
listen to the pronunciation of true
الإنجليزية - التركية

Hikâyesi doğru olmayabilir. - His story may not be true.

Hikâye doğru görünüyor. - The story seems true.


Hakiki uyruğumuz insanoğludur. - Our true nationality is mankind.


Söylenti gerçek olamaz. - The rumor can't be true.

Onun gerçek olduğunu söylemeye utandım. - I'm ashamed to say that it's true.

aslının aynısı

Bu hikaye kulağa acayip gelebilir ama tamamen gerçektir. - This story may sound strange, but it's absolutely true.

Onun tamamen doğru olduğunu sanmıyorum. - I don't think that's quite true.


Sadece değişenler kendilerine sadık kalırlar. - Only those who change stay true to themselves.

Bu, Fadıl Sadık'ın gerçek hikayesidir. - This is the true story of Fadil Sadiq.


Gerçek güzellik içten gelir. - True beauty comes from within.


Bunun gerçekten doğru olup olmadığına emin değilim. - I'm not sure if this is really true or not.

O doğru olabilir ama gerçekten öyle düşünmüyorum. - That could be true, but I don't really think so.

{s} hakiki, som: Is this true or imitation leather? Bu deri hakiki mi
{s} aslının aynı
{s} esaslı
hakiki sahi
tam olarak

O tam olarak doğru değil. - That's not exactly true.

Şey, bu tam olarak doğru değil. - Well, that's not quite true.

sadık kalarak
doğru olarak

Açıklamayı doğru olarak kabul ediyorum. - I accept the statement as true.

{s} asıl

Onun cinayetinden sorunlu asıl katil sensin! - The true killer responsible for her murder is you!

Tom'un asıl niyeti ne? - What are Tom's true intentions?

{s} doğru, gerçek: Is what she said true? Onun söylediği doğru mu?
{s} sahi

Bir silaha sahip olduğunuz doğru değil mi? - Isn't it true that you own a gun?

{s} safkan
true bill muhakeme lüzumu kararı
{i} hakikat

Hakikat karşısında galip gelemezsin. - You can't win against the truth.

Hakikatı bilmek istiyorum. - I want to know the truth.

come true
{i} doğruluk

Bunda doğruluk payı var. - There's some truth to this.

Doğruluk mu cesaret mi oynayalım. - Let's play truth or dare.

{i} gerçek

Söylenenlere göre, o gerçek. - By all accounts, it is truth.

Hepiniz gerçek hikayeyi biliyorsunuzdur. - All of you are familiar with the truth of the story.

true to form
(birisinden/kendisinden) beklendiği gibi
true altitude
(Askeri) hakiki irtifa
true bearing
(Askeri) hakiki kerteriz
true blue
(Argo) vatansever
true blue
(Argo) sözüne sadık
true density
(Gıda,Tıp) gerçek yoğunluk
true friend
can dostu
true heading
(Askeri) hakiki istikamet
true horizon
(Askeri) hakiki ufuk
true north
(Askeri) hakiki kuzey
true path
doğru yol
true path party
(Politika, Siyaset) doğru yol partisi
true position
(Denizbilim) hakiki mevkii
true stress
(İnşaat) gerçek gerilme
true to

Sadece değişenler kendilerine sadık kalırlar. - Only those who change stay true to themselves.

true bacteria
gerçek bakteri
true bill
mahkeme gerekliliği
true blue
true bug
gerçek virüs
true cat
gerçek kedi
true complement
gerçek tümler
true cypress
adi servi
true flycatcher
gerçek sinek yakalayıcı
true frog
gerçek kurbağa
true lobster
gerçek ıstakoz
true pelvis
küçük pelvis
true seal
gerçek damga
true statement
gerçek ifade
true sun
gerçek güneş
true to
ile bağdaşan
true to
e sadık
true to
-e uygun
true to type
beklendiği gibi hareket eden
true type
gerçeğe dayalı
true air speed
gerçek hava suratı
true anomaly
gerçek anomali, gerçek ayrıklık
true bias
doğru meyilli
true form
gerçek şekil, gerçek biçim
true or false
Doğru mu yanlış mi?

