs in, he can change only his personal work area A User can run the graphical administration tools, but the features of the tools that change system information are not available
- Any entity (human user or external IT entity) outside the TOE that interacts with the TOE
One who uses
n 1 Someone doing `real work' with the computer, using it as a means rather than an end Someone who pays to use a computer See real user 2 A programmer who will believe anything you tell him One who asks silly questions [GLS observes: This is slightly unfair It is true that users ask questions (of necessity) Sometimes they are thoughtful or deep Very often they are annoying or downright stupid, apparently because the user failed to think for two seconds or look in the documentation before bothering the maintainer ] See luser 3 Someone who uses a program from the outside, however skillfully, without getting into the internals of the program One who reports bugs instead of just going ahead and fixing them
Any person or any thing that may issue or receive commands and messages to or from the information processing system Anyone who requires the services of a computing system
The person responsible for the correct operation of the alarm system (the boss, the buyer) Not necessarily the person who actually operates the alarm system
A person using an application program written with CLIM
a person who takes drugs
An individual or organization that uses the operational system to perform a specific function (Note: The user may perform other roles such as acquirer, developer, or maintainer )*
user agent
The client application used with a particular network protocol, such as http: or ftp:
user agents
plural form of user agent
user charge
A fee for a government-provided good or service, charged to the user
user charges
plural form of user charge
user control
A control created by a developer, usually by combining other controls, often intended for use in a specific application

You can add existing Web server controls and markup to a user control.

user controls
plural form of user control
user datagram protocol
A communications protocol that has no error recovery features, and is mostly used to send streamed material over the Internet
user experience
The desired, expected, or actual experience of a user interacting with a product, especially as it relates to the design of the product's user interface
user experiences
plural form of user experience
user group
A set of users grouped together on a system for administrative purposes

Members of the Accounting user group can print financial reports.

user group
A community of users of a particular machine, operating system, etc

I joined a local Linux user group.

user groups
plural form of user group
user interface
The part of a software application that a user sees and interacts with
user interfaces
plural form of user interface
user names
plural form of user name
user-defined function
A program or subroutine written by an application programmer that returns the value of a mathematical function
user-defined functions
plural form of user-defined function
user-defined graphic
A graphic symbol defined by the user and added to the computer's character set

Other user-defined graphics can be defined by entering the 8-byte sequence.

user-defined graphics
plural form of user-defined graphic
designed to be easy for an untrained user to use; especially (for a computer system) having a uniform look and feel and standard widgets
Difficult to use, especially for an untrained user

If you've had some experience using JavaScript and HTML, then you know that JavaScript can be used to make an interface much more user-friendly (even though it can also be used to create user-hostile features, even ones that crash the browser).

