
listen to the pronunciation of tracking
الإنجليزية - التركية
arka arkaya gitme
(Otomotiv) iz
(Askeri) iz takipleme
peş peşe gitme

Aborijin olan Leyla, meşhur izleme becerilerini kullandı. - Layla, an Aborigene, made use of her renowned tracking skills.

{f} izle

Aborijin olan Leyla, meşhur izleme becerilerini kullandı. - Layla, an Aborigene, made use of her renowned tracking skills.


Senin takip numaran 111222333'tür. - Your tracking number is: 111222333.

Paket için bir takip numarası var mı? - Is there a tracking number for the package?

İzleme, iz sürme
(Askeri) (DOD, NATO) TAKİP (A. B. D SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, NATO): Radar, optik ve diğer vasıtalar ile hedeflerin mevkilerinin tam ve sürekli olarak bulunması
(Askeri) (DOD) TRACKING KODU (A. B. D SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): Hava önlemede "benim değerlendirmeme göre, hedef belirtilen doğru yönde seyrediyor " anlamına gelen bir kod
kelime arası boşluk
(Otomotiv) dingil genişliği
(Bilgisayar) izleme istasyonu
tekerlek izi
{f} izlemek

Tom'un yaptıklarını izlemekten daha iyi yapacak işlerim var. - I've got better things to do than to keep track of what Tom's doing.

izlemek (iz vb)
{i} yol

Siz doğru yoldasınız. - You're on the right track.

Sen yoldan çıkmışsın. - You are way off the track.

{i} iz
tracking system
(Askeri) hedef takip sistemi
tracking operation
tarama operasyonu
tracking station
izleme istasyonu
tracking data
veri izleme
tracking procedures
izleme prosedürleri
tracking shot
shot izleme
tracking /server/ service
İzleme /Sunucu/ Servisi
tracking antenna
izleme anteni
tracking cookie
(Bilgisayar) takip çerezi
tracking error
izleme hatasi
tracking error of a measuring instrument
olcme aygitinin izleme hatasi
tracking number
takip numarası
tracking point
(Askeri) hedef takip noktası
tracking point
(Askeri) HEDEF TAKİP NOKTASI: Nişancının, nişangahtan bakarak hedefin içinde gördüğü merkezi nokta. Hava hedefleri için bu nokta, uçağın kanat ve gövdesinden geçen eksenlerin kesiştikleri noktadır
tracking predator
(Denizbilim) izsüren yırtıcı
tracking problem
izleme sorunu
tracking radar
(Askeri) HEDEF TAKİP RADARI; ATIŞ İDARE RADARI: Çok hassas savunma radarı. Bu radarın görevi, özellikle topları tevcih etmek suretiyle, hava hedeflerinin bulundukları yerlere ait doğru esasları vermektir
tracking radar
(Askeri) atış idare radarı
tracking radar
(Askeri) hedef takip radarı
tracking service
İzleme Servisi
tracking station
(Askeri) TAKİP İSTASYONU; HEDEF TAKİP İSTASYONU: Hava-uzay sahası içinde hareket halindeki bir cismi, genel olarak radar veya telsizle takip için kurulmuş istasyon
tracking status
(Bilgisayar) izleme durumu
tracking system
(Askeri) HEDEF TAKİP SİSTEMİ: Uçuş halindeki bir hava-uzay aracının mevkii, hızını ve istikametini ölçmek için kullanılan sistem
tracking telescope
(Askeri) TAKİP DÜRBÜNÜ: Hareket halindeki bir hedefin gözetlenmesi veya yolunun izlenmesi için kullanılan dürbün

Her sabah tren hatlarını geçer. - He crosses the railroad tracks every morning.

Tren hangi hattan Higashi-Kakogava' ya hareket eder? - From which track does the train to Higashi-Kakogawa leave?


Raylar yola paralel uzanıyor. - The tracks run parallel to the road.

Lütfen demiryolu rayları yakınında oynamayın. - Please don't play near the railroad tracks.

takip etmek
iz bırakmak
{i} tekerlek aralığı
spor atletizm
{f} tara

Biz geyikler tarafından bırakılan izleri takip ettik. - We followed the tracks left by the deer.

Bu lastik izleri orta boy bir araç tarafından yapıldı. - These tire tracks were made by a mid-size vehicle.