True or false?.

true or false test
Doğru ve yanlış seçeneklerinin sunulduğu test
true seals
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) The true seals, earless seals or phocid seals are öne of the three main groups of mammals within the seal suborder, Pinnipedia. All true seals are members of the family Phocidae. They are sometimes called crawling seals, to distinguish them from the für seals and sea lions of family Otariidae
true seals
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) Kulaksız foklar
true story
Olmuş bir şey, yaşanmış hikaye
true tissue
gerçek dokuma
true to
-e sadık
true to life
gerçek hayatta olduğu gibi
true age
gerçek yaş
true airspeed
(Askeri) HAKİKİ HAVA HIZI: Hava yoğunluğu (irtifa ve ısı) hatası düzeltilmiş hava hızına. eşit hız. Bak. "airspeed"
true airspeed
(Askeri) hakiki hava sürati
true airspeed
(Havacılık) gerçek hava sürati
true airspeed indicator
(Askeri) HAKİKİ HAVA HIZI GÖSTERGESİ: Uçağın çevredeki havaya göre olan hızını gösteren cihaz
true altitude
(Askeri) HAKİKİ İRTİFA: Bir uçağın, ortalama deniz seviyesinden ölçülen irtifası
true and complete copy
(Ticaret) gerçeğe uygun ve tam suret
true and fair
(Ticaret) gerçek ve tarafsız
true and lawful
doğru ve yasal
true anomaly
(Astronomi) gerçek ayrıklık
true anomaly
(Astronomi) gerçek anomali
true autosave
Gerçek Otomatik Kaydetme
true azimuth
(Askeri) hakiki istikamet açısı
true azimuth
(Askeri) HAKİKİ SEMT, HAKİKİ İSTİKAMET AÇISI: Hakiki kuzeye ve hakiki güneye göre ölçülen bir istikamet açısı
true azimuth
(Askeri) hakiki semt
true bearing
(Askeri) HAKİKİ İSTİKAMET AÇISI: Bir noktadan bir cisme doğru, gerçek kuzeyden saat istikametinde ölçülerek ifade edilen yatay açı
true beauty lies within
asıl güzellik yürektedir
true beginner
(Dilbilim) yeni başlayan
true blue
sözünün eri kimse
true blue
vefalı kimse
true blue
sadık kimse
true class limits
(Havacılık) sınıf sınırları
true cohesion
hakiki kohezyon
true coincidence
(Nükleer Bilimler) gerçek eşzamanlı
true color unit
gerçek renk birimi
true colors
true complement
gerçek tamlayıcı
true concern
içten merak
true control
(Askeri) HAKİKİ NİRENGİ ŞEBEKESİ: Hakiki koordinatları ve hakiki istikameti bilinen bir noktadan başlatılmış müşterek bir nirengi şebekesi
true control
(Askeri) hakiki nirengi şebekesi
true convergence
(Askeri) GERÇEK YAKLAŞIM AÇISI (ABD SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): Dünyanın yüzeyindeki bir meridyenin diğeri üzerine meylettiği açı. Ayrıca bakınız: "convergence"
true convergence
(Askeri) hakiki yaklaşım açısı
true convergence.
(Askeri) (NATO) HAKİKİ YAKLAŞIM AÇISI: Büyük dairede bir meridyenden diğerine değişen istikamet açısı. Ayrıca bakınız: "convergence"
true copy
aslının aynısı kopya
true copy
(Askeri) SURET: Herhangi bir askeri evrakın tam kopyası. Bir subay veya yönetmeliklerle kendisine yetki verilmiş herhangi bir şahıs, bunun doğru ve aslına uygun olduğunu tasdik eder
true course
(Askeri) hakiki pusula başı
true course
(Askeri) HAKİKİ PUSULA BAŞI: Bir uçak, tank veya aracın, hakiki kuzey-güney hattı ve hareket istikameti arasındaki yatay açı ile ifade edilen rotası
true crater
(Çevre) yer altı krateri
true declination
gerçek sapma
true diesel cycle
gerçek dizel çevrimi
true dip
gerçek eğim
true dip
gerçek dalım
true discount
(Ticaret) hakiki iskonto
true discount
(Ticaret) gerçek iskonto
true efficiency
gerçek verimlilik
true false item
(Dilbilim) doğru yanlış madde
true false item
(Dilbilim) doğru-yanlış maddesi
true fishes
(Denizbilim) gerçek balıklar
true form
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) gerçek şekil
true form
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) gerçek biçim
true friend
gerçek dost
true hearted
true hearted
true hearted
true heath
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) pamuk orkide
true heirs
yasal varisler
true horizon
(Askeri) HAKİKİ, GERÇEK UFUK: l. Bir görüş noktasından geçen yatay düzlemin sınırı. 2. Fotogrametride; bir mercek sisteminin perspektif merkezinden geçen yatay düzlemin sınırı
true lagoon feature
tam lagün özelliği
true level
ortalama deniz seviyesi
true life
true life
gerçek hayattan alınmış
true love
true love
gerçek aşk

