
listen to the pronunciation of transport
الإنجليزية - التركية

Bu yer toplu taşıma için uygun değildir. - This place isn't convenient to public transportation.

Toplu taşıma sistemi saat gibi çalışır. - The public transportation system runs like clockwork.


Bu cadde tehlikeli eşya nakilleri için kapalı. - This street is closed for transports of dangerous goods.


Onların meyve taşımak için kullandıkları sepetler kamış şeritlerinden yapılır. - The baskets they use to transport fruit are made with strips of cane.

Hırsızlar, devasa altın madalyonu yakındaki Monbijou Park'a taşımak için bir el arabası kullandılar. - The thieves used a wheelbarrow to transport the giant gold coin to nearby Monbijou Park.

(Tıp) Taşınma, bir yerden diğer yere geçme iletilme

Modern iletişim ve ulaşım sistemleri sayesinde dünya küçülüyor. - Because of modern communication and transportation systems, the world is getting smaller.

Kar, ülkenin yüksek yerlerinde ulaşımı engelledi. - Snow prevented the transport in high places of the country.

(İnşaat) taşınım
(Ticaret) taşıma aracı

Toplu taşıma aracı ile oraya gitmek can sıkıcı. - It's a pain in the neck to get there by public transportation.

(Bilgisayar) taşıyıcı
(Ticaret) ulaştırmak
(Bilgisayar) aktarım
{f} naklet

Sami mobilyalarını Kahire'ye nakletti. - Sami transported his furniture to Cairo.


Taşımacılık araçlarımız yok. - We have no means of transportation.

Bir tayfun kuvvetli rüzgarlarla ve toplu taşıma araçlarını durduran şiddetli yağmurlarla çarşamba günü Tokyo'yu vurdu. - A typhoon hit Tokyo on Wednesday with strong winds and heavy rains stopping public transportation.


Taşımacılık araçlarımız yok. - We have no means of transportation.

sürgüne göndermek
askeri vasıta
{i} ask. nakliye gemisi
{i} nakliye aracı
Ministry of Transport Ulaştırma Bakanlığı
{f} heyecanlandırmak
{i} taşıma, nakliye; taşınma, nakledilme: public transport toplu taşıma
(Askeri) NAKLİYE GEMİSİ: Birlikleri, ikmal maddelerini ve malzemeyi taşımada kullanılan gemi
{i} sürgün
{i} çoğ. kuvvetli bir
{i} coşma
taşı,v.naklet: n.nakil
{i} kendinden geçme
{i} taşkınlık
sürgün olmuş kimse
{f} coşturmak
{f} (bir yerden) (başka bir yere) götürmek, taşımak, nakletmek
{f} başını döndürmek
yerden yere götürme
nakliye yapmak
(Askeri) nakliye gemisi
(Hukuk) ulaştırma

Bisikletler egzersiz sağlayan ve kirliliği yaymayan bir ulaştırma şeklidir. - Bicycles are a form of transportation that provides exercise and does not emit pollution.

Bir araba, bir bisiklet, bir uçak, bir tekne ve bir tren tümü ulaştırma araçlarıdır. - A car, a bicycle, an airplane, a boat, and a train are all means of transportation.


Modern iletişim ve ulaşım sistemleri sayesinde dünya küçülüyor. - Because of modern communication and transportation systems, the world is getting smaller.

Boston'a geri dönmemiz için ulaşımı düzenledim. - I've arranged transportation for us back to Boston.


Toplu taşıma sistemi saat gibi çalışır. - The public transportation system runs like clockwork.

Bu yer, toplu taşıma araçları için uygun değildir. - This place isn't convenient for public transportation.

{i} taşımacılık

Taşımacılık araçlarımız yok. - We have no means of transportation.

