
listen to the pronunciation of units
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Nükleer Bilimler) birimler

Sözcük grupları sözdizimsel birimlerdir. - Phrases are syntactical units.

Isıtma birimleri çalışmıyor. - The heating units aren't working.

(Matematik) birler basamağı
(Bilgisayar) birim

Şirket para kaybeden bazı birimlerin satmaya karar verdi. - The company has decided to sell some of its money-losing units.

Sözcük grupları sözdizimsel birimlerdir. - Phrases are syntactical units.

(Bilgisayar) ölçü birimi

Şirket para kaybeden bazı birimlerin satmaya karar verdi. - The company has decided to sell some of its money-losing units.

Isıtma birimleri çalışmıyor. - The heating units aren't working.


Hastane yoğun bakım ünitesine girebilen ziyaretçi sayısını kısıtlıyor. - The hospital restricts the number of visitors who can enter the intensive care unit.

Bir tablet, tek bir ünitede ekran devresi ve pili olan bir mobil bilgisayardır. - A tablet is a mobile computer with display, circuitry and battery in a single unit.

{i} birim

Bir ışık yılı bir mesafe birimidir. Bu, ışığın bir yılda seyahat edebileceği mesafedir. - A light-year is a unit of distance. It is the distance that light can travel in one year.

Bir santimetre bir uzunluk ölçüsü birimidir. - A centimeter is a unit of length.

units position
virgül konumu
units digit
birler basamağı
units and measurements
(Nükleer Bilimler) (USA) birimler ve ölçüleri komisyonu
units id
(Bilgisayar) birim no
units in stock
(Bilgisayar) stoktaki birim miktarı
units in stock
(Bilgisayar) stoktaki birimler
units on hand
(Bilgisayar) eldeki birimler
units on order
(Bilgisayar) siparişteki birimler
units on order
(Bilgisayar) siparişteki birim
units ordered
(Bilgisayar) sipariş edilen miktar
units position
virgul konumu
units received
(Bilgisayar) alınan miktar
(Bilgisayar) birim/resim
{i} bütünlük
(Argo) ev

Konuşmasındaki ana fikir birlikti. - The main idea in his speech was unity.

Birçok Doğu dinleri olayların çeşitliliği arkasında bir birlik olduğunu öğretir. - Many Eastern religions teach that there is a unity behind the diversity of phenomena.

currency units
(Ticaret) para birimleri
intensive care units
(Tıp) yoğun bakım birimleri
en küçük tam sayı
(Argo) daire
(Eğitim) puan (üniversitede)
whole units
bütün üniteler
standard units
standart birimler
tek basamaklı sayı

Onların takımının güçlü bir birlik duyusu var. - Their team has a strong sense of unity.

Manchester United, hem Premier League'de hem de İngiltere'de en başarılı takımlardan biridir. - Manchester United is one of the most successful teams in both the Premier League and England.


Amerika Birleşik Devletleri bir zamanlar İngiliz İmparatorluğu'nun bir parçasıydı. - The United States was once part of the British Empire.

İskoçya Birleşik Krallığın parçasıdır. - Scotland is part of the United Kingdom.

atomic units
atomik birimler
dwelling divided into two units
konut iki ünite ayrıldı
equivalent units
eşdeğer birimler
hypertape units
hiperteyp birimleri
load units
(Cep telefonu) Kontör yüklemek

Now through our online services center, you can load units using your 3d secure password.

