to the best of ones ability

listen to the pronunciation of to the best of ones ability
الإنجليزية - التركية
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف to the best of ones ability في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

to the best of his ability
as best he could, with all his effort
to the best of one's ability
as well as one can, as well as one is able to perform
to the best of one's ability
as best as one can
to the best of ones ability


    to the best of ones a·bi·li·ty

    التركية النطق

    tı dhi best ıv wʌnz ıbîlıti


    /tə ᴛʜē ˈbest əv ˈwənz əˈbələtē/ /tə ðiː ˈbɛst əv ˈwʌnz əˈbɪlətiː/