transport business
transport by
transport by ferry
feribotla taşımak
transport capacity
(Askeri) taşıma kapasitesi
transport lag
taşınım gecikmesi
transport planning
(Politika, Siyaset) ulaşım planlaması
transport policy
(Politika, Siyaset) ulaşım politikası
transport policy
(Politika, Siyaset) taşımacılık politikası
transport sector
(Politika, Siyaset) taşımacılık sektörü
transport services
(Askeri) ulaştırma hizmetleri
transport vehicle
(Askeri) taşıma aracı
transport by
transport by airmail
havayoluyla taşı
transport by barge
mavnayla taşı
transport by ferry
feribotla taşı
transport by pipeline
boru hattıyla taşı
transport documents
taşıma belgeleri
transport documents
nakliye vesaiki
transport expenses
nakliye masrafı
transport ship
nakil gemisi
Transport research
Ulaşım Araştırmaları
transport cost
taşıma maliyeti
transport date
taşıma tarih
transport documents
nakliye vesaiki, taşıma belgeleri
transport geography
ulaştırma coğrafyası
transport infrastructure needs assessment
ulaştırma altyapı ihtiyaç analizi/değerlendirmesi
transport mean free path
taşıma ortalama serbest yolu
transport network
Ulaşım ağı
transport protocol
taşıma protokolü
transport statistics
nakliye istatistikleri
transport supervisor
ulaşım danışmanı
transport theory
taşıma teorisi
transport agent
(Ticaret) nakliye acentesi
transport aircraft
(Askeri) NAKLİYE UÇAĞI: Esas olarak personel ve/veya yük nakli için tasarlanmış uçak. Aşağıda görüleceği üzere, nakliye uçakları menzillerine göre sınıflandırılabilir
transport airplane
(Askeri) NAKLİYE UÇAĞI, HAVA NAKLİYE ARACI: Bak. "transport aircraft"
transport and communication
transport area
(Askeri) NAKLİYE GEMİLERİ DEMİR YERİ: Amfibi harekatta askerlerin ve teçhizatın boşaltılması amacıyla bir nakliye teşkilatına verilen bölge. Ayrıca bakınız: "Inner transport area", "outer transport area"
transport block
taşıma bloğu
transport bracket
taşıma braketi
transport by barge
(Askeri) mavnayla taşımak
transport capacity
(Askeri) (NATO) TAŞIMA KAPASİTESİ (NATO): Belirli koşullar altında nakliye vasıtaları tarafından taşınabilecek kişi ile yük ağırlığı veya hacmidir
transport capacity
(Askeri) (IADB) TAŞIMA KAPASİTESİ (AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): Bir aracın kapasitesi; bir araç tarafından belirli şartlar altında taşınabilecek personel miktarı, teçhizat tonajı (veya hacmi) ile ifade edilir
transport container
(Nükleer Bilimler) taşıma kabı
transport control center
(Askeri) (AIR TRANSPORT) ULAŞTIRMA KONTROL MERKEZİ (HAVA ULAŞTIRMASI): Hava ulaştırma kuvveti komutanının, hava ulaştırma sistemi üzerinde kontrol icra etmesine vasıta olan harekat merkezi
transport cost
(Ticaret) ulaştırma maliyetleri
transport costs
(Ticaret) taşıma giderleri
transport cross section
(Nükleer Bilimler) transport tesir kesiti
transport damage
(Ticaret) nakliye hasarı
transport division
(Askeri) NAKLİYE GEMİLERİ KISMI: Bir alay muharebe timinin personeli, ikmal maddeleri ve teçhizatını taşıyan taarruz nakliye gemileri, (attack transport) ve hücum yük gemileri (attack cargo ships)
transport division
(Askeri) nakliye gemileri kısmı
transport driver interface
(TDI) Taşıma Sürücüsü Ara Birimi
transport fork
nakliye çatalı
transport group
(Askeri) nakliye gemileri grubu
transport group
(Askeri) (AMPHIBIOUS) NAKLİYE GEMİLERİ GRUBU (AMFİBİ): Bir amfibi görev kuvvetinin esas itibariyle, ulaştırma gemilerinden müteşekkil bir ast bölümü
transport hdlp
(Bilgisayar) aktarım hdlp'si
transport index
(Nükleer Bilimler) taşıma indeksi,taşıma indisi
transport lag
tasinim gecikmesi
transport layer
Taşıma Katmanı
transport layer
(OSI) iletim katmanı
transport lock
taşıma kilidi
transport mean free path
(Nükleer Bilimler) transport ortalama serbest yolu
transport modes
(Politika, Siyaset) taşımacılık modları
transport name
(Bilgisayar) aktarma adı
transport network
(Askeri) ULAŞTIRMA ŞEBEKESİ: Belirli bir bölgede mevcut bütün taşıt araçlarına ait yolların hepsi. Ulaştırma vasıtalarından her birine ait şebekenin bir araya toplanmasıyla meydana gelir
transport network
(Askeri) ulaştırma şebekesi
transport number
(Kimya) taşıma sayısı
transport officer
(Askeri) ulaştırma subayı
transport officer
(Askeri) MOTOR SUBAYI: Bak. "motor officer"
transport package
nakilye ambalajı
transport plane
(isim)kliye uçağı
transport plane
nakliye uçağı
transport policy
(Avrupa Birliği) ulaştırma politikası
transport quarter master
(Askeri) BİNDİRME SUBAYI: Bak. "embarkation officer". -TRANSPORT SERVICES
transport ship
yük gemisi
transport squadron
(Askeri) nakliye gemileri birliği
transport squadron
(Askeri) NAKLİYE GEMİLERİ BİRLİĞİ: Takviyeli bir piyade tümenini taşımak üzere iki veya daha çok nakliye gemileri kısmından teşkil edilen filo
transport stream
(Askeri) ULAŞTIRMA ARAÇLARI AKIMI: Kol düzeninde hareket eden ulaştırma araçları
transport stream
(Askeri) ulaştırma araçları akımı
transport support
taşıma desteği
transport system
(Biyokimya) taşınım dizgesi
transport system