Gerçek aşk hiç bitmez. - True love never ends.

Bu şimdiye kadar gerçek aşkı bulmadan ölen bir adam hakkındaki bir hikayedir. - It's a story about a man who dies without ever finding true love.

true negative rate
(Tıp) gerçek negatiflik hızı
true north
(Askeri) HAKİKİ, GERÇEK KUZEY: Bir gözetleme mevzi. inden coğrafi kuzey kutbuna uzanan istikamet
true origin
(Askeri) gerçek başlangıç noktası
true origin
(Askeri) HAKİKİ MEBDE, GERÇEK BAŞLANGIÇ NOKTASI: Bir meridyen ile bir paralelin coğrafi olarak kesiştiği nokta. Bu nokta, grid referanslar için esas olarak alınır
true porosity
gerçek gözeneklilik
true positive rate
(Tıp) gerçek pozitiflik hızı
true puffball
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) kurtmantarı
true reserve
(Ticaret) hakiki ihtiyat
true reserve
(Ticaret) gerçek yedek
true ruby
true skin
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) altderi
true slip
(Arkeoloji) gerçek astar
true spacing
gerçek aralık
true surface burst
(Çevre) gerçek yüzey patlaması
true thickness
gerçek kalınlık
true time
(Nükleer Bilimler) gerçek zaman
true to life
true to life
gerçek hayattaki gibi
true to size
gerçek boyutlarda
true to type
türünün özelliklerini taşıyan
true type font
True Type yazıtipleri
true type fonts
(Bilgisayar) true type yazıtipleri
true up
true up
yerine uydurmak
true value
(Bilgisayar) doğru değer
true value
hakiki kıymet
true value of a quantity
bir buyuklugun gercek degeri
(Bilgisayar) doğru,evet,açık
(Bilgisayar) doğru/yanlış
tried and true
güvenilir ve gerçek
[adv] doğru bir şekilde

Vaktin nakit olduğu gerçekten söylenilmektedir. - It is truly said that time is money.

O gerçekten üzücüdür. - It is truly regrettable.

{i} dürüstlük
kesin olarak
make a dream come true
Bir hayâli gerçekleştirmek
Tam anlamıyla
{i} sadakât
be true to
sadık kalmak
many a true word is spoken in jest
(deyim) her şakada bir gerçeklik payı vardır
most of it is true
büyük bir kısmı doğru
seek true love
gerçek aşkı aramak
to thine own self be true
(Ev ile ilgili) kandırılması en kolay kişi insanın kendisidir

Bu çözmek için hakikaten zor bir problem. - It's a truly difficult problem to resolve.