User created Content
(Bilgisayar) User generated content (UGC), also known as Consumer Generated Media (CGM) or User created Content (UCC), refers to various kinds of media content, publicly available, that are produced by end-users
User generated content
(Bilgisayar) User generated content (UGC), also known as Consumer Generated Media (CGM) or User created Content (UCC), refers to various kinds of media content, publicly available, that are produced by end-users
user state
The least privileged of the modes in which a Motorola 680x0 microprocessor can operate. This is the mode in which application programs are run
user-generated content
{i} UGC, different types of on-line content and media content that websites end-users produce
User Datagram Protocol
UDP, protocol with no connection required between sender and receiver that allows sending of data packets on the Internet (thought unreliable because it cannot ensure the packets will arrive undamaged or in the correct order)
User Segmentation
(Reklam) Division of potential customers into market segments according to how and for what purpose they use a product. Do they use it for cleaning their teeth or for making cakes (baking powder)? For oiling their hair or for frying food? (True story concerning use of Brylcreem in Nigeria). As a decongestant chest rub or as an aphrodisiac? (True story concerning Ribby Rub in Caribbean)
user agent
Fields in an extended web server log file identifying the browser and platform used by a visitor
user agent
An HTTP header (HTTP_USER_AGENT) that can identify the model of an accessing i-mode terminal
user agent
A program that accesses documents on the Web for any purpose This includes Web browsers, download managers, link checking programs, and indexing robots for search engines
user agent
the software that interprets HTML documents This includes graphical browsers, text-only browsers, non-visual browsers like audio or braille browsers, etc
user agent
The client code that initiates a web reqest These are often browsers, editors, spiders or other end user tools (RFC2616)
user agent
A user agent is any device that interprets HTML documents User agents include visual browsers (text-only and graphical), non-visual browsers (audio, Braille), search robots, proxies, etc
user agent
A particular form of a Client, that must be controlled by a user
user agent
A software application which is used to view a document to which styles have been applied Typically, this would be a Web browser which visually displays HTML, but CSS can be applied to content for a range of media devices which have media specific style properties See also CSS2 media stylesheet glossary
user agent
The user agent is the client application that requests a document from an HTTP server When the client sends a request to an HTTP server, it typically sends the name of the user agent with the request header so that the server can determine the capabilities of the client software
user agent
interface for Internet for example, a www browser or a mail user agent
user agent
The term 'user agent' refers to any software that interprets HTML documents This includes graphical browsers, text-only browsers and non-visual browsers such as audio or braille browsers
user agent
Fields in an extended Web server log file identifying the browser and platform used by a visitor [Back to The Top]
user agent
An OSI application process that represents a user in the X 400 Message Handling System It creates, submits, and takes delivery of messages for the user In X 400 mail systems, the user agent is the client component that provides the X 400 envelope, headers, and addressing The user agent sends the messages to the X 400 mail server, or Message Transfer Agent, which then routes the messages to their destinations
user agent
A user agent is a generic term for any program used for accessing a website This includes graphical browsers (such as Internet Explorer, Netscape or Opera), robots and spiders, and any other software program that acts as an "agent" for a someone or something accessing Web content
user agent
A User Agent is any device that interprets HTML (or other web-) documents The most commonly used User Agents are presently Web browsers on computer screens However, apart from other types of visual user agents (such as PDA screens, projectors and more) there are also non-visual User Agents, such as search robots, speech synthesizer and Braille readers To indicate this wide variety of media that HTML caters for, it is thus more appropriate to talk of a User Agent than of a browser
user agent
A mail agent that allows a user to compose a message, provides recipient addresses, and receives messages
user agent
A user agent is another name for a WAP device or web browser, that interprets content coded in formats such as WML, WMLScript, HTML etc WAP device and microbrowser are other terms for a UA
user agent
A component of a distributed system that presents an interface and processes requests on behalf of a user; for example, a www browser or a mail user agent
user agent
Client Software that renders a document given the Content and Formatting information relevant to that Content
user agent
An agent the user uses
user agent
Programs that help users send and receive mail User agents create and submit messages for delivery, check for new incoming mail and accept/organize incoming mail
user agent
A user agent is an implementation that retrieves and processes XHTML documents
user agent
The fields in a Web server log file (record) that list the browser and the platform used by a visitor
user agent
The fields in an extended Web server log file indicating the browser and the platform used by a visitor
user base
{i} (Computer jargon) number of users of a product; number of users of a certain standard
user charge
A fee charging those receiving benefits of a public service, such as water charges
user charge
Fee paid for the use of a public-sector good or service
user charge
A charge levied upon users for the services rendered or goods supplied by a project
user code
The person submitting a family tree chooses a unique user code to identify each family tree submitted The user code appears in WorldConnect's search results, and becomes part of the URL (address) of the family tree
user code
The code (PIN) used by general users Limited functions such as arming and disarming the system Each user entering a PIN, including Installer and Master, are recorded in the systems "Log" against time and date
user code
A user code enables accounts which are either pre-paid, or offers custom pricing It is typically given by a SecureFile sales representative, or by a department which has purchased SecureFile mail accounts to employees
user code
This is any account number with First Community Bank and Trust Used as an access code in First eBanc Use the same User Code each time you log in to First eBanc
user defined
set by the user, determined by the user
user fee
a tax on a service provided for the public
