to subscript

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الإنجليزية - التركية
(Bilgisayar) altindis
(Bilgisayar) alta konulan işaret
(Bilgisayar) alttaki
(Bilgisayar) alt indis
(Matematik) alttakı
(Bilgisayar) indis
alta yazılan yazı
satırın altına yazılmış harf veya rakam
alt simge
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A type of lettering form written lower than the things around it

In chemical formulas the number of atoms in a molecule is written as a subscript, so we write H2O for water which has two atoms of hydrogen for each one of oxygen.

A numerical index into an array
Subscripted type is printed one-half line lower than regular print
An index into an array which is used to specify an individual array component
Something written lower than the things around it
{s} written below (of a distinguishing character)
(1) A symbol associated with the name of a set to identify a particular subset or element (I) (A) (2) A subscript expression or set of subscript expressions, enclosed in parentheses and used with an array name to identify a particular array element
An occurrence number represented by either an integer, a data- name optionally followed by an integer with the operator + or -, or an index-name optionally followed by an integer with the operator + or -, that identifies a particular element in a table A subscript can be the word ALL when the subscripted identifier is used as a function argument
An integer value, enclosed in parentheses and used with an array name, that specifies the position of an array element See also array, array name, array element
Small characters set below normal letters or figures
See: Inferior Character to top
Generally inferior to SUPERSCRIPT
Anything written below
a character or symbol printed partly below the base line of the text
A subscript is a notation that we attach to the lower right of a constant, variable or function name to create a new, but similarly named constant, variable or function For example, in x1, loge, and reffective, the number 1, the constant e, and the word "effective" all serve as subscripts to the variable name, x, the function name, log, and the constant name, r
A smaller than the normal characters, often printed near the base line, e g , 2 in H20
a character or symbol set or printed or written beneath or slightly below and to the side of another character
See Suffix, n
{i} distinguishing symbol written below a letter or number
Written below or underneath; as, iota subscript
A scalar integer expression (enclosed in parentheses and appended to the array name) indicating the position of an array element The number of subscripts is the rank of the array See also array element
2, and Subindex
See under Iota
) Specifically (Math
a character or symbol set or printed or written beneath or slightly below and to the side of another character written or printed below and to one side of another character
), said of marks, figures, or letters (suffixes), written below and usually to the right of other letters to distinguish them; as, a, n, 2, in the symbols Xa, An, Y2
A character printed smaller than standard text and positioned slightly below the baseline; commonly used in mathematical and chemical notation
One or more expressions, each enclosed in brackets, that follow an array name A subscript refers to an element in an array
the small characters set below the normal letters or figures
A variable or constant that refers to a specific element in an array by its position within the array
Moves a single element below the adjacent text by a specified number of points The default is usually 2 points H2O
Text that appears slightly lower than other text in a line, as in H2O
A subscript quantity or set of subscript quantities enclosed in parentheses and used with an array name to identify a particular array element
written or printed below and to one side of another character
Text written below the baseline, as in the numerals in H2SO4
(n ) one of the lsit of scalar integer expressions in an array element selector In Fortran 77 the whole list is referred to as the subscript
to subscript