Something that is moving upstream is moving towards the source of a river, from a point further down the river. Something that is upstream is towards the source of a river. The water rose high enough for them to continue upstream. the river police, whose headquarters are just upstream of the Isle St Louis downstream Upstream is also an adjective. Steps lead down to the subway from the upstream side. downstream. along a river, in the opposite direction from the way the water is flowing downstream
Identifies sequences located in a direction opposite to that of expression; for example, the bacterial promoter is upstream of the initiation codon In an mRNA molecule, upstream means toward the 5' end of the molecule Occasionally used to refer to a region of a polypeptide chain which is located toward the amino terminus of the molecule [Lemon]
In distribution systems, the direction which describes the path from a subscriber to the headend of a system URL (Uniform Resource Locator) - The path to a Web page resource on the Internet It includes the protocol (HTTP: //), and the domain name (www something com) It cal also include a page name (/department htm) The network address (i e ,208 160 112 7) of the Web site can be used in place of the domain name V
When a user sends information from a computer to the Internet (such as sending an e-mail) The faster the upstream speed, the faster data can move from your local network or PC to the Internet
A convention on DNA related to the position and direction of transcription by RNA polymerase (5'>3') Downstream (or 3' to) is in the direction of transcription whereas upstream (5' to) is in the direction from which the polymerase has come