(fiil) izlemek, takip etmek, izini aramak, iz bırakmak, geçmek (çöl vb.), ray döşemek, ayağıyla içeri taşımak (çamur vb.), palet takmak (araç)
{f} izini aramak
ayağıyla içeri taşımak
{i} yörünge
acquisition and tracking radar
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yakalama ve izleme radarı
asset tracking
demirbaş takibi
beacon tracking
parıldak yardımıyla izleme
benefit tracking
(Ticaret) getiri takibi
missile tracking radar
füze izleyen radar
skin tracking
(Askeri) radar takibi
(İnşaat) bant yolu
pist (yarış)
(Bilgisayar) izle

Ben geyiğin izlerini izledim. - I followed the deer's tracks.

Arabanın bıraktığı izleri takip ettiler. - They followed the tracks the car had left.

demiryolu hattı
dozer palet takımı
sevk bandı yolu
takip edilen yol
angle tracking
açı tarama
back tracking
initial tracking range
başlangıç tarama menzili
radar tracking capability
radar tarama kabiliyeti
radar tracking operation
radar tarama işlemi
yarış pisti

Yavaşla. Bu bir yarış pisti değil. - Slow down. It's not a race track.

{i} tarama
izini sürmek
izini takibetmek

Lastik parçasını buldum. - I found the track of the tire.

Bu, bütün diskteki favori parçam. - This is my favorite track on the entire disc.

behaviour tracking
Davranış takibi

UK internet service provider TalkTalk has pulled the plug on its agreement with online behaviour tracking firm Phorm.

cost tracking
Maliyet araştırması, fiyat araştırması
document tracking
evrak takibi
eye tracking
Görsel tarama
face tracking
Son dönemde özellikle web-cam ler için kullanılan bir terimdir. Tam Türkçe karşılığı yüz takibi dir. camera yüzüne odaklanır, diğer objelere pek önem vermez
fast tracking
hızlı izleme
motion tracking
(Film) (Veya motion capture ya da mocap) Hareket yakalama
order tracking
Sipariş takibi

AIDS araştırma dünyasında yer alan tüm değişiklikleri takip edemem. - I can't keep track of all the changes taking place in the world of AIDS research.

Avcı ayının izlerini takip etti. - The hunter followed the bear's tracks.