Ben gerçekten, hakikaten ona inanıyorum. - I really, truly believe that.


Sağlıklı bir merak, aslında güzel bir şeydir. - A healthy curiosity is truly a fine thing.

tam olarak

Bu çözmek için hakikaten zor bir problem. - It's a truly difficult problem to resolve.

Ben gerçekten, hakikaten ona inanıyorum. - I really, truly believe that.

doğru olarak
certified true copy
sahih suret
consider true
doğru say
in its true colours
olduğu gibi
in its true colours
negative true logic
negatif gerçek mantık
ring true
doğru gibi gelmek
ring true
inandırıcı olmak
show one's true colours
açığa vurmak
{f} daha doğru
en doğru
a true friend is always there when you need them
gerçek arkadaş, ihtiyacın olduğunda yanında olandır
assume, surmise, suppose to be true
Tahmin, saymak doğru olması gerekiyor
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The state of being in alignment

The strength and number of blows depends on how far out of true the shafts are.

To straighten

He trued the spokes of the bicycle wheel.


The true king has returned!.

To make even, level, symmetrical, or accurate, align; adjust

We spent all night truing up the report.

concurring with a given set of facts; factually correct
Accurate; following a path toward the target

this gun shoots true.


I'm sure that is the truth. - I'm sure that's true.

A state in Boolean logic that indicates an affirmative or positive result

A and B is true if and only if A is true and B is true.

Loyal, faithful

He’s turned out to be a true friend.


This is true Parmesan cheese.