(Denizbilim) taşınım dizgisi
transport theory
(Nükleer Bilimler) transport kuramı
transport theory
iletme teorisi
transport tray
taşıma tepsisi
transport type
(Bilgisayar) aktarım türü
transport unit
(Politika, Siyaset) taşıma birimi
transport users
(Askeri) ULAŞTIRMA HİZMETLERİNDEN FAYDALANANLAR: Kara Kuvvetleri personel, birlik, büro ve tesisleri. Deniz ve Hava Kuvvetleri, Müttefik Kuvvetler, diğer hükümet makamları ve sivil makamlar personeli birlik ve büroları da, nakil ihtiyaçlarının karşılanmasından Kara Ordusu sorumlu olduğu zaman, bu kategoriye girerler
transport vehicle
(Askeri) TAŞIMA ARACI, ULAŞTIRMA ARACI: Şasesinde değişiklik yapılmadan personel ve eşya naklinde genel taşıma hizmeti görmek üzere kullanılan ve bu maksatla imal edilmiş bir motorlu araç. Ayrıca bakınız: "vehicle"
transport vessel
nakil gemisi
transport vessel
yük gemisi
transport wagon
(Askeri) top nakil aracı
transport wagon
(Askeri) TOP NAKİL ARACI: Mevziler arasında ağır sahra toplarını bir mevziden diğer mevzie taşıyan araç
transport worker
nakliye işçileri
troop transport
(Askeri) kıta nakliye gemisi
troop transport
(Askeri) KITA NAKLİYE GEMİSİ: Bak. "troopship"
{i} nakliye aracı
(Gıda,Kimya) taşınım
combined transport
(Askeri,Ticaret) birleşik taşıma
combined transport
(Ticaret) birleşik nakliye
inland waterway transport
iç sularda ulaşım
marine transport
deniz nakliyatı
means of transport
ulaşım imkanları
means of transport
(Ticaret) nakil aracı
means of transport
(Askeri) ulaştırma vasıtaları
means of transport
means of transport
bazı ulaşım araçları
supersonic transport
süpersonik taşımacılık
ulaşım yolları
(Bilgisayar) aktarım
active transport
aktif taşıma
air transport
tenek ulaşımı
air transport
tenek taşıtı
means of transport
ulaşım araçları
sürgüne gönderme
nakliye ücreti
(Askeri) ULAŞTIRMA: Personel ve malzemenin, bir yerden başka bir yere taşınması
sürgünlük cezası
nakil vasıtası bileti
The European Conference of Ministers of Transport
Ulaştırma Bakanları Avrupa Konferansı
authorization to transport
yetki taşıması
ballistic transport
Saçılmalara bağlı elektriksel direnci ihmal edilebilir bir ortamda elektron geçişi
combined transport
birleşik nakliye, birleşik taşıma
combined transport document
birleşik nakliye belgesi
convenient public transport
elverişli toplu taşıma
electron transport chain
(Biyoloji) (Hücre) Solunum dizisi, elektron/eksicik taşınım dizisi
inland transport
ülke içi taşımacılık, ülke içi ulaştırma
interim transport
ara nakliye
light rail transport
(Seyahat) Hafif raylı taşıma
light rail transport system
(Seyahat) Hafif raylı taşıma sistemi
minister of transport
Ulaştırma bakanı
ministry of transport
ulaştırma bakanlığı
public transport
(Tarih) Toplu taşıma
rail transport system
(Seyahat) Taşıma sistemi
tape transport
şerit aktarıcı, şerit dondurucu
tape transport mechanism
şerit aktarma mekanizması
through transport
doğrudan nakliye
yerden yere taşıma
voice transport
ses taşıma
International Air Transport Association
(Askeri) Uluslar Arası Hava Taşımacılığı Derneği
Marine aerial refueler and transport squadron
(Askeri) Deniz hava yakıt ve ulaştırma fibi
aeolonian transport
yel taşıması
aeolonian transport
rüzgâr taşıması
air transport
(Avrupa Birliği) hava taşımacılığı
air transport
(Askeri) HAVA ULAŞTIRMASI: Bak. "air transportation"
air transport allocation board
(Askeri) HAVA ULAŞTIRMA TAHSİS KURULU: Hava nakliyesi öncelikleri tespitinden ve alana tahsis edilmiş mevcut uçak kapasitelerindeki yer tahsisinden sorumlu olan alan içindeki müşterek teşkilat. Ayrıca bakınız: "air priorities committee"
air transport command
air transport liaison officer
(Askeri) HAVA ULAŞTIRMA İRTİBAT SUBAYI: Hava ulaştırma irtibat göreviyle bir karargah veya birlik emrine verilmiş bir subay. Ayrıca bakınız: "ground liaison officer"
air transport liaison section
(Askeri) (ARM) HAVA ULAŞTIRMA İRTİBAT KISMI (BÖLÜMÜ): Hava sahalarına intikal ettirilmiş ve hava sahasında havadan intikal harekatları ve tatbikatlarıyla bağlantılı sınıf hareketinin kontrolundan sorumlu olan hareket kontrol teşkilatının bir ast birliğidir
air transport operations
(Askeri) HAVA ULAŞTIRMA HAREKATI: bkz: "strategic air transport operations; tactical air transport operations"
التركية - التركية
(Hukuk) Taşıma
Bir yerden başka bir yere taşıma, iletme, nakil
Taşıma, iletme, nakil
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To change the location or place of
To move (someone) to strong emotion; to carry away
A tractor-trailer
A vehicle used to transport (passengers, mail, freight, troops etc.)
A deported convict
A device that moves recording tape across the read/write heads of a tape recorder or video recorder etc
An act of transporting; conveyance
The state of being transported by emotion; rapture
To deport to a penal colony
The system of transporting passengers etc in a particular region; the vehicles used in such a system
{v} to banish, to ravish with pleasure, carry or convey