sequential access units
sirasal erişim birimleri
absolute system of electrical units
elektrik birimlerinin mutlak sistemi
absolute units
(Fizik) temel kütle
air landed units
(Askeri) HAVADAN İNDİRİLEN BİRLİKLER: Bir hava indirme harekatında; hava indirme birliklerinden ayrı olarak, tayyarelerle taşınıp yere indirilen birlikler
air transported units
airborne units
(Askeri) HAVA İNDİRME BİRLİKLERİ: Esas itibariyle, havadan hücum indirmeleri yapacak şekilde teşkil edilip eğitilmiş birlikler
airborne units
(Askeri) hava indirme birlikleri
army reserve units
(Askeri) KARA ORDUSU MÜŞEKKEL İHTİYAT BİRLİKLERİ: İhtiyat asli teşkilleri kadrosunun kara ordusu müşekkel ihtiyat kısmı tarafından tesis ve birlik sefer görevine göre öncelikle teşkil edilen muharebe ve hizmet tipi birlikler
available allocation units
kullanılabilir yerleşim birimi
basement rock units
(Jeoloji) temel kaya birimleri
border units
(Askeri) Sınır birlikleri
combat service support units
(Askeri) Muharebe hizmet desteği birlikleri
commando units
(Askeri) Komando birlikleri
corollary units
(Askeri) İHTİYAT HAVA İHTİSAS BİRLİKLERİ: Uzatılmış faal görevde olmayan ihtiyat personelden oluşan ve normal olarak hazar kuvveti halinde ve Hava kuvvetleri TM kadrosuna ya da kuruluş dışı özel kadroya göre oluşturulan ABD Hava İhtiyat Birlikleri. Bu birlikler, başlıca hava komutanlıklarından birinin kuruluşuna ve Muvazzaf bir Hava Kuvveti Birliğinin emrine verilirler
decentralization of units
defective units
(Ticaret) defolu mallar
defective units
(Ticaret) kusurlu mallar
director of treatment units
(Ticaret) arıtma tesisleri müdürü
distillation units
(Askeri) SU ARITMA CİHAZLARI: Tabii yeraltı ve yerüstü sularını içilebilir hale getiren cihazlar
duty with troop units
(Askeri) Kıta hizmeti
emission reduction units
emisyon indirim birimi
feature sizing units
(Bilgisayar) özellik boyutlandırma birimi
field type units
(Askeri) SAHRA TİPİ BİRLİKLER: Normal olarak bir sahra ordusunun bir kısmı olan ve tümen kuruluşuna dahil bulunan kadro birlikleriyle tümen kuruluşunda olmayan kadro birlikleri. Çoğu hallerde Kara Kuvvetlerince kullanılışları bakımından sahra tipi birlik olarak sınıflandırılan diğer birliklerde bu gruba girer. Sahra tipi birliklere ait teşkilat ve malzeme kadrolarının hazırlanmasından Ordu Eğitim Hizmeti sorumludur
fixed gendarmarie units
(Askeri) Sabit jabdarma birlikleri
gravity units
gravite birimleri (gal, mgal gibi)
heavy units
ağır parçalar
international system of units
(Nükleer Bilimler) Uluslararası birimler sistemi
jungle canopy to locate guerrilla units
(Askeri) Gerilla birliklerinin tesbiti için
lead time units
(Bilgisayar) ilk tarih birimleri
linear units
uzunluk birimleri
m.k.s. system of units