{a} certain, faithful, steady, exact, genuine
Actual; not counterfeit, adulterated, or pretended; genuine; pure; real; as, true balsam; true love of country; a true Christian
reliable as a basis for action; "a true prophesy"
{s} correct; real, genuine; loyal, faithful; precise, exact; accurate; reliable, trustworthy; consistent with reality; sincere; legitimate; determined according to the earth's axis (Navigation)
accurately placed or thrown; "his aim was true"; "he was dead on target"
Task related user exit
consistent with fact or reality; not false; "the story is true"; "it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true"- B
in tune; accurate in pitch; "a true note"
Russell; "the true meaning of the statement"
Steady in adhering to friends, to promises, to a prince, or the like; unwavering; faithful; loyal; not false, fickle, or perfidious; as, a true friend; a wife true to her husband; an officer true to his charge
Well, fairly so anyway Alright, we added a bit of drama, and you're probably best to read this
If you say that something seems too good to be true, you are suspicious of it because it seems better than you had expected, and you think there may something wrong with it that you have not noticed. On the whole the celebrations were remarkably good-humoured and peaceful. Indeed, it seemed almost too good to be true
as acknowledged; "true, she is the smartest in her class
C++ keyword used to specify a value for the booltype
accurately fitted; level; "the window frame isn't quite true"
rightly so called; "true courage"; "a spirit which true men have always admired"; "a true friend"
conforming to definitive criteria; "the horseshoe crab is not a true crab"; "Pythagoras was the first true mathematician"
determined with reference to the earth's axis rather than the magnetic poles; "true north is geographic north"
n 1 The boolean value true; not false 2 Any Lisp object that is not nil [annotate]
or Natural Strain: Corresponds to the integration of the instantaneous gage length changes : = Ln (L/ L0) with the relation = Ln (e+1)
approval If you say that something such as a story or a film is true to life, you approve of it because it seems real. The opening scenes of this movie are just not true to life
If you are true to someone, you remain committed and loyal to them. If you are true to an idea or promise, you remain committed to it and continue to act according to it. David was true to his wife India has remained true to democracy She's been true to her word from day one. = faithful
concurring with a given set of facts
In accordance with truth; truly
{i} correct adjustment or position; truth, verity
as acknowledged; "true, she is the smartest in her class"
faithful, loyal
devoted (sometimes fanatically) to a cause or concept or truth; "true believers bonded together against all who disagreed with them"
No facade; a theoretical concept
Right to precision; conformable to a rule or pattern; exact; accurate; as, a true copy; a true likeness of the original
Russell; "the true meaning of the statement" conforming to definitive criteria; "the horseshoe crab is not a true crab"; "Pythagoras was the first true mathematician" as acknowledged; "true, she is the smartest in her class
If a general statement holds true in particular circumstances, or if your previous statement holds true in different circumstances, it is true or valid in those circumstances. This law is known to hold true for galaxies at a distance of at least several billion light years
If you say that a fact is true of a particular person or situation, you mean that it is valid or relevant for them. I accept that the romance may have gone out of the marriage, but surely this is true of many couples Expenditure on health in most of these countries has gone down, and the same is true for education
worthy of being depended on; "a dependable worker"; "an honest working stiff"; "a reliable source of information"; "he was true to his word"; "I would be true for there are those who trust me"
approval If you use true to describe something or someone, you approve of them because they have all the characteristics or qualities that such a person or thing typically has. Maybe one day you'll find true love The ability to work collaboratively is a true test of leadership I think he's a true genius. = real
Conformable to fact; in accordance with the actual state of things; correct; not false, erroneous, inaccurate, or the like; as, a true relation or narration; a true history; a declaration is true when it states the facts
proper alignment; the property possessed by something that is in correct or proper alignment; "out of true" make level, square, balanced, or concentric; "true up the cylinder of an engine" accurately placed or thrown; "his aim was true"; "he was dead on target" reliable as a basis for action; "a true prophesy" accurately fitted; level; "the window frame isn't quite true" devoted (sometimes fanatically) to a cause or concept or truth; "true believers bonded together against all who disagreed with them" consistent with fact or reality; not false; "the story is true"; "it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true"- B
true colours: see colour true to form: see form to ring true: see ring tried and true: see tried
really; precisely
1 Related to or measured from true north
The literal of type boolean representing a true value
Those who are loyal or faithful
not synthetic or spurious; of real or natural origin; "real mink"; "true gold"
proper alignment; the property possessed by something that is in correct or proper alignment; "out of true"
expressing or given to expressing the truth; "a true statement"; "gave truthful testimony"; "a truthful person"
Genuine; real; not deviating from the essential characters of a class; as, a lizard is a true reptile; a whale is a true, but not a typical, mammal
having a legally established claim; "the legitimate heir"; "the true and lawful king"
{f} adjust accurately, fit exactly
not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed; "genuine emotion"; "her interest in people was unfeigned"; "true grief"
make level, square, balanced, or concentric; "true up the cylinder of an engine"
If a dream, wish, or prediction comes true, it actually happens. Owning a place of their own is a dream come true for the couple
emphasis You use true to emphasize that a person or thing is sincere or genuine, often in contrast to something that is pretended or hidden. I allowed myself to acknowledge my true feelings The true cost often differs from that which had first been projected = real
1 The canonical true value, #t 2 Any object other than the unique false value, #f
If something is true, it is based on facts rather than being invented or imagined, and is accurate and reliable. Everything I had heard about him was true The film tells the true story of a group who survived in the Andes in sub-zero temperatures
(true-breeding)Term applied to plants that, when raised from seed, virtually reproduce the characteristics of the parent
One of True or False Any expression language value may be used as a boolean value for the purpose of a conditional test All values count as true in a test except for #f DSSSL uses the word "true" to refer to any value that counts as true, and the word "false" to refer to #f
any Lisp value that is not nil is said to be true Generally, whenever a non-nil value is called for, any Lisp object other than nil will suffice However, in some cases t means something different than other non-nil values
True North
At a given point, the direction in which the geographic North Pole of the earth lies
true believer
A strict follower of a religious doctrine
true believer
One who sticks to one's dogma or beliefs irrespective of the facts (see true believer syndrome)
true believer syndrome
Alternative spelling of true-believer syndrome
true blue
Patriotic for Australia; thoroughly Australian
true blue
indubitably loyal or faithful