{i} patika
Automated Radar Tracking System
(Askeri) Otomatik Radar Taikp Sistemi
Commodity Tracking System
(Askeri) Emtia Takip Sistemi
Defense Transportation Tracking System
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Ulaştırma Takip Sistemi
(Tekstil) (Sevk bandı için) yol
acquisition and tracking radar
yakalama ve izleme radari
aided tracking
(Askeri) YARDIMLI TAKİP: Sürati el çarklarıyla ayarlanan mekanik bir tertibatın, kısmen veya tamamen kudret temin ettiği bir hedef takip sistemi
aided tracking mechanism
(Askeri) YARDIMCI TAKİP DÜZENİ: Bir motor ile değişik sürat muharrikinden meydana gelen ve bir komuta aletinden veya diğer bir atış kontrol aletinde arzu edilen takip hızını ayar etmeye yarayan bir tertibat. Böylece, takip işi, el ile değiştirilinceye kadar, otomatik olarak ayarlanmış süratte yapılır
automatic tracking
(Askeri) OTOMATİK TAKİP: Radar hüzmesini hedef istikametine tevcih eden bir tertibat vasıtasıyla, radarla takip
azimuth tracking telescope
(Askeri) YAN TAKİP DÜRBÜNÜ: Hareket halindeki bir hedefin istikamet veya rotasını takibe yarayan dürbün. Bu alet; birleştirilmiş bir gözetleme ve hesaplama aleti olan ve atış esaslarını, hedefin gelecekteki yerine göre hesaplayan komuta aletinin (director) bir parçasıdır
beacon tracking
parildak yardimiyla izleme
customer tracking
(Ticaret) müşteri takip
customer tracking
(Ticaret) müşteri takibi
elevation tracking telescope
(Askeri) yükseliş takip teleskobu
elevation tracking telescope
(Askeri) YÜKSELİŞ TAKİP TELESKOPU: Hareket halindeki bir hedefi yükseliş bakımından takip etmekte kullanılan optik bir alet
en route automated radar tracking system
(Askeri) uçuş otomatik radar takip sistemi
feature tracking
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) özellik izleme
joint personnel training and tracking activity
(Askeri) müşterek personel eğitim ve izleme faaliyeti
manual tracking
(Askeri) el çarkı ile hedef takibi
manual tracking
(Askeri) EL ÇARKI İLE HEDEF TAKİBİ: Bir hedefi el çarkları ile takip usulü
missile tracking radar
(Askeri) FÜZE TAKİP RADARI: Bir füze güdüm sisteminin tamamlayıcı bir parçası olan ve füze takibinde kullanılan hassas bir füze takip radarı. Bu radar; komuta güdüm sisteminde, güdüm komutanlarının (steering orders) gönderilmesi için komuta bağlantısı (command link) sağlar ve kompütor cihazından (computer) ateş komutu (burst command) verebilir
moon tracking
(Askeri) AY İZLEMESİ: Bir arz uydusunun ilerleyişini gözetleme ve seyrini işaretleme işlemi veya hareketi
moon tracking
(Askeri) ay izlemesi
mouse tracking
Fare İzleme
multi radar tracking
(Havacılık) çoklu radar izleme
multi radar tracking
(Askeri) çok taraflı radar izleme
online tracking
online izleme
pool tracking
(Bilgisayar) yoklama izlemesi
radar tracking
radarla izleme
radar tracking station
(Askeri) RADAR İZLEME TAKİP İSTASYONU: Hareketli hedefleri izleme yeteneği olan bir radar tesisi
risk tracking
risk takip
skin tracking
(Askeri) RADAR TAKİBİ: Bir cismin radar belirti (skin paint) araçları ile takibi
slow tracking
(Bilgisayar) yavaş iniş
target tracking radar
(Askeri) HEDEF TAKİP RADARI: Bir silah sisteminin önemli bir kısmı olan ve hedef takibinde kullanılan hassas bir takip radarı. Bu radarın vazifesi; komutalı güdüm sisteminde kullanıldığı zaman, hesap cihazına (computer), hedef mevkii ile ilgili bilgileri vermektir. Hüzme ile güdüm sisteminde ise, füzenin kendi üzerindeki hesap cihazı ile hedefe sevkine imkan verecek koordinat bilgisi verir. Bu radar ayrıca, yarı aktif homing güdümünden faydalanan bir füze sisteminde hedefi aydınlatmaya yarar
telemetry, tracking, and commanding
(Askeri) telemetre, takip ve komuta
iki tekerlek arasında uzanmak track down izle
{f} geçmek (çöl vb.)
{f} ayağıyla içeri taşımak (çamur vb.)
{i} spor (yarışların yapıldığı) pist
{f} palet takmak (araç)
{i} palet (araç)
{i} pist

Birçok kumarbaz, at yarışı pistinde para kazanır ve kaybeder. - Many gamblers win and lose money at the horse-race track.

Benimle pist civarında koşmaya gitmek ister misin? - Do you want to go run around the track with me?

