to staple

listen to the pronunciation of to staple
الإنجليزية - التركية
zımba teli
{i} zımba

Oralarda bir yerde bir zımba göremiyor musun? - Can't you see a stapler somewhere around there?

Bir tel zımbanın neye benzediğini biliyorum. - I know what a stapler looks like.

{i} başlıca mahsül
{f} raptiyelemek
{s} temel

Manyok kuraklığa dayanıklı bir ekindir ve bu nedenle milyonlarca insan için önemli bir temel gıdadır. - Cassava is a drought-tolerant crop and consequently a major staple food for millions of people.

Anlık şehriyeler üniversite öğrencileri arasında temel bir yemektir. - Instant noodles are a staple among college students.

telle zımbalamak
tel zımba

Tel zımbamı ödünç almak ister misin? - Would you like to borrow my stapler?

Tel zımbanın ne olduğunu biliyorum. - I know what a stapler is.


Tel zımbamı ödünç almak ister misin? - Would you like to borrow my stapler?

Tel zımbanın ne olduğunu biliyorum. - I know what a stapler is.

En çok tüketilen temel gıda maddesi
(Bilgisayar) zımbala

Tom yanlışlıkla kulağının etli kısmını zımbaladı. - Tom accidentally stapled the fleshy part of his ear.

(Arılık) temel yiyecek
(Tekstil) kesik elyaf
(Tekstil) hammadde  
(Ticaret) iplik
(Ticaret) piyasa
(Ticaret) ana ürün
bir yerin başlıca ürünü
başlıca konu
{f} tel ile tuttur
en önemli kısım
uzunluğuna göre tas
{i} iplikçik
en önemli kısı
{i} çatal çivi
{f} çatal çivi ile tutturmak
{i} başlıca ürün
bir yerin ürettiği başlıca mahsul
{i} (birinin/bir hayvanın) temel yiyeceği: Grass is a staple of a zebra's diet. Ot zebranın temel
{s} piyasada tutulmuş
{i} esas ürün
{f} sınıflamak (yün vb.)
devamlı üretilen veya satılan
{i} satış yeri
{i} pazar
{i} başlıca öğe
{i} kapı sürgü
{f} liflerine göre ayırmak
{i} elyaf
{i} temel gıda maddesi
(Tekstil) ştapel, stapel Açıklama: Lifin boyu birkaç santimetre olduğunda life verilen addır
esaslı yemek maddelerinden biri
(fiil) zımbalamak, raptiyelemek, çatal çivi ile tutturmak, liflerine göre ayırmak, sınıflamak (yün vb.)
{s} ana

Kahve, Brezilya'nın ana ürünlerinden biridir. - Coffee is one of the staples of Brazil.

{f} (telle) zımbalamak
piyasayı tutmuş
{s} yerleşmiş
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A basic or essential supply

Rice is a staple in the diet of many cultures.

A market center for a regionally produced commodity
A wire fastener used to secure something else by penetrating and curling

Can you believe they use staples to hold cars together these days?.

One of a set of U-shaped metal rods hammered into a structure, such as a piling or wharf, which serve as a ladder

Fortunately, there were staples in the quay wall, and she was able to climb out of the water.

A U-shaped metal fastener, used to attach fence wire or other material to posts or structures

The rancher used staples to attach the barbed wire to the fence-posts.

Short fiber, as of cotton, sheep’s wool, or the like, which can be spun into yarn or thread

Tow is flax with short staple.

A recurring topic or character

In most countries, rubbish makes headlines only when it is not collected, and stinking sacks lie heaped on the streets. In Britain bins are a front-page staple.