m.k.s. birimler sistemi (kütle biriminin kg, uzunluk biriminin m ve zaman biriminin sn olduğu birimler sistemi)
mobilization base units
(Askeri) seferberlik üs birlikleri
mobilization base units
(Askeri) SEFERBERLİK ÜS BİRLİKLERİ: Seferde Kara ordusunun seferberlik ve eğitim üssünü genişletmek maksadıyla seçilmiş, ihtiyat asli teşkillerine mensup, bazı birlikler
nomenclature of units for territorial statistics
(Avrupa Birliği) (NUTS) İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Sınıflandırması
number of required track spacings; number of search and rescue units (SRUs)
(Askeri) gerekli yol aralığı sayısı; arama ve kurtarma birliklerinin sayısı (SRUs)
number of transfer units
(Gıda) aktarım birimi sayısı
organized reserve corps units
(Askeri) organize ihtiyat birlikleri
organized reserve corps units
(Askeri) MÜŞEKKEL İHTİYAT BİRLİKLERİ: Bu birlikler şu üç sınıfa ayrılır: a. Tam subay veya erat kadrosu ile teşkil edilen muharebe ve hizmet birlikleri b. Genellikle, tam subay ve hizmet çekirdek kadrosu ile teşkil edilen muharebe ve hizmet birlikleri. c. Genellikle, yalnız tam subay kadrosu ile teşkil edilen muharebe ve hizmet birlikleri. Buna şimdi (Army Reserve Units) denilmektedir
peripheral units
çevre üniteleri
scarwaf engineer units
seaborne units
(Askeri) DENİZDE BULUNAN ÜNİTELER (DZ.): Bak. "seaborne"
sequential access units
sırasal erişim birimleri
share units
(Ticaret) hisse birimleri
speed units
(Bilgisayar) hız birimleri
standard advanced base units
(Askeri) STANDART İLERİ ÜS BİRLİKLERİ: İleri üs birlikleri halinde vazife görmek üzere teşkil edilen ve ileri deniz üslerinin tesisinde kullanılan özel görev unsurlarını da içeri alan personel ve malzeme. Bu gibi ileri üs birlikleri denizaşırı bölgelerde onarım üsleri, ikmal depoları, hava meydanları, hava üsleri veya diğer deniz kıyı tesislerini kurarlar. Bak. functional component" (Not ABD Savunma Kurulu tanımı "deniz kıyı tesisleri" ile biter)
system of units of measurement
olcum birimleri sistemi
termination units
sonlandırma üniteleri
territorial units
(Askeri) ÖZEL BÖLGE BİRLİKLERİ, TERİTORYAL BİRLİKLERİ: Esas itibariyle, A. B. D. özel bölgelerinden veya A. B. D. dış topraklarından gelen personel ile teşkil edilmiş birlikler
total allocation units
toplam yerleşim birimi
total allocation units
Toplam Ayırma Birimi
total units
(Bilgisayar) toplam birimler
troop carrier units
(Askeri) HAVA KITA NAKLİYE BİRLİKLERİ: Kıta ve ikmal maddelerini muharebe yerine nakletmek, hasta ve yaralılar ile kıta ve harp malzemesinin tahliyesinde kullanılmak üzere teşkil edilen hava birlikleri
troop carrier units
(Askeri) hava kıta nakliye birlikleri
puvan unit of measurement ölçü birimi
{i} öğe
{i} tertibat: heating unit ısıtma tertibatı

