Her hafta Pazartesi ve Salı günleri piyano eğitimi, Çarşamba ve Cuma günleri dans.
- Every week I study piano on Monday and Tuesday, and dancing on Wednesday and Friday.
Mümkünse, salı günü gel.
- Come on Tuesday, if possible.
Even the best weatherman can't tell if it's going to rain or shine a week from next Tuesday. With the stars it is different. We can always tell in advance.
On the other hand, too wide a notch means you have to drill until a week from next Tuesday to get enough dust to fill the darn thing.
That diva may be gorgeous, but she's a real, well, you know, a see-you-next-Tuesday. A what? asked Jen. I cocked my head. Curious, myself. She's—pardon the expression—a cunt..
... every tuesday ...