to reseed

listen to the pronunciation of to reseed
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Tarım) yeniden tohumlamak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To reset the input of an algorithm so as to ensure different results

The game reseeded its random number algorithm with a time based value each time the game was restarted.

To sow seeds again; to resow or replant

When the birds ate the seeds he had planted, the farmer was forced to reseed the field.

maintain by self-seeding; "Some plants reseed themselves indefinitely"
Of a non-perennial plant, to produce seeds to ensure the following generation without human intervention; To self sow
{f} replant with seeds, resow seeds; maintain by self-seeding, maintain by a seed of the earlier generation
seed again or anew
to reseed


    to re·seed

    التركية النطق

    tı risid


    /tə rēˈsēd/ /tə riːˈsiːd/