1860'ta Lincoln, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri başkanlığına seçildi. - In 1860, Lincoln was elected President of the United States.

Bir gün Amerika'ya gitmek istiyorum. - I would like to go to the United States one day.

belirli bir miktar
{i} (üniversitede) puan
(Tıp) Tek şey
kurala göre düzenlenmiş birim
{i} ask. birlik
{i} birim: unit of measurement ölçü birimi
heating unit ısnma tertibatı
(Askeri) BİRİM: Kripto sisteminde; kripto alma ile kripto açma için tek bir vasıta olarak ele alınan müşterek birim. Ayrıca bak "organization"
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Emerald Funding offers residential loans on 1-to 4- family properties (i e , a 2-Family property is a Duplex, 3-Family propertry is a Triplex, etc) Please indicate the number of units for this property
first section (from the right) of three digits of a numeral -- " the units section is missing the hundred part " (9)
a share of a unit trust or managed fund which represents an entitlement to the asset within the fund
Expected or suggested units for the value These are either explicit units or a keyword that specifies the unit
Standard measures of weight for different types of refining lots, eg high grade precious metal scrap is listed in troy ounces, solutions in troy ounces per gallon (See Scrap Categories for details)
1=display units (eg mm/day)
plural of unit
units of measurement
a share of a unit trust or managed fund that represents an entitlement to the asset within the fund
The units one uses should be of a size that makes sense for the particular subject at hand It is easiest to define units in each area of science and then relate them to one another than to go around measuring particle masses in grams or cheese in proton mass units
A basis of measurement for courses One hour per week for 18 weeks is equal to 1 unit of credit A 3 unit lecture class may meet 3 times a week for one hour or twice a week for 1 ½ hours or once a week for 3 hours or some other combination to equal 54 hours for the semester Lab classes and physical education classes vary in the way in which units are equated
The amount of college credit earned by satisfactory completion of a specific course taken for one semester Each unit represents one hour per week of lecture or recitation, or a longer time in laboratory or other exercises not requiring outside preparation
A group of securities, generally from the same company, that are bundled together and sold as a single piece They usually consist of shares of common stock plus shares of warrants
We do not use this field which is intended to show the total number of units a student may earn from this course
A standard quantity or amount The smallest whole number Examples include inches, feet, meters, miles, Newtons and etc
the quality of a number or variable (i e what it measures: mass, length, time, speed, energy, etc )
units of measure
plural form of unit of measure
units of measurement
plural form of unit of measurement
undercover units
units in the military or armed forces that work in disguise, special undercover forces
API units
plural form of API unit
British thermal units
plural form of British thermal unit
Financial Intelligence Units
plural form of Financial Intelligence Unit
Friedman units
plural form of Friedman unit
International System of Units
The standard set of basic units of measurement, to be used in scientific literature worldwide
K-9 units
plural form of K-9 unit
Planck units
plural form of Planck unit
USP units
plural form of USP unit
arithmetic logic units
plural form of arithmetic logic unit
astronomical units
plural form of astronomical unit
atomic mass units
plural form of atomic mass unit
base units
plural form of base unit
central processing units
plural form of central processing unit
electromagnetic units
plural form of electromagnetic unit
excavation units
plural form of excavation unit
floating-point units
plural form of floating-point unit
international units
plural form of international unit
moving units
plural form of moving unit
multiple units
plural form of multiple unit
natural units
plural form of natural unit
A standard measure of a quantity

The centimetre is a unit of length.

A self-contained military organization; usually a battalion, regiment, or naval ship
With regard to Reserve Components of the Armed Forces, denotes a Selected Reserve unit organized, equipped, and trained for mobilization to serve on active duty as a unit or to augment or be augmented by another unit. Headquarters and support functions without wartime missions are not considered units
One kilowatt-hour (as recorded on an electricity meter)
An item which may be sold singly

We shipped nearly twice as many units this month as last month.

A member of a military organization

The fifth tank brigade moved in with 20 units. (i.e., 20 tanks).