He was a true blue supporter, and would not listen to what he supposed to be the lies of the opposition.

true bug
Any of various insects of the order Hemiptera and in particular of the suborder Heteroptera, that are wingless or have two pairs of wings, and have mouthparts adapted for piercing and sucking
true bugs
plural form of true bug
true colours
The real character, belief or intent of a person or group who present a dishonest picture of their nature to the world

The organisation was officially concerned with economic development but after the memo was leaked people began to see them in their true colours.

true density
The density of the particles that make up a powder or particulate solid, in contrast to bulk density, which measures the average density of a large volume of the powder in a specific medium (usually air)
true frog
A large group of frogs found worldwide in the Ranidae family, typically smooth and moist-skinned, with large, powerful legs and extensively webbed feet
true frogs
plural form of true frog
true leaf
Any leaves of a seed plant other than the cotyledons
true leaf
Any leaf containing vascular tissue
true love
The unique individual for whom one feels such affection
true love
The form of romantic affection that is considered pure and wholly positive, not just based on feelings of lust
true lover's knot
A particular species of moth
true lover's knot
Any of various knots (for string or the like) having some symmetry
true lover's knot
A particular knot of eight crossings
true lover's knots
plural form of true lover's knot
true loves
plural form of true love
true mixed
An event format where the teams must have two men and two women, played in alternating positions
true name
A unique name of any entity which can be used to control or manipulate that entity

They conjured a world of primitive magic in which evil spirits could not be given their true names for fear of increasing their power.

true or false
Of a question or series of questions having as answers only "true" or "false"

Teachers prefer true or false or multiple-choice tests because they can be graded so easily.

true seal
Any of the seals in the taxonomic family Phocidae; earless seal
true seals
plural form of true seal
true to life
Of a model: Having the same dimensions as the original
true-believer syndrome
A phenomenon in which witnesses to a staged event continue to believe in its authenticity even after it has been debunked
Alternative spelling of true blue
Allowing only the answers "true" or "false"

Grading the twenty-question true-false quiz took only 30 seconds per student.

Attributive form of true leaf, noun
Based on fact, real, true
a bracelet which partners both wear to show their love

As in a stupor, forging headlong forward she was overtaken in the vicinity of Valopolis by the evening voiture of Madame Mimosa, the lady's monogram, Kiki, wreathed in true-love-knots, emblazoning triply the doors and rear.

