to yak

listen to the pronunciation of to yak
التركية - التركية

تعريف to yak في التركية التركية القاموس.

At tırnağı
Atlara giydirilen savaş zırhı
Tibet yaylalarında yaşayan bir sığır
Zoolojide, Bos grunnieus olarak tanımlanan, Tibet'te, Asya'nın bazı yörelerinde yabani veya evcil olarak yaşayan, kılları uzun öküz türü
Tibet'te, Asya'nın bazı yörelerinde yabanî veya evcil olarak yaşayan, kılları uzun öküz türü (Bos grunniens)
Tibet öküzü
Tibet'te, Asya'nın bazı yörelerinde yabani veya evcil olarak yaşayan, kılları uzun öküz türü, Tibet öküzü, Tibet sığırı (Bos grunniens)
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To talk, particularly informally but persistently, such as chatter
A laugh
An ox-like mammal native to the Himalayas and Tibet with dark, long and silky hair a horse like tail and a full, bushy mane
A talk, particular an informal one such as chattering
shorthand for kayak
To vomit, usually as a result of excessive alcohol consumption
There are several domesticated varieties, some of which lack the mane and the long hair on the flanks
Called also chauri gua, grunting cow, grunting ox, sarlac, sarlik, and sarluc
large long-haired wild ox of Tibet often domesticated
{f} chat, gab, prattle
An ox-like mammal native to the Himalayas and Tibet with dark, long and silky hair a horse like tail and a full bushy mane
A yak is a type of cattle that has long hair and long horns. Yaks live mainly in the Himalayan mountains and in Tibet. an animal of central Asia that looks like a cow with long hair (gyak). yakked yakking to talk continuously about things that are not very serious, in a way that is annoying. Massive ox (Bos grunniens mutus) of high Tibetan plateaus. Bulls grow to 6 ft (1.8 m) at the shoulder hump. The wild yak's hair is black and short, except for a long, shaggy fringe on the flanks and tail. The horns spread outward and upward; the head is held low. Wild females and young live in large herds; mature bulls form smaller groups. Yaks graze on grass and require much water, eating snow in winter. Wild yaks are now endangered. Domestic yaks, which breed freely with domestic cattle, are used as pack, draft, milk, and beef animals. The hide provides leather; the tail, fly whisks; the fringe hair, ropes; the dried dung, fuel
{i} long-haired ox of Tibet; act of talking too much or chattering
large long-haired wild ox of Tibet often domesticated noisy talk
Its tail is long and bushy, often white, and is valued as an ornament and for other purposes in India and China
noisy talk
To talk, particularly informally
A talk, particular an informal one
A bovine mammal (Poëphagus grunnies) native of the high plains of Central Asia
To vomit, usually as a result of consuming alcohol
Its neck, the outer side of its legs, and its flanks, are covered with long, flowing, fine hair
التركية - الإنجليزية
{f} lit

Tom couldn't rule out the possibility that someone had lit his house on fire. - Tom birinin evini ateşte yakmış olması ihtimalini kabul edemedi.

In order to see that picture better, I want to get a little closer. - O resmi daha iyi görmek için, biraz yaklaşmak istiyorum.


Tom's compost heap got so hot that it spontaneously combusted. - Tom'un gübre yığını o kadar çok ısındı ki o kendiliğinden yaktı.

Internal combustion engines burn a mixture of fuel and air. - İçten yanmalı motorlar, yakıt ve hava karışımını yakarlar.


The local police and the FBI formulated a search plan to capture the fugitives. - Yerel polis ve FBI kaçakları yakalamak için bir araştırma planı hazırladı.

burn out

Violent fires soon burn out themselves. - Şiddetli yangınlar kısa sürede kendilerini tamamen yakarlar.

{f} light

Burn this picture with a lighter. - Bu resmi çakmakla yak.

The man lit a cigarette with a lighter. - Adam bir çakmakla bir sigara yaktı.

{f} kindling

She cremated him against his wishes. - Onun isteklerinin aksine o onu yakarak kül etti.

Tom's body has been cremated. - Tom'un cesedi yakıldı.


The wood was kindled, the flames arose, and a mouldering heap of ashes was soon all that remained of Mrs Askew and her fellow martyrs. - Koru yakıldı, alevler yükseldi, ve kısa sürede bayan Askew ve arkadaş şehitleriyle ilgili geriye kalan bütün şey dökülen bir küller yığınıydı.

{f} lighted

Have you ever lighted a cigarette with a blowtorch? - Sen hiç bir pürmüzle sigara yaktın mı?

Tom lighted his candles. - Tom onun kandillerini yaktı.


Fadil wanted to incinerate Layla's body. - Fadıl, Leyla'nın cesedini yakmak istedi.

{f} burning

Is the warrior burning the house? - Savaşçı evi yakıyor mu?

Why are you burning these pictures? - Neden bu resimleri yakıyorsun?

(Tabiat Doğa) (hayvan, Fam: öküzgiller) [syn.: yak, yaban sığırı, Tibet sığırı] yak
zool. yak
to yak