{i} tekerlek izi
ayak veya tekerlek izi
(Askeri) (NATO) TAKİP ETMEK: Bir top veya kestirme cihazını hareket halindeki bir hedefe yöneltilmiş durumda tutmak
{f} ray döşemek
{i} iz: He followed the bear's tracks. Ayının ayak izlerini takip etti
(Askeri) İz, izlemek
iz bırakmak veya yapmak
iz, izlemek iz
{i} patika. 5
{i} dümen suyu
underwater tracking range
(Askeri) sualtı tekip menzili
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Ground facilities employed to follow the progress and to communicate with a satellite
representation of the changes in the X, Y, and Z coordinates assigned to the observer as they vary with movement in the environment
The practice of dividing students into class-size groups, which exist for the major part of the school day or year, based on the students' perceived ability or prior achievement and then designing and delivering instruction to each group
The position or direction of the front wheels in relation to the rear wheels
also called offtracking The rear wheels of a vehicle or trailer follow a different path than the front wheels
Antenna system is tracking the last command in the currently selected coordinate system Note that this often means antenna motion (tracking a sky position)
The process of keeping rack of the letters played on the board This can give the astute player an advantage as the game progresses Careful trackers can deduce opponent's rack after there are no letters left to draw By tracking the player can often block opponent's best plays or set high-scoring plays that an opponent can't block Players are allowed to play with their own Preprinted Tracking Sheet alongside their Score Sheet See "PREPRINTED TRACKING SHEET"
In marketing terms, the process of noting where you get good response from your promotion activities, such as newspaper ads
The information given to monitor progress of a particular shipment to its destination UPS, FedEx and Most freight companies will assign a number to your shipment This number will show various details of your delivery such as the date to expect arrival Most of the time you will have the ability to insert the tracking number into the freight carriers website for detailed information Click on link for example of a tracking page
- Recording of student outcomes along various indices, such as academic progress or behavioral changes for the benefit of students, parents and faculty
The process of recording sounds to tracks on a audio recorder Also know as laying down tracks and just plain simple recording Tracking is the first stage of the multitrack recording process
the tendency of a kayak to travel in a straight line Typically the longer a boat is the straighter it tracks but the harder it is to turn Our shorter kayaks are maneuverable but track well because of special design features like pronounced keels and built-in skegs
a characteristic of a multiple-output power supply that describes the changes in the voltage of one output with respect to changes in the voltage or load of another
Kerning between all glyphs in a line of text, not just the kerning pairs already defined by the font You can increase or decrease interglyph spacing by adjusting the tracking setting See tracking setting; compare kerning
educational practice of placing students in a series of classes or a curricula targeted at a specified achievement or ability level Examples are: vocational/technical, college preparation
In an e-mail marketing campaign, measuring behavioral activities such as click-throughs and open-ups
- the maintenance of records concerning various aspects of mailings, e g , response rate, date mailed, location of respondents, etc
The collection and automated analysis of data associated with the serving of digital creative Tracking provides the frequency control, accounting, stats data and anti-fraud components of a campaign
present participle of track
the system on a video recorder that keeps the picture from a videotape clear on the screen
1 The process of following the movements of an object This may be done by keeping the reticle of an optical system or a radar beam on the object, by plotting its bearing and distance at frequent intervals, or by a combination of the two
Manually adjusting the overall amount of space between letters and words is tracking Tracking increases and decreases word density and can be used for copyfitting purposes Adjustment of tracking is often needed with ìjustifiedî type to even out the rivers of white space within body copy Creative tracking can also remove widows, orphans, bad word-breaks, and undesirable hyphenation
The overall letterspacing in text Tracking can also be used to tighten or loosen a block of type Some programs have automatic tracking options which can add or remove small increments of space between the characters
The average space between characters in a block of text Sometimes also referred to as letterspacing
the pursuit (of a person or animal) by following tracks or marks they left behind
(sol) Referring to adjustments that cause a SOLAR COOKER or a SOLAR COLLECTOR to "track" or follow the sun's path across the sky Tracking is done either automatically or manually F - poursuite du soleil S - seguimiento
The reconstruction of a ``track'' left in a detector by the passage of a particle through the detector
The process or system that controls the position of the optical pickup over the desired disk tracks to assure precise reading and writing
{i} following, pursuing, hunting; (in typography) technique of setting a pair of letters closer together than is usual by reducing the space between them, kerning
tracking down
Present participle of track down
tracking number
The reference number assigned to an email message when the email message is received by Network Solutions at the hostmaster@internic net address The tracking number has the following format: NIC-YYMMDD #, where YYMMDD represent the year, month, and date that the acknowledgment is sent, and # is the unique n umber assigned to that particular request The tracking number can be used to check on the status of a registration request as well as payment status for a domain name [see also: Auto Responder, Hostmaster]
tracking number
The multi-character (often just digits) designator of a specific shipment, generally dictated by each individual carriers methodology
tracking number
The reference number assigned to an e-mail message when the e-mail message is received by Network Solutions at the hostmaster@internic net e-mail address The tracking number has the following format: NIC-YYMMDD #, where YYMMDD represent the year, month, and date that the acknowledgment is sent, and # is the unique number assigned to that particular request The tracking number can be used to check on the status of a registration request as well as payment status for a domain name [see also: Auto Responder, Hostmaster]
tracking number
A number designated to each package or group of packages that allows a carrier to determine where the package is, where it has been, where it was going, and when it will or did arrive
tracking poll
An opinion poll in which the same sample, such as a small number of voters, is questioned periodically to measure shifts in opinion
tracking shot
A movie shot made by a camera moving steadily on a track or dolly
tracking signal
(Ticaret) An accuracy measure that combines average forecast error with bias, as defined as the ration of the exponentially smoothed error and the exponentially smoothed mean absolute deviation. When the tracking signal exceeds a certain value, the forecast error may considered to be nonrandom and the forecast no longer usable
tracking station
station where enemy movements are tracked and recorded
tracking station
A station for observing the path of and maintaining contact with an object in the atmosphere or in space especially by means of radar or radio. a place from which objects moving in space, such as satellites and rockets, can be recognized and followed
fast tracking
Present participle of fast track
pixel tracking
The use of code associated with a single pixel tag (invisible to the user) to monitor the activity of the user, especially his use of advertisements
radio tracking
The continuous monitoring of the position and range of a remote object using radio
To monitor the movement of a person or object
A mark left by something that has passed along; as, the track, or wake, of a ship; the track of a meteor; the track of a sled or a wheel
To observe the (measured) state of an object over time
The permanent way; the rails
Circular (never-ending) data storage unit on a side of magnetic or optical disk, divided into sectors
Sound stored on a record
A tract or area, as of land
To follow the tracks of