Attributive form of true name, noun
Alternative spelling of true or false
To make a wheel level, balanced or even by adjusting the spokes; to true a wheel; ideally, to make it perfectly circular in relation to the hub with no left or right bulges nor 'flat spots'
To make something true, equal, or correct
true to form
Exactly as expected; following the usual pattern. (Often with running)
true bias
(Tekstil) the diagonal edge formed when a fabric is folded so that the lengthwise and crosswise grains are aligned. True bias occurs at a 45-degree angle, and woven fabrics have the greatest amount of stretch along the true bias
True Confessions
a magazine which contains stories about people's problems in love, marriage, and relationships. The stories, which are supposed to be true, are told in a way that is intended to make them as strange, exciting, or shocking as possible
true anomaly
the angular distance of a point in an orbit past the point of periapsis measured in degrees
true believer
One who is deeply, sometimes fanatically devoted to a cause, organization, or person: "a band of true believers bonded together against all those who did not agree with them" (Theodore Draper)
true bill
A bill of indictment endorsed by a grand jury
true bill
an indictment endorsed by a grand jury
true blackberry
the true blackberry of Europe as well as any of numerous varieties having sweet edible black or dark purple berries
true blue
true, devoted, loyal; conservative
true bug
A wingless or four-winged insect of the order Hemiptera, especially of the suborder Heteroptera, including the bedbug, louse, and chinch bug, having mouthparts adapted for piercing and sucking
true bug
any of various insects of the order Hemiptera and especially of the suborder Heteroptera
true color image
image that displays color as they appear in real life
true colors
appropriate colors; absolute identity
true copy
confirmation on a copy indicating that it is authentic, duplicate which is identical to the original
true frog
insectivorous usually semiaquatic web-footed amphibian with smooth moist skin and long hind legs
true fungus
any of numerous fungi of the division Eumycota
true heirs
legal inheritors
true laurel
small Mediterranean evergreen tree with small blackish berries and glossy aromatic leaves used for flavoring in cooking; also used by ancient Greeks to crown victors
true lobster
large edible marine crustaceans having large pincers on the first pair of legs
true love
the person that you love
true love
unconditional love, love which is independent of all circumstances
true mahogany
mahogany tree of West Indies
true marmoset
a marmoset
true north
north as it appears on maps, calculated as a line through the centre of the earth rather than by using the magnetic pole
true peace
permanent and stable peace, completely peaceful relations
true pepper
any of various shrubby vines of the genus Piper
true picture of reality
view of the actual situation, objective representation of the situation
true rib
Any of the ribs that are attached to the sternum by a costal cartilage, especially any of the seven upper ribs on either side of the thorax in humans
true rib
one of the first seven ribs in a human being which attach to the sternum
true sago palm
Malaysian palm whose pithy trunk yields sago--a starch used as a food thickener and fabric stiffener; Malaya to Fiji
true sea atmosphere
true air of the sea, genuine seaside ambience
true slime mold
a slime mold of the class Myxomycetes
true story
real-life story, story of events that really happened
true to
sexually faithful; "she was true to her significant other"
true to himself
honest to himself, does not deceive himself
true to life
loyal to life, genuine
true to life
representing things or actions or conditions as they actually are; "the novel about ghetto life was true to life"; "true-to-life duck decoys"
true to type
true to form, faithful to character
true to(p)
sexually faithful; "she was true to her significant other
true toad
tailless amphibian similar to a frog but more terrestrial and having drier warty skin
true type
True Type fonts are the fonts that are used in the Windows operating systems If you install the Brother True Type Fonts, more types of fonts will be available for Windows applications
true type
A type of font invented by Apple and shared with MicroSoft It specifies outlines with 2 degree bezier curves, contains inovative hinting controls, and an expandable series of tables for containing whatever additional information is deemed imported to the font Apple and Adobe/MicroSoft have expanded these tables in different ways, although attempting to achieve the same effect
true type
A registered trademark for an outline font format with built-in screen and printer fonts, it frequently causes output problems, and is not recommended
true type
Apple and Microsoft's outline font format designed to be used with the Mac System 7 operating system and Microsoft Windows 3 x and later versions
true up
true: make level, square, balanced, or concentric; "true up the cylinder of an engine"
true vocal cord
either of the two lower vocal folds that come together to form the glottis; produce a vocal tone when they are approximated and air from the lungs passes between them
determined with reference to the earth's axis rather than the magnetic poles; "true north is geographic north"
having a legally established claim; "the legitimate heir"; "the true and lawful king"
rightly so called; "true courage"; "a spirit which true men have always admired"; "a true friend
A true-blue supporter of something is someone who is very loyal and reliable
If you describe someone as true-blue, you mean that they are right-wing in their ideas and opinions. Her husband is a true blue Tory
marked by unswerving loyalty; "a true-blue American"; "a reliable true-blue country club conservative
offering a series of statements each of which is to be judged as true or false; "a true-false test
faithful = loyal
based on real facts and not invented
representing things or actions or conditions as they actually are; "the novel about ghetto life was true to life"; "true-to-life duck decoys"
representing things or actions or conditions as they actually are; "the novel about ghetto life was true to life"; "true-to-life duck decoys
tried and true
Well-established and tested; known to work or succeed based on extensive experience