Any military element whose structure is prescribed by competent authority, such as a table of organization and equipment; specifically, part of an organizationJoint Publication 1-02 U.S. Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms; 12 April 2001 (As Amended Through 14 April 2006)
An organization title of a subdivision of a group in a task force
An element of a ring having a multiplicative inverse. (Formerly just the identity element 1R of a ring.)
A standard or basic quantity into which an item of supply is divided, issued, or used. In this meaning, also called unit of issue
visual display units
plural form of visual display unit
{n} the number one
International System of Units
or Système International d'Unités or SI system International decimal system of weights and measures derived from and extending the metric system of units. Adopted by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures in 1960, it was developed to eliminate overlapping but different systems of units of measures fostered by rapid advances in science and technology in the 19th-20th centuries. Its fundamental units include the metre (m) for length, the kilogram (kg) for mass, and the second (sec) for time. Derived units include those for force (newton, N), energy (joule, J), and power (watt, W)
The International System of Units
{i} SI, international metric system, metric system of units of measurement used for scientific work
equivalent units
(Ticaret) 1) The conversion to a base unit for items with multiple units of measure (ex.- the conversion to units of an item also specified in dollars, cases, pounds, pallets or other measurements). 2) The conversion of partially-completed units into an equivalent number of finished units
multiple units of measure
(Ticaret) The use of more than one unit of measure for a given item for orders and transactions. A given item may be internally stocked in units but entered on customer orders in cases, packs or some other measure. Conversion tables translate all requirements into a base measure for planning, scheduling and inventory valuation
A unit of measurement is a fixed standard quantity, length, or weight that is used for measuring things. The litre, the centimetre, and the ounce are all units
– A value that indicates the amount of college credit given for a course All courses have unit value Generally, one unit is equivalent to approximately one hour of lecture per week and at least two hours of homework per week
Any determinate amount or quantity (as of length, time, heat, value) adopted as a standard of measurement for other amounts or quantities of the same kind
A unit is a group within an armed force or police force, whose members fight or work together or carry out a particular task. One secret military unit tried to contaminate the drinking water of the refugees Two small Marine units have been trapped inside the city for the last 36 hours
an organization regarded as part of a larger social group; "the coach said the offensive unit did a good job"; "after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit"
A single thing, as a magnitude or number, regarded as an undivided whole
An organized group comprising people and/or equipment
Having a size or magnitude of one
A single dwelling within a larger complex: especially in condominium projects where the unit is the portion of the complex which is for the exclusive use of the owner of the unit
A unit is a group of people who work together at a specific job, often in a particular place. the health services research unit
A unit is one of the parts that a textbook is divided into. = module. central processing unit Military Intelligence Unit 5 astronomical unit intensive care unit critical care unit international unit military unit unit trust
Archaeologists lay out a grid over a site to divide it into units, and then they figure out which units will be dug Units vary in size Archaeologists dig one unit at a time Keeping track of specific measurements between artifacts and features gives archaeologists the ability to draw an overall map looking down on the site (called a floor plan), to get the bigger picture of the site
A member of a military group
"Credits" and "units" are synonymous Units of credit are awarded for each course passed Lecture and discussion classes are usually 3 units for three hours of classes per week per semester; activity and lab classes take usually 2 or 3 hours per week and are awarded one unit of credit You may also receive some credit by examination The credits or units granted by SDSU are called "semester units" If you transfer from another institution (UCSD, for example) with quarter units, they are converted into semester units by multiplying by 2/3 Thus, if you transferred to SDSU with 60 quarter units, SDSU would grant you 40 semester units towards your degree from SDSU See Unit Requirements in the Graduation Requirements section of this web site for the number of semester credits (units) needed for a degree
An element of a ring having a multiplicative inverse. (Formerly just the identity element 1{R} of a ring.)
an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity; "how big is that part compared to the whole?"; "the team is a unit"
an individual or group or structure or other entity regarded as a structural or functional constituent of a whole; "the reduced the number of units and installations"; "the word is a basic linguistic unit
A gold coin of the reign of James I
a single undivided whole; "an idea is not a unit that can be moved from one brain to another"
A standard of measurement representing hours of academic instruction (e g , semester credit)
More than one class of securities traded together (e g , one common share and three subscription warrants)
The least whole number; one
A unit of competence is the smallest individual component of the qualification which can be accredited and awarded Each unit is made up of elements of competence
A unit is a small machine which has a particular function, often part of a larger machine. The unit plugs into any TV set
Any military element whose structure is prescribed by competent authority, such as a table of organization and equipment; specifically, part of an organization