user friendly
trait of a computer program or instrument with a wide scope which testifies that using and learning how to use it is easy and comfortable even to one who has never used it before
user friendly
Any software or hardware that allows for easy operation by a user Operating systems using graphical user interface features such as menus, buttons, onscreen clickable items, and a mouse all contribute to the degree of userfriendliness of home computers
user friendly
Any application, for example a computer program, that is simple to learn and use is considered "user friendly" See also GUI
user friendly
Used to describe a user interface that enables the inexperienced user to interact successfully with the computer
user friendly
software or hardware that is supposed to be easy to figure out, even without a manual or online help
user friendly
A program or device whose use is intuitive to people with a nontechnical background
user friendly
Refers to software that is easy for a novice to use
user friendly
a program or user interface which is easy to use
user friendly
Something works for someone that is new the program
user friendly
Easy to use format implying the dialogue or interface capabilities between a computer user and the computer is simple to understand
user friendly
Easy for a typical user to learn and operate; designed from the user's point of view
user group
A user group is a group of people with the same interests, who use a particular product or service. PLATFORM is an alliance of more than 80 rail-user groups. the IBM PC User Group
user group
group of computer users who meet to discuss common interests and share ideas (Computers)
user id
Unique identifier that works in conjunction with a password that gives access to a restricted area Top
user id
The identity of the person authorized to log on to the system
user id
A numeric value for the user's account identification
user id
New IBM User ID of person requesting access to Option 3, Select Reports By Recipient To View from the Report Distribution Option Menu (VRDMI000) Enter the old User ID if altering the User ID (8 alphanumeric characters)
user id
The name you created when you registered for access to a password protected website Also called User Name
user id
A number that uniquely identifies a user to the system
user id
The number used by the system to identify each user User IDs (UID) are automatically assigned by UserManager to new users Note that the system uses the UID, not the user's name, as its means of identifying the user and the user's files Be sure that each user has a unique UID for the entire network; do not allow duplicate UIDs
user id
Also referred to as UID An integer that is used to identify a user for the purposes of discretionary access control, mandatory access control, and auditing User ID is a security attribute in the Trusted Solaris Operating Environment See also access permission
user id
Some name for an account on a computer Needed (with a password) to log in
user id
The ID that defines the user in NDS It is used by the GroupWise system to deliver messages to the user and must be unique among other user IDs, group names, resource IDs, and nicknames on the same post office
user id
A unique number, created by your system, that is associated with each user name on a server system
user id
A user identifier used for login User Preferences User-created choices that define the user's account information
user id
A name, consisting of letters and/or numbers, that represents the user (owner) of a computing account New style user ids, often referred to as Global IDs, are system-generated based usually on a combination of a user's last name, first and middle initials In certain cases, a combination of last and first names is used
user id
- a unique identifier selected by a person opening an account At WebCom, you can potentially have two different User IDs One for your WebCom service plan and one for your WebCommerce store
user id
An account name or login name See userid
user id
A character string that uniquely identifies a particular user of MSU information technology resources | MSU Home Page | Search | CampusWeb Home | Created and maintained by Academic Computing & Technology Services Murray State University Last updated September 10, 1997, ©Murray State University, 1997 Direct comments and questions to ACTS @murraystate edu
user id
The ID assigned by EBSCO Publishing used for accessing EBSCO's online WEB sites One method of authentication on EBSCOhost is EBSCO assigned User ID/Password
user id
The Footprints user name which, when entered with the proper password during login, permits access to the Footprints system
user id
A unique number or name or both that is associated with a user name on a server system
user id
This is the account reference name sent to you in the Account Activation Letter When you need to log on to your site, you will use this item
user id
This is the unique identifier (like your logon name) that you use to identify yourself on a computer You probably typed your User ID (and password) when you logged onto the Internet today
user id
A unique name or number or both associated with a user name on a computer server
user id
A log on identification given to all users of the University's Financials System The reconciler will need to place his or her identification on the PCard Application
user id
identification name of user
user id
Each person that is permitted to use a computer can be allocated an identification code that uniquely identifies them to the computer Normally the user will first be asked to enter this code - their user id followed by their password when they logon to the computer
user interface
the way the user tells the software what to do and how the computer displays information and options to the user
user interface
The view a user has of a computer program, usually understood to mean the visual look and feel of a program, but also extending to other modes of interaction, e g voice and touch
user interface
The interface between the user and the program See also command line interface (CLI), graphical user interface (GUI), user
user interface
(in terms of ITV) – (UI) – (a k a Interface) – (1) The opening TV screen (picture) that users would see when they turned on their TV service This could be in the form of an Electronic Program Guide (Interactive Program Guide) (2) The interface on the TV screen the user would interact with when involved with, and interacting with, ITV
user interface
The collection of buttons, menus, scrollbars, and other functional elements that you give your customers to manipulate your documents In a general sense it is the things people click on and what they do when clicked As a Web page designer you have to make sure that what your customers click on makes sense, and that the actions that happen are well thought out, standard, and not confusing to the customer
user interface
The portion of a program with which a (human) user interacts See also graphical user interface