He liked to stick to tried and true methods in his garden.

tried and true
Having proved effective or reliable before
tried and true
tested and proved to be reliable
came true
Simple past of come true
come true
To become real: to become true or existent

Many of their predictions came true, but of course, many did not.

come true
To breed true; to maintain identity of salient characteristics through propagation processes
comes true
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of come true
coming true
Present participle of come true
dream come true
Something which has long been desired or hoped for and which has finally happened
held true
Simple past tense and past participle of hold true
hold true
to be true, valid or applicable
hold true
to remain true, valid or applicable; to apply

However the case may be with societies under widely different conditions of development, the law of mass and individuality holds true of the social facts known to us.

holds true
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hold true
in true
Properly aligned; in alignment
out of true
Not properly aligned; out of alignment
ring true
To seem to be correct, or plausible

His excuse about his daughter being ill again rings true, to me.

show one's true colors
To reveal how one really is, as opposed to how one has been portrayed
the course of true love never did run smooth
There will always be problems in a relationship
three true outcomes
The three results of a plate appearance that do not involve the fielders: home runs, walks, and strikeouts
throw true
to inherit a characteristic
to thine own self be true
The easiest person to deceive is oneself

Thou canst not then be false to any man.'' -William Shakespeare.

The alignment (and cutting) of a wheel (especially a grinding wheel) such that its surface is concentric with its axis
honestly, truthfully, in fact, indeed, really

Truly, that is all I know.


You are truly silly.

many a true word is spoken in jest
(deyim) a humorous remark not intended to be taken seriously may turn out to be accurate after all
to thine own self be true
(Ev ile ilgili) Be yourself; be true to yourself; do not engage in self-deception. From a monologue delivered by the character Polonius in Act I Scene III of Hamlet by William Shakespeare
{n} honesty, faithfulness, sincerity
{a} really, certainly, indeed, exactly, even
the true
conformity to reality or actuality; "they debated the truth of the proposition"; "the situation brought home to us the blunt truth of the military threat"; "he was famous for the truth of his portraits"; "he turned to religion in his search for eternal verities"
exactness of adjustment; "I marveled at the trueness of his aim
{i} factuality, genuineness, exactness; faithfulness, loyalty
exactness of adjustment; "I marveled at the trueness of his aim"
The quality of being true; reality; genuineness; faithfulness; sincerity; exactness; truth
The characteristic of being true
Comparative form of true
superlative of true
emphasis You use truly to emphasize that something has all the features or qualities of a particular thing, or is the case to the fullest possible extent. a truly democratic system Not all doctors truly understand the reproductive cycle
with sincerity; without pretense; "she praised him sincerely for his victory"; "was unfeignedly glad to see his old teacher"; "we are truly sorry for the inconvenience"
emphasis You can use truly in order to emphasize your description of something. a truly splendid man They were truly appalling
in fact (used as intensifiers or sentence modifiers); "in truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire"; "really, you shouldn't have done it"; "a truly awful book"
honestly, truthfully
really, truthfully, genuinely
in accordance with truth or fact or reality; "she was now truly American"; "a genuinely open society"; "they don't really listen to us"
by right; "baseball rightfully is the nation's pastime"
Exactly; justly; precisely; accurately; as, to estimate truly the weight of evidence
in actuality, really
You can say yours truly as a way of referring to yourself. Yours truly was awoken by a shout: `Ahoy there!'
well and truly: see well
In a true manner; according to truth; in agreement with fact; as, to state things truly; the facts are truly represented
You write Yours truly at the end of a formal letter to someone you do not know very well. You write your signature after the words `Yours truly'. Yours truly, Phil Turner
In fact; in deed; in reality; in truth
in accordance with truth or fact or reality; "she was now truly American"; "a genuinely open society"; "they don't really listen to us
emphasis You use truly to emphasize that feelings are genuine and sincere. Believe me, Susan, I am truly sorry
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