My uncle spent all day tracking the deer.

A path or course laid out for a race, for exercise, etc
The entire lower surface of the foot; said of birds, etc
To discover the location of a person or object (usually in the form track down)
The distance between two opposite wheels on a same axletree (also track width)
The physical track on a record
In a school, a track is a group of children of the same age and ability who are taught together
To track someone or something means to follow their movements by means of a special device, such as a satellite or radar. Our radar began tracking the jets
If you track animals or people, you try to follow them by looking for the signs that they have left behind, for example the marks left by their feet. He thought he had better track this wolf and kill it
A track is one of the songs or pieces of music on a CD, record, or tape
Tracks are marks left in the ground by the feet of animals or people. The only evidence of pandas was their tracks in the snow
A track is a narrow road or path. We set off once more, over a rough mountain track. = path
A track is a piece of ground, often oval-shaped, that is used for races involving athletes, cars, bicycles, horses, or dogs called greyhounds. The two men turned to watch the horses going round the track. the athletics track
If you track someone or something, you investigate them, because you are interested in finding out more about them. If it's possible, track the rumour back to its origin
{v} to follow by marks left, to draw
{n} a beaten path, road, rut, mark left
applicant tracking system
An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a software application that enables the electronic handling of corporate recruitment needs. Most include a corporate career site, allowing companies to post jobs onto their own website, as a way to attract candidates. Candidates may apply for specific jobs or generally to the company. Effective solutions store this candidate data inside a database to allow effective searching, filtering, and routing of applications
eye tracking
Eye tracking is the process of measuring either the point of gaze ("where we are looking") or the motion of an eye relative to the head. An eye tracker is a device for measuring eye positions and eye movements. Eye trackers are used in research on the visual system, in psychology, in cognitive linguistics and in product design. There are a number of methods for measuring eye movements. The most popular variant uses video images from which the eye position is extracted. Other methods use search coils or are based on the electrooculogram
motion tracking
(Film) Motion capture, motion tracking, or mocap is a technique of digitally recording movements for entertainment, sports, and medical applications
incident tracking
(Ticaret) The systems to report problems or questions (incidents), locate and provide solution advice, provide escalation when necessary and track the successful resolution or current status of each assigned incident
intrusion-tracking dirt road
road which runs parallel to a security fence
lot tracking
(Ticaret) The process of tracking a given material lot up (into upper level items and customer/interplant orders) or down (into the lower level lots it consumed when produced, or the lot received from a vendor). Physical and system controls are required to provide the true source and destination of a given lot in a product recall or similar situation
an endless metal belt on which tracked vehicles move over the ground
1) Area most used on lane, creating a path to pins; 2) area on a bowling ball where it rolls and picks up minute particles
the area of intersection of a track and a sector on a storage disk
One contiguous physical spiral area from inner diameter to outer diameter containing information (dual layer DVD discs have two physical tracks ) Or, the information contained within a single 360 ° rotation of the disc Or, one contiguous logical element of information, such as a single CD audio "song" or computer data region (one CD session contains from one up to 99 such logical tracks, each consisting of a pre-gap, user data, and a post-gap )
(n ) A concentric ring on a disk that passes under a single stationary disk head as the disk rotates
A strip of specified width and location running the length of the magnetic stripe on which data is encoded ANSI/ISO standards define three track locations for the magnetic stripe on credit/financial cards, called Track 1, 2 and 3; the tracks are 0 110" wide, with Track 1 closest to the card edge
Sound stored on a record (or the physical track on one)
If you make tracks, you leave the place where you are, especially when you are in a hurry. We'd better make tracks soon, hadn't we?
observe or plot the moving path of something; "track a missile
A mark or impression left by the foot, either of man or beast; trace; vestige; footprint