user interface
The junction between a user and a computer program An interface is a set of commands or menus through which a user communicates with a program A command-driven interface is one in which you enter commands A menu-driven interface is one in which you select command choices from various menus displayed on the screen The user interface is one of the most important parts of any program because it determines how easily you can make the program do what you want Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that use icons, pop-up menus and the mouse have become the standard on personal computers
user interface
An application (software program) which manages user input to and output from (i/o) a computer system interactively Often used with the qualifier "graphical" to denote a user interface which is based on a graphical interface (as opposed to purely textual) for performing interactive i/o
user interface
The means of communication with the user The user interface is generally not a part of the ES technology, and was not given much attention in the past However, it is now widely accepted that the user interface can make a critical difference in the perceived utility of a system regardless of the system's performance
user interface
The part of a computer program that the user sees displayed on the screen Also used to describe how people interact with what they see on the computer screen A good user interface makes it easy for users to do what they want to do
user interface
What you interact with on your computer, which is most likely graphical icons, resizable windows, menus, etc
user interface
The aspects of a computer or its software which can be seen and heard by the end-user, and the commands and mechanisms whereby the user communicates with the computer to control its operation and to modify input/output data A graphical user interface (GUI) relies primarily on bit-mapped graphics and pointers (usually controlled by a mouse) for this interface, whereas a command line interpreter (CLI) relies on text
user interface
interface: (computer science) a program that controls a display for the user (usually on a computer monitor) and that allows the user to interact with the system
user interface
the point of communication and interaction between computer and human The UI design should provide a positive user experience by providing clues about what to do and how to do it
user interface
how a computer program looks on screen and how the user enters commands and information into the program
user interface
The aspects of a computer system or program that can be perceived by the human user, and the commands and mechanisms used to control its operation and input data See Graphical User Interface and Command Line Interface
user interface
The portion of a program with which a user interacts Types of user interfaces, or UIs, include command-line interfaces, menu-driven interfaces, and graphical user interfaces
user interface
The on-screen appearance, or the program component with which the user interacts by inputting data, selecting options, issuing commands, and viewing the results of these actions User interfaces may be graphical (for example, as with Macintosh or Windows computers) or character based (for example, as with DOS or UNIX machines)
user interface
Also known as Man/Machine Interface (MMI) The means by which the user interacts with a machine or device In the past, knobs, dials and displays manipulated by a user's hand were common interfaces on technical devices Today, User Interfaces include more advanced functions such as voice recognition, speech synthesis and touch screens
user interface
All aspects of how a user interacts with a computer program
user interface
means by which a person uses a computer and its applications
user interface
The part of a computer program that displays on the screen for the user to see Also used to describe how humans interact with what they see on the computer screen A good user interface makes it easy for users to do what they want to do See also graphical user interface
user interface
The aspect of a computer or program that is visible to the user, giving and accepting information from him or her User interfaces are, broadly, CLIs and GUIs
user interface
The part of an application that the end user sees on the screen and works with to operate the application, such as menus, forms and "buttons "
user interface
The Interface to your computer - a combination of controls used to perform any operation See also graphical user interface and command prompt
user interface
A set of controls such as buttons, commands and other devices that allow a user to operate a computer program
user interface
The point at which the user interacts with a device or piece of software viewed on a monitor
user manual
guide for the person using the product, instructions
user name
An name which identifies the person acessing the system and is unique within the system being accessed
user name
A short name (with no spaces allowed) unique to you on your Internet access provider's system Sometimes these are assigned and sometimes you can select your own The user name, or ID, followed by your site address, becomes your e-mail address For example, if Ben Franklin had an account at world std com and he chose a user name of bfranklin, his e-mail address would be bfranklin@world std com
user name
Often the first part of your email address before the @ The name with which you login to your email or Internet system Copyright @1996 Amy L Ward
user name
Often the first part of your email address before the @ The name with which you login to your email or Internet system
user name
A unique account identifier required to maintain dial-up privileges with Trigger Internet Solutions It is also the user's e-mail address
user name
@e-riec com Login Information Select your user name for your account Example: john@e-riec com We use the password question and answer to verify your identity
user name
The name of the registered ICONS simulation participant This is assigned by ICONS Please see Logging In
user name
Your user name, also called user ID or account name, is the same as your login name This is the name by which you and your electronic mailbox are identified online
user name
A unique name that identifies you to your ISP when you log onto the Internet
user name
A name used to gain access to a computer system User names, and often passwords, are required in multi-user systems In most such systems, users can choose their own user names and passwords User names are also required to access some bulletin board and on-line services
user name
The 4-40 alphanumeric character set (including spaces) that the administrative access user has designated for a particular user Each User Name must be unique throughout the entire system
user name
An identifier for making a user known to the system Sometimes called a login name For example, a user whose name is John Doe might have the user name jdoe The login screen prompts for the user name
