Karar bizim için olumsuzdu.
- The decision was unfavourable to us.
Kendinizi ve ailenizi televizyonun ters etkilerinden korumanın yolu, izlediğiniz programlar için daha seçici olmaktır.
- The way to protect yourself and your family from being adversely affected by television is to be more selective of the programmes you watch.
Boston Globe filme olumsuz eleştiri verdi.
- The Boston Globe gave the film an unfavorable review.
Bana olumsuz bir prognoz verildi.
- I was given an unfavorable prognosis.
The shade of a dense pine wood, is more unfavorable to the springing up of pines of the same species than of oaks within it.
The wind was right under the land, the tide unfavorable.
The fact that the bride went through the ceremony without her bridal bouquet is looked upon by many as an unfavorable omen.
et the thing she most dreaded was to offend the gypsies, by betraying her extremely unfavorable opinion of them.