A part of the audio tape that has one channel of audio recorded onto it It is in parallel with the length of the tape On a standard stereo audio cassette there are four tracks, two for each direction
If someone covers their tracks, they hide or destroy evidence of their identity or their actions, because they want to keep them secret. He covered his tracks, burnt letters and diaries
Railway tracks are the rails that a train travels along. A woman fell on to the tracks
If you keep track of a situation or a person, you make sure that you have the newest and most accurate information about them all the time. With eleven thousand employees, it's very difficult to keep track of them all
Verb: To be controlled by or follow in some proportional relationship (as when a filter's cutoff frequency tracks the keyboard, moving up or down depending on what note is played) Noun: One of a number of independent memory areas in o sequencer By analogy with tape tracks, sequencer tracks are normally longitudinal with respect to time and play back in sync with other tracks
If you say that someone has the inside track, you mean that they have an advantage, for example special knowledge about something. Denver has the inside track among 10 sites being considered
a bar or bars of rolled steel making a track along which vehicles can roll
(computer science) one of the circular magnetic paths on a magnetic disk that serve as a guide for writing and reading data
Data on the disk media is accessed by combination of track and sector numbers Tracks form concentric rings on the disk; the standard IBM single-density disks have 77 tracks Each track consists of a fixed number of numbered sectors Tracks are numbered from zero to one less than the number of tracks on the disk
A series of positions recorded for a particular vehicle (ship, submarine, helo, etc) A track has its own characteristics such as colour, label and symbol frequency, and the symbol used to represent it when the symbol highlighter is in use
carry on the feet and deposit; "track mud into the house"
A sequence of sound on a compact disc - digital audio (CD-DA) disc With a Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) file, information can be separated into tracks, defined by the creator of the file MIDI file tracks can correspond to MIDI channels, or they can correspond to parts of a song (such as melody or chorus); a CD-DA track usually corresponds to a song See also compact disc - digital audio
any road or path affording passage especially a rough one
a line or route along which something travels or moves; "the hurricane demolished houses in its path"; "the track of an animal"; "the course of the river"
The record of the path of a particle traversing a detector
A road; a beaten path
The pitch
Course; way; as, the track of a comet
observe or plot the moving path of something; "track a missile"
1) One audio recording made on a portion of the width of a multitrack tape 2) One set of control commands in a sequencer recorded in a similar manner to an audio track and often controlling one synthesizer over one MIDI channel 3) A term with the same meaning as the term Band Track (the part of a song without the lead vocal or without the lead and background vocals) 4) A section of the magnetic surface of a disc consisting of a circular band at a fixed distance from the center
To track students means to divide them into groups according to their ability. Students are already being tracked. + tracking track·ing Tracking assigns some students to college prep and others to vocational programs. see also backtrack, fast track, racetrack, sidetrack, soundtrack, title track
a course over which races are run
To monitor someones or somethings movement
If you are on the right track, you are acting or progressing in a way that is likely to result in success. If you are on the wrong track, you are acting or progressing in a way that is likely to result in failure. Guests are returning in increasing numbers -- a sure sign that we are on the right track The country was headed on the wrong track, economically
off the beaten track: see beaten
v , future tense of recording, to lay down a single take of a performance n , A single channel (a track) on a mixing board on to which a musical performance can be recorded
A piece of rubber snowmachine track with bolts stuck through it, which is used for slowing the dog teams see The Anatomy of a Dog Sled
The racing events of track and field; track and field in general
go after with the intent to catch; "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley"; "the dog chased the rabbit"
A single instrument line in a composition or song Also known as a part In computer based recording a track is usually either MIDI or audio A track can also be used to refer to the completed composition or song Back
The entire lower surface of the foot; -- said of birds, etc
a pair of parallel rails providing a runway for wheels
{f} follow a path; follow movements; travel across, get across; chase after
