to rush headlong into disaster with one's eyes wide open

listen to the pronunciation of to rush headlong into disaster with one's eyes wide open
الإنجليزية - ألمانية
mit offenen Augen ins Verderben rennen
to rush headlong into disaster with one's eyes wide open


    to rush head·long in·to dis·as·ter with one's eyes wide o·pen

    التركية النطق

    tı rʌş hedlông întı dîzästır wîdh wʌnz ayz wayd ōpın


    /tə ˈrəsʜ ˈhedˌlôɴɢ əntə dəˈzastər wəᴛʜ ˈwənz ˈīz ˈwīd ˈōpən/ /tə ˈrʌʃ ˈhɛdˌlɔːŋ ɪntə dɪˈzæstɜr wɪð ˈwʌnz ˈaɪz ˈwaɪd ˈoʊpən/