{n} a criminal banished, ecstacy, rapture, delight, ship to carry soldiers in, carriage
send from one person or place to another; "transmit a message"
One of three distinct processes involved in erosion It is the movement of eroded material in the medium of air, water or ice
a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion; "listening to sweet music in a perfect rapture"- Charles Dickens
hold spellbound
Any of the functions carried out by protocols in the Network or Transport Layers
the commercial enterprise of transporting goods and materials
Transport is a system for taking people or goods from one place to another, for example using buses or trains. The extra money could be spent on improving public transport
circulation of movement of materials
an exchange of molecules (and their kinetic energy and momentum) across the boundary between adjacent layers of a fluid or across cell membranes move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body; "You must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"; "This train is carrying nuclear waste"; "These pipes carry waste water into the river"
Transportation; carriage; conveyance
determines which the program on the host will receive the packet; may also handle congestion control, reliability, etc ; e g TCP or UDP
Responsible for end-to-end delivery of the entire message
Transport refers to any vehicle that you can travel in or carry goods in. Have you got your own transport?
move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body; "You must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"; "This train is carrying nuclear waste"; "These pipes carry waste water into the river"
A vessel intended for the carriage of troops, equipment, ordnance, military or naval stores, etc The carriage aboard ship of passengers or merchandise
To transport people or goods somewhere is to take them from one place to another in a vehicle. There's no petrol, so it's very difficult to transport goods They use tankers to transport the oil to Los Angeles
transportation of racecar to and from selected event
Vehicles contribute to climate change, air quality & energy efficiency
To carry, or cause to be carried, into banishment, as a criminal; to banish
The method by which the paper is moved past the digitizing scanner Affects speed of throughput and types of paper
To carry or bear from one place to another; to remove; to convey; as, to transport goods; to transport troops
something that serves as a means of transportation
(n ) The means by which an object is passed from one process to another
move something or somebody around; usually over long distances
The act of transporting; conveyance
Transport is the activity of taking goods or people from one place to another in a vehicle. Local production virtually eliminates transport costs
A term describing an agreement between a fiber provider and their customer to provide backbone fiber for a fee
If you say that you are transported to another place or time, you mean that something causes you to feel that you are living in the other place or at the other time. Dr Drummond felt that he had been transported into a world that rivalled the Arabian Nights This delightful musical comedy transports the audience to the innocent days of 1950s America. In biochemistry, the movement of molecules and particles across a cell membrane, a selective barrier that allows some substances (fat-soluble molecules and some small molecules) to pass and blocks others (ions and large, water-soluble molecules). Transport of these vital substances occurs via several systems. Open channels allow diffusion (passive transport) of ions directly into cells; facilitators use a chemical change to help substances diffuse past the membrane; "pumps" force dilute substances through even when their concentration on the other side is higher (a form of active transport). Primary active transport is powered directly by energy released in cell metabolism (see ATP, adenosine triphosphate). In secondary active transport, a molecule is linked to a different molecule that carries it across the membrane (cotransport) or is exchanged for a different molecule crossing in the other direction (countertransport). The membrane itself opens and closes to let larger particles in or out
{f} convey, carry, bear, transfer; deport
v 1 To carry from one place to another [to transport goods by train or plane ] n 1 The act of carrying from one place to another 2 A ship, train, airplane, etc Used for transporting freight, soldiers, etc
Intercity Transport
A convict transported, or sentenced to exile
an exchange of molecules (and their kinetic energy and momentum) across the boundary between adjacent layers of a fluid or across cell membranes
transport commercially move something or somebody around; usually over long distances
This layer provides transparent transfer of data between end systems, or hosts, and is responsible for end-to-end error recovery and flow control It ensures complete data transfer