The institution, college, school, department, or other administrative body with the responsibility for managing or coordinating all programs offered for the initial and continuing preparation of teachers and other school personnel, regardless of where these programs are administratively housed Also known as the "professional education unit "
A Unit is an Execution Environment which generally runs "client" Operators; that is, those Operators which directly interface with the user In addition, the compute, storage, network, and display capabilities of Units may be very limited, meaning that Active Proxies should be used to bootstrap into the infrastructure (using a very simple Connector Type for the purpose) Alternately, Units can be very powerful; a modern Web browser is a good example They may even have local persistent state which is not shared with a Base The real distinction here is that Units run Operators which interact with users; most other Operators generally work "within" the infrastructure
Measure of the quantity of hours in a course Usually, one (1) unit of lecture equals 1 hour per week of class time However, if the course includes one (1) unit of laboratory, then it will equal 3 hours per week of class time
The exact definition depends on the rules systems In some games, Unit is a synonym for the less-classy word, "thing " (That is, any miniature is considered to be a Unit ) In other games, Unit refers to groups of playing pieces -- for instance, a brigade of four stands might be considered a Unit
{i} specific quantity regarded as a standard; combination which acts a whole; piece; furniture; device, apparatus
College credit is measured in terms of the "unit " You earn one unit by performing three hours of class work per week for one semester, which includes work in the classroom or lab and in outside study Most lecture classes are three units, which might include three hours in class plus six hours of outside study and preparation time A full-time student carries 12 or more units per semester, a part-time student takes fewer than 12 units
any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange; "the dollar is the United States unit of currency"; "a unit of wheat is a bushel"; "change per unit volume"
Any specified or determinable amount or quantity adopted as a standard of measurement Unity; one
A unit is the basic component of study, normally completed over a period of one semester A combination of required and elective units makes up a degree "programme"
The basis for comparing a measurement with a standard reference, such as the units known as "inches" or "feet "
One lot if the actual lot size is less than twice the minimum lot size as established in accordance with the zoning of the area by the Maui county planning commission and the State of Hawaii land use commission Where the actual lot size is twice as large or larger, the lot shall be considered as containing as many units as determined by the whole number by dividing the actual area of the lot by the minimum lot size (As stated in Section 1-2 of the Rules and Regulations )
For each unit
A single thing or person
a single undivided natural thing occurring in the composition of something else; "units of nucleic acids"
The smallest piece of software that can be independently tested (i e , compiled or assembled, loaded, and tested) Usually the work of one programmer consisting of a few hundred lines of source code [5]
A unit is a group of combatants that is organized under a unit leader The unit is defined by its size (a fire team) or role (heavy weapons) Organization charts are provided later in this rulebook showing the composition of units in many modern military and police forces In the game, units perform actions together
The unit of measurement for a physical quantity; e g seconds (s), kilograms (kg), volts (V)
A standard of measurement representing hours of academic instruction (e g , semester credit, quarter credit, contact hour)
(1) A functional or business component of an agency, generally with a specified mission or support activity (2) A standard basis for quantitative measurements
A merger of two or more classes of securities into a single securities product
A measure of credit earned for course completion A unit is based on the number of hours of instruction per week required in the classroom and/or lab or in independent study A course earning three semester units will usually meet for three lecture hours a week One quarter unit is equal to 2/3 of one semester unit
If you consider something as a unit, you consider it as a single, complete thing. Agriculture was based in the past on the family as a unit
of the value of twenty shillings
a single undivided whole; "an idea is not a unit that can be moved from one brain to another" an organization regarded as part of a larger social group; "the coach said the offensive unit did a good job"; "after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit" a single undivided natural thing occurring in the composition of something else; "units of nucleic acids" an individual or group or structure or other entity regarded as a structural or functional constituent of a whole; "the reduced the number of units and installations"; "the word is a basic linguistic unit
(electricity) One kilowatt-hour (as recorded on an electricity meter)
In general, any division of a quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange In finance, the term refers to any definable segment (division, subsidiary, product line, etc ) of a company, or a measurement of sales or production according to quantity rather than dollars In securities, the term refers to any minimum quantity acceptable for trading, or one share of stock or one bond in primary or secondary distributions of securities, or more than one class of securities traded together In an underwriting, for example, a typical unit may be comprised of one or more shares of the issuer’s common stock plus a combination of warrants, preferred shares or other securities
work units
(Ticaret) The measure of a process, such as units, hours, weight, etc
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف units في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

birimler bölüğü math. the units, tens, and hundreds places
(in a large number)
sade birimler bölüğü math. the units place
(in a decimal number)