A principal commodity produced in a region
A staple food, sometimes simply referred to as a staple, is a food that is eaten routinely and in such quantities that it constitutes a dominant portion of a standard diet in a given population, supplying a large fraction of the needs for energy-rich materials and generally a significant proportion of the intake of other nutrients as well
{a} established in commerce, settled
{n} a settled mart of good, the texture or thred of cotton, wool an iron loop
A staple food, product, or activity is one that is basic and important in people's everyday lives. The Chinese also eat a type of pasta as part of their staple diet Staple goods are disappearing from the shops. Staple is also a noun. Fish is a staple in the diet of many Africans
The principal commodity of traffic in a market; a principal commodity or production of a country or district; as, wheat, maize, and cotton are great staples of the United States
Staples are small pieces of bent wire that are used mainly for holding sheets of paper together firmly. You put the staples into the paper using a device called a stapler
The average length of fibers in a yarn
The result of installing such a fastener
The length of the fibers in cotton, sheep's wool, or the like, a measure of its usefulness for spinning
A basic food
A small pit
{s} essential, regularly used; primary, principal, main (of goods or products)
Filaments produced in short lengths from the bushing (usually less than 17 inches), to be gathered into strands or sliver (See Continuous Filament )
A shaft, smaller and shorter than the principal one, joining different levels
Unmanufactured material; raw material
refers to the length of a lock of shorn wool; in the trade, "staple" refers to the longer length wools within a grade
Pertaining to, or being market of staple for, commodities; as, a staple town
Short lengths of fiber that may be converted into spun yarns by textile yarn spinning processes These spun yarns are also called "staple" yarns For carpet yarns spun on the common, modified worsted systems, most staple is six to eight inches long Staple fiber may also be converted directly into nonwoven fabrics, such as needlepunched carpet
necessary foods or commodities; "wheat is a staple crop
Established in commerce; occupying the markets; settled; as, a staple trade
The fiber of wool, cotton, flax, or the like; as, a coarse staple; a fine staple; a long or short staple
To sort according to its staple; as, to staple cotton
A staple is something that forms an important part of something else. Political reporting has become a staple of American journalism
A card that can help out just about any deck regardless of concept or execution A must have card Also called Trash "Everyone plays with that card, it's a staple "
secure or fasten with a staple or staples; "staple the papers together"
paper fastener consisting of a short length of U-shaped wire that can fasten papers together a short U-shaped wire nail for securing cables secure or fasten with a staple or staples; "staple the papers together"
If you staple something, you fasten it to something else or fix it in place using staples. Staple some sheets of paper together into a book. polythene bags stapled to an illustrated card. to fasten two or more things together with a staple staple sth together
(usually plural) a necessary commodity for which demand is constant
A loop of iron, or a bar or wire, bent and formed with two points to be driven into wood, to hold a hook, pin, or the like
Either naturally occurring fibers or lengths cut from filaments
1 A box-like fitting on the jam of an inward opening door, and into which the bolt or bolts of a rim latch or lock shoot when door is closed 2 Part of the hasp and staple for use with a padlock The padlock shackle passes through the eye or hole in the staple
necessary foods or commodities; "wheat is a staple crop"
A surface-mounted strike
Hence: Place of supply; source; fountain head
To secure with a staple
Regularly produced or manufactured in large quantities; belonging to wholesale traffic; principal; chief
A district granted to an abbey
The well defined bundles of fibre that are formed while the wool is growing on the sheep
A wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper by penetrating all the sheets and curling around
a short U-shaped wire nail for securing cables
The average length of fibers in a piece of yarn
paper fastener consisting of a short length of U-shaped wire that can fasten papers together
Short lengths of fiber that may be converted into spun yarns by textile yarn spinning processes These spun yarns are also called "staple" yarns
A synonym for fiber A lock or tuft of wool
Fit to be sold; marketable
material suitable for manufacture or use or finishing
{f} bind together by means of a staple or staples
The principal constituent in anything; chief item
{i} metal clip for binding papers; basic food item; essential element; main crop or product of a region; trade item that is constantly in demand; fiber (of wool, cotton, etc.)
A settled mart; an emporium; a city or town to which merchants brought commodities for sale or exportation in bulk; a place for wholesale traffic
to staple


    to sta·ple

    التركية النطق

    tı steypıl


    /tə ˈstāpəl/ /tə ˈsteɪpəl/


    ... one of those, for instance, is agriculture. Agriculture has long been a staple of Afghanistan's ...
    ... lt's also the staple crop upon which civilization depends. ...