v to move
To carry away with vehement emotion, as joy, sorrow, complacency, anger, etc
to ravish with pleasure or ecstasy; as, music transports the soul
transport commercially
Vehement emotion; passion; ecstasy; rapture
is the amount of water flowing per unit time Transport values are either given as a volume transport, UA, where U is the average velocity perpendicular to the plane with surface area A Its units are m^3/s Since most ocean currents involve volume transports of millions to hundred millions m^3/s of water, physical oceanographers use units of Sverdrup, 1 Sv = 1,000,000 m^3/s Mass transport is calculated as mdUA, where md is the mean density and has units of kg^3/s The Florida Current is bounded by the Florida Coast to its west and the Bahama Islands to its east If you were to measure all the water flowing between Miami, FL and the Bahamas, from top to bottom, the mean volume transport would probably be around 30 Sv That is, on the average, 30,000,000 m^3 of water is flowing, every second, between Miami and the Bahamas
the moving of eroded rock or soil particles
A component of the WASP server that is responsible for transferring messages to a web service using particular transport protocol
Français : Transport Deutsch : Transport, Verkehr
Any mechanism in physics by which particles or regions of fluid move around, or a mathematical model of such a mechanism such as a PDE
A vessel employed for transporting, especially for carrying soldiers, warlike stores, or provisions, from one place to another, or to convey convicts to their destination; called also transport ship, transport vessel
a mechanism that transport magnetic tape across the read/write heads of a tape playback/recorder
virtually all University accommodation is within 10 to 15 minutes’ walk of the George Square and Holyrood campuses, and within 25 minutes’ walk of the King’s Buildings There is a comprehensive and flexible municipal bus network operating in the University areas, as well as the rest of the city Cycling is a very viable option There are special bus and cycle lanes in use on most major streets
The act of emissions from one source being carried by wind to other locations
It is a request to transport objects from the software development environment, identified as the source system, to the specified target system
{i} act of transporting, conveyance; means of transporting (truck, ship, etc.)
System for conveyance of information
transport café
A roadside eating establishment used especially by lorry-drivers; a truck stop
transport interchange
an interchange facility with different modes of transport
transport ship
A ship that is used to transport military personnel; a troop ship
transport stage
In rallying, an untimed section of the event where cars are driven at relatively low speed, usually on public roads, to the next racing stage
transport network
A transport network, or transportation network, is typically a network roads, streets, pipes, aqueducts, power lines, or nearly any structure which permits either vehicular movement or flow of some commodity
Transport and General Workers' Union
the full name of the TGWU. British labour union. The Dockers' Union (founded 1889) took the lead in the merger of 14 unions to form the TGWU in 1922. The union grew rapidly under the leadership of Ernest Bevin (1922-40). As a general union it was able to enroll workers excluded by the craft unions, and its membership included workers engaged in transportation industries (except the railroads) as well as in the automotive, construction, chemical, and textile industries. It exerted a strong influence on British labour policy and was the largest British union during much of the 20th century, reaching a peak of more than two million members in the 1970s, though its membership declined thereafter. See also Labour Party; Trades Union Congress
transport base
base for the military unit responsible for transportation for the Israeli army
transport cafe
a cheap restaurant beside a main road, used mainly by truck drivers
transport date
date on which merchandise or something which is being mailed is sent on its way
transport plane
a plane that is used especially for carrying military equipment or soldiers
transport plane
airplane for carrying goods from one place to another
transport services
public service for locomotion and transportation
transport ship
a ship used especially for carrying soldiers
transport ship
a ship for carrying soldiers or military equipment
means of transport
mode of transport
public transport
Any form of transport that can be used by a member of public (for a fee); as opposed to private ownership of e.g. cars
rail transport
The transport of passengers and goods by means of wheeled vehicles specially designed to run along railways or railroads
Capable of being transported; easily moved
A means of conveyance