user name
This is a name used by INSPIRE during login and throughout the negotiation Since it is the only name displayed by the system to your counterpart, you can preserve your anonymity by choosing an arbitrary user name In combination with the negotiation name, a user name uniquely identifies one of the two participants in a given INSPIRE negotiation A user name is specific to a given negotiation, and can be reused in another negotiation Thus a user name does not uniquely identify a real user (and is therefore not like a Unix login-id)
user name
Your user name is the name you use to identify yourself when you log in to a system or account
user name
Specify the user name that you will use to access the secured site The user name is alphanumeric up to 15 characters in length
user name
The part of your e-mail address that is before the "@" sign (e g if your e-mail address is jansmith@cici mb ca, enter in jansmith) The User Name identifies you on the CICI servers and is used when you log in A User Name is alternately called a User-ID
user name
Also called userID The name by which a person is identified on a particular computer system Usually some variant on the person's given name
user name
The name or handle that you use for identification and access to the ezboard network If you are a registered Global or Local user, you will also have a password associated with this login name
user name
This is the name that you choose as a way for the computer system to identify you Also known as a user-id Virtual Server Is one of multiple web sites running on the same server, each with a unique domain name and assigned IP address A web server that supports virtual servers is called a multi-hosting web server, also called shared hosting server
user name
A name chosen to identify you to a service Can be any combination of letters and numbers Your e-mail name is your user name on your service provider
user name
The name you created when you registered for access to a password protected website Also called User ID
user name
a name or special word that proves who you are and allows you to enter a computer system or use the Internet
user name
A name you often choose for yourself which identifies you to the person, program or site that is requesting it
user name
unique name by which a user is identified when accessing a multi-user system
user name
a unique word name, or combination of letters and numbers that identify a user Each customer of an Internet service provider has a user name unique in the customer list of that company Likewise there are online groups and clubs such as those at Yahoo requiring you to pick a user name A user name is typically required for each software program in your computer as well
user name
Please choose and enter a user name that you will easly remember to access your account information in the future The name you choose must be at least 6 characters, but not more than 16 characters You may use any combination of numbers or letters but no spaces or other symbols such as ? @ & # %
user preferences
collection of settings and options selected by a user (Computers)
user signoff
(Ticaret) The formal acceptance of a new process, system or program by the appropriate end user
user unknown
the identity or address of this user is not known (Computers)
user's manual
user's guide, instruction book on how to use something
adj Programmer-hostile Generally used by hackers in a critical tone, to describe systems that hold the user's hand so obsessively that they make it painful for the more experienced and knowledgeable to get any work done See {menuitis}, {drool-proof paper}, {Macintrash}, {user-obsequious}
a term to describe software or hardware that is easy to use
This term implies that something (hardware or software) is very easy to learn how to use Related terms: Software
A description of software which is easy to use- particularly for novice or inexperienced computer users
software and hardware which is easy to use
{s} easy to use, easy to manage, easy to understand
Of or pertaining to any feature, device, or concept that makes perfect sense to a programmer An example of user-friendly is Help: The feature that assists in generating more questions When the Help feature is used correctly, users are able to navigate through a series of Help screens and end up where they started from without learning anything
A popular "buzzword" in computing Synonym: Intuitive It means directly comprehended For many users, a method of pointing at icons and clicking is more "user-friendly" than entering many keystrokes to select menu-items, like commands Intuitive programs are more quickly grasped by the "computer-naive" (another buzzword)
Designed in such a way as to be easy to use or operate, especially of computers and computer software
This term implies that something (hardware or software) is very easy to learn how to use
easy to use
If you describe something such as a machine or system as user-friendly, you mean that it is well designed and easy to use. This an entirely computer operated system which is very user friendly. user-friendly libraries. easy to use, understand, or operate
Programs that have been thoughtfully designed to be intuitive and self-explanatory to the average user, with a minimal chance of mistakes
Designed to be as easy as possible for a first-time user
An overused term that means easy to learn and use
user-friendly software
computer program which is not complicated to learn and can be operated easily and comfortably
character user interface
command line interface
end user
The final consumer of a product; the intended recipient or user
graphical user interface
A type of user interface which allows people to interact with a computer through a metaphor of direct manipulation of graphical images and widgets in addition to text. Abbreviation: GUI
graphical user interfaces
plural form of graphical user interface
multi-user dungeon
A text-based command line online game in which players may jointly engage in role-playing. MUDs are a precursor to the massively multiplayer online game
multi-user dungeons
plural form of multi-user dungeon
power user
A computer user who seeks and uses products having the most features and the fastest performance
power user
A user of a personal computer who can utilize advanced and complex functions and programs which are outside the reach of normal users
Agent noun of re-use; one who re-uses
wheelchair user
A person who is injured or disabled and uses a wheelchair. The phrase usually refers to a long-term wheelchair user



    التركية النطق



    /ˈyo͞ozər/ /ˈjuːzɜr/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ yü-z&r ] (noun.) 15th century. Contraction of use and the suffix -er.

    رصف المشتركة

    user friendly, user guide


    ... automatically figure out when the user is walking, cycling, ...
    ... A computer that runs secret programs that the user isn't supposed to even know about. ...