two atoms of nitrogen as part of some other compound

listen to the pronunciation of two atoms of nitrogen as part of some other compound
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
two atoms of nitrogen as part of some other compound


    two atoms of ni·tro·gen as part of some oth·er com·pound

    التركية النطق

    tu ätımz ıv naytrıcın äz pärt ıv sʌm ʌdhır kımpaund


    /ˈto͞o ˈatəmz əv ˈnītrəʤən ˈaz ˈpärt əv ˈsəm ˈəᴛʜər kəmˈpound/ /ˈtuː ˈætəmz əv ˈnaɪtrəʤən ˈæz ˈpɑːrt əv ˈsʌm ˈʌðɜr kəmˈpaʊnd/