Nice transportation, dude, but your brake lights are busted.

Deportation to a penal colony

Mulligan's sentence was commuted from death to transportation.

{a} that may be transported
{n} banishment, carriage, fury, rage
Airline Transport Pilot Licence
(Havacılık) The Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL or ATP) is the highest level of aircraft pilot certification. Those certified as Airline Transport Pilots are authorized to act as pilot-in-command of an aircraft in air carrier service
ballistic transport
In solid state physics, the term ballistic transport refers to the transport of electrons in a medium where the electrical resistivity due to the scattering, by the atoms, molecules or impurities in the medium itself, is negligible or absent. In general the resistivity exists because an electron, while moving inside a medium, is scattered by impurities, defects, or by the atoms/molecules composing the medium that simply oscillate around their equilibrium position (in a solid), or generically by any freely moving atom/molecule composing the medium, in a gas or liquid
electron transport chain
(Biyoloji) The sequential transfer of electrons especially by cytochromes in cellular respiration from an oxidizable substrate to molecular oxygen by a series of oxidation-reduction reactions
electron transport chain
(Biyoloji) An electron transport chain associates electron carriers and mediating biochemical reactions that produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the energy currency of life. Only two sources of energy are available to living organisms: oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions and sunlight (used for photosynthesis). Organisms that use redox reactions to produce ATP are called chemotrophs. Organisms that use sunlight are called phototrophs. Both chemotrophs and phototrophs utilize electron transport chains to convert energy into ATP
facilitated transport
Facilitated diffusion (also known as facilitated transport or passive-mediated transport) is a process of passive transport (as opposed to active transport), with this passive transport aided by integral membrane proteins. Facilitated diffusion is the spontaneous passage of molecules or ions across a biological membrane passing through specific transmembrane integral proteins. The facilitated diffusion may occur either across biological membranes or through aqueous compartments of an organism
passive-mediated transport
Facilitated diffusion (also known as facilitated transport or passive-mediated transport) is a process of passive transport (as opposed to active transport), with this passive transport aided by integral membrane proteins. Facilitated diffusion is the spontaneous passage of molecules or ions across a biological membrane passing through specific transmembrane integral proteins. The facilitated diffusion may occur either across biological membranes or through aqueous compartments of an organism
Department of Transport
a British government department that deals with transport in the UK, for example by making laws about road vehicles and planes, and by building and repairing roads. In the US there is a similar department called the Department of Transportation
International Air Transport Association
{i} international organization which monitors and regulates many aspects of the airline industry including safety standards and industry cooperation, IATA
Local Access and Transport Area
geographical area comprised on one or more local telephone exchanges and used for administration of telephone services, LATA (Telecommunications)
Ministry of Transport
government office responsible for developing and maintaining a national and international transport system (on land, air and sea)
NetBEUI transport
protocol for data transfer on a local area network in a Windows 95 environment
Simple Mail Transport Protocol
protocol used for transferring electronic mail on the Internet
Yamato Transport Co., Ltd.
{i} Japanese company engaged in domestice and international door-to-door parcel delivery business, domestic and international moving company
active transport
The movement of a chemical substance through a gradient of concentration or electrical potential in the direction opposite to normal diffusion, requiring the expenditure of energy: active transport across a cell membrane
active transport
{i} (Chemistry, Biochemistry) molecular movement, transport of ions or nutrients or other molecules across cell membranes from low to high concentrations that necessitates consumption of energy
active transport
The transport, requireing energy, of a molecule across a membrane against a concentration gradient
active transport
the movement of a substance into or out of a cell using energy, usually against to a concentration gradient
active transport
An energy expending mechanism by which a cell moves a chemical across the cell membrane from a point of lower concentration to a point of higher concentration, against the diffusion (concentration) gradient
active transport
use of energy to move a substance against a concentration gradient
active transport
transport of a substance (as a protein or drug) across a cell membrane against the concentration gradient; requires an expenditure of energy