In MIDI, the term "track" designates a location where one records or plays back a musical message---usually a portion of the total arrangement To illustrate, one might record an oboe melody line on Track Two, then record a bowed bass line on Track Three When played, the sounds can be simultaneous Most MIDI software now accommodates 64 tracks of music, enough for a rich orchestral sound Important: Tracks are purely for convenience; channels are required [See also: CHANNEL ]
If you are on the track of someone or something, you are trying to find them, or find information about them. He was on the track of an escaped criminal = on the trail of
a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc; "he played the first cut on the cd"; "the title track of the album"
on an audio CD, each separately indexed piece of music is referred to as a track On a CD-ROM, however, there is usually only one track If the CD-ROM is mixed mode, however, the CD-ROM will contain 1 track of computer data and sever other tracks of audio There can be up to 99 tracks on a CD [BACK]
If someone or something stops you in your tracks, or if you stop dead in your tracks, you suddenly stop moving because you are very surprised, impressed, or frightened. The thought almost stopped me dead in my tracks
If someone or something is on track, they are acting or progressing in a way that is likely to result in success. It may take some time to get the British economy back on track
The path that a pilot intends the aircraft to follow over the ground
the act of participating in an athletic competition involving running on a track any road or path affording passage especially a rough one a bar or bars of rolled steel making a track along which vehicles can roll a pair of parallel rails providing a runway for wheels a groove on a phonograph recording (computer science) one of the circular magnetic paths on a magnetic disk that serve as a guide for writing and reading data an endless metal belt on which tracked vehicles move over the ground make tracks upon carry on the feet and deposit; "track mud into the house"
If you lose track of someone or something, you no longer know where they are or what is happening. You become so deeply absorbed in an activity that you lose track of time
{i} lane, path; signs, trails; mark or lines left by a car or person or animal; railroad; channel; prepared course for racing or running; selection of music from a recording, section of a compact disc or cassette tape that contains one song or one piece of music; diagonal distance between the wheels of a car; groove of a wheel; caterpillar tread
To follow the tracks or traces of; to pursue by following the marks of the feet; to trace; to trail; as, to track a deer in the snow
a groove on a phonograph recording
Area of bowling ball that makes contact with the surface during its path down the lane Because of revolving motion, this area is usually in the form of a ring or rings around the ball
travel across or pass over; "The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day"
One of the many concentric magnetic circle patterns written on a disk surface for storing and reading data
Closed, concentric ring on a disk on which data is recorded
A concentric collection of sectors on a hard- or floppy disk The outermost track on the top of the disk (or platter) is numbered track 0 side 0, and the outermost track on the other side is numbered track 0 side1 Numbering increases inwards towards the center of the disk Tracks are created during the disk formatting process On tapes, tracks are parallel lines down the axis of the tape
To follow tracks
To draw along continuously, as a vessel, by a line, men or animals on shore being the motive power; to tow
To discover the location of person or an object (usually in the form track down)
evidence pointing to a possible solution; "the police are following a promising lead"; "the trail led straight to the perpetrator"
If someone or something stops a process or activity in its tracks, or if it stops dead in its tracks, they prevent the process or activity from continuing. U.S. manufacturers may find the export boom stopping dead in its tracks
A ring of adjacent sectors on a disk The concentric circles of a disk platter
make tracks upon
The part of a disk platter which passes under one read-write head while the head is stationary but the disk is spinning Each track is divided into sectors, and a vertical collection of tracks is a cylinder
To assume a body position that creates a high forward speed Used to approach or depart from other skydivers in freefall
The distance between the centerlines of two tires, measured where the tires contact the surface of the road (also track width)
the act of participating in an athletic competition involving running on a track

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    /ˈtrakəɴɢ/ /ˈtrækɪŋ/

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    tracking cookie, tracking number


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