active transport
is the movement of a substance across a biological membrane with the help of energy input (ATP) and specific transport proteins
active transport
An energy-expending mechanism by which a cell moves a chemical across the cell membrane from a point of lower concentration to a point of higher concentration, against the diffusion gradient
air transport
conveyance by aircraft
certificate of transport
packing list that includes a description of goods and their price
electron transport
The successive passage of electrons from one cytochrome or flavoprotein to another by a series of oxidation-reduction reactions during the aerobic production of ATP, with the electrons originating from an oxidizable substrate and ultimately being passed to molecular oxygen. The oxidation-reduction reactions generate the energy required for the production of ATP
electronic data interchange for administration, commerce, transport
(Ticaret) (EDIFACT) United Nations-sponsored syntax rules for EDI message exchange
freight transport
moving of goods from one place to another (by train, truck, ship, etc.)
land transport
moving of equipment or people over dry land
maritime transport
transportation over the sea
means of transport
method of traveling from place to place (i.e. car, bus, etc.)
passive transport
The movement of a chemical substance across a cell membrane without expenditure of energy by the cell, as in diffusion
passive transport
transport of a substance across a cell membrane by diffusion; expenditure of energy is not required
public transport
public transpor'tation buses, trains etc that are available for everyone to use
public transport
conveyance for passengers or mail or freight
public transport
mass transit, transportation system
supersonic transport
A large transport airplane engineered to operate at supersonic speeds
supply and transport officer
staff officer in charge of logistics matters
The convenience at which passengers, freight or information can be moved It refers to transport costs, but also to the attributes of the what is being transported (fragility, perishable, price) Some institutional factors can also influence transportability such as laws, borders and tariffs If transportability was optimal, the spatial division of labor and production would be absolute at the global scale Some goods, such as semiconductors, are almost reaching this condition since they have a high value to weight ratio
The inherent capability of materiel to be moved with available and projected transportation assets to meet schedules established in mobility plans, and the impact of system equipment and support items on the strategic mobility of operating military forces
{i} ability to be transported
A signed document can be transported (over an insecure network) to another system, while maintaining the integrity of the document Part of digital signature on the matrix
A powder coating's ability to be moved in the air stream through tubing and ducts
The quality of equipment, devices, systems, and associated hardware that permits their being moved from one location to another to interconnect with locally available complementary equipment, devices, systems, associated hardware, or other complementary facilities
The capability of materiel to be moved by towing, self-propulsion, or carrier via any means, such as railways, highways, waterways, pipelines, oceans, and airways
The quality or state of being transportable
{s} able to be transported, transferable, conveyable; able to be used on different machines (Computers)
Incurring, or subject to, the punishment of transportation; as, a transportable offense
Capable of being transported
Transportation; the act of removing from one locality to another
a facility consisting of the means and equipment necessary for the movement of passengers or goods
Defined as any means of moving an individual(s) from one location to another, such as, walking, jogging, biking, shuttle/mass transit, and other vehicles of movement
Assume two round trips to student's hometown per year for students in institutional housing or daily travel to and from your institution
Transportation services are covered for individuals who are receiving covered medical services on the same day The need for transportation must be specified in the individual's IEP or IFSP Transportation services include transport to and from the individual's pickup and drop-off site where school based services are provided It includes no more than one round trip on a date of service Transportation services include transport in a
Dock: an enclosure or artificial basin, in a harbour or river, in wich vessels are loaded, unloaded, repaired Ferry: a boat, or an aircraft carrying people goods, vehicles from one point to another on a regular route Ferry port: a port serving ferries Multimodal transportation : The carriage of goods (containers) by at least two different modes of transport Ring road : a road encircling a built-up area used as a bypass or as service road by the area Ro-Ro: roll-on/roll-off technique Ship Canal: an artificial waterway large enough for the passage of ocean-going vessels
Assume two round trips to student's hometown per year for students in institutional housing or daily travel to and from your institution for commuter students
Collecting migrating smolt at collection facilities and transporting them in trucks or barges around dams
The act of transporting, or the state of being transported; carriage from one place to another; removal; conveyance
Transportation refers to any type of vehicle that you can travel in or carry goods in. The company will provide transportation
Related service about travel; includes specialized equipment (i e , special or adapted buses, lifts, and ramps) if required to provide special transportation for a child with a disability
Coverage is provided for covered good that are away from your own business premises during transportation Coverage is usually provided while on your own vehicles, but may cover other modes as well
Provision must be made to get delegates to the location with the minimum of fuss and at acceptable cost Onsite transportation should be readily available or catered for: including journeys from their hotels to the venue and other functions, social events and sightseeing tours
The movement of gas for third parties through pipeline facilities for a fee
services provided to transport individuals to and from treatment, work sites, day activities, or other programs or activities
Transport; ecstasy
A resource section of the Economic Development Contacts Network tourism defined tourist attractions tourist accommodations tourism attractions tourism accommodations triple net lease: triple net lease defined
The movement of sediment by natural agents (such as water, wind, ice or gravity) either as solid particles or in solution, from one place to another on the earth's surface
The way you travel to get early intervention services through the Early On system
the commercial enterprise of transporting goods and materials
the act of transporting something from one location to another
Is a related service that refers to the means by which a student travels to and from school
The act of transporting, or the state of being transported; conveyance, often of people, goods etc
the act of transporting something to another place
the act of transporting something from one location to another the commercial enterprise of transporting goods and materials
Transportation is a system for taking people or goods from one place to another, for example using buses or trains. Campuses are usually accessible by public transportation
Transportation is the activity of taking goods or people from one place to another in a vehicle. Oxfam may also help with the transportation of refugees
the United States federal department that institutes and coordinates national transportation programs; created in 1966
{i} act of transporting, conveyance, shipping, transit; deportation
The movement of hazardous substances by any mode In the case of a hazardous substance which has been accepted for transportation by a common or contract carrier, any stoppage in transit which is temporary, incidental to the transportation movement, and at the ordinary operating convenience of a common or contract carrier, shall be considered as a continuity of movement and not as the storage of a hazardous substance
collecting migrating juvenile fish and transporting them around the dams using barges or trucks
To guide the future development of transportation modes, including highways, mass transit, bicycles, walking, railroads, air and water transportation
A critical infrastructure characterized by the physical distribution system critical to supporting the national security and economic well-being of this nation, including the national airspace system, airlines and aircraft, and airports; roads and highways, trucking and personal vehicles; ports and waterways and the vessels operating thereon; mass transit, both rail and bus; pipelines, including natural gas, petroleum, and other hazardous materials; freight and long haul passenger rail; and delivery services
Handicapped-accessible transportation for frail or disabled adults to and from a specific program
any means of conveying goods and people
the sum charged for riding in a public conveyance
Assume two round trips to student’s hometown per year for students in institutional housing or daily travel to and from your institution for commuter students
Moving gas through pipelines from one place to another
the act of expelling a person from their native land; "men in exile dream of hope"; "his deportation to a penal colony"; "the expatriation of wealthy farmers"; "the sentence was one of transportation for life"
past of transport
Conveyed from one place to another; figuratively, carried away with passion or pleasure; entranced
That transports; fig
present participle of transport
plural of transport
third-person singular of transport
unit transport officer
officer that is responsible for a unit's vehicles
التركية - الإنجليزية
transport bağlantı pimi
(Tekstil) feed link pin
transport modu
(Tekstil) feed mode
transport modu göstergesi
(Tekstil) feed mode indicator
aktif transport
(Biyoloji,Tıp) active transport
biyolojik transport
biological transport