to punch

listen to the pronunciation of to punch
الإنجليزية - التركية

Biletçi biletimi zımbalamayı unuttu. - The conductor forgot to punch my ticket.


Ben sadece mideye yumruk atılmasının nasıl hissedileceğini merak ediyordum. - I was just wondering how it would feel to be punched in the stomach.

Tom Mary'nin yüzüne yumruk attı. - Tom punched Mary in the face.

delgeç ile delmek
{i} meyveli kokteyl (kâsede hazırlanır)
baskı kalıbı
yumruk atmak

Yüzüne yumruk atmak istiyorum. - I want to punch you in your face.

Tom'un kafasına yumruk atmak istiyorum. - I would like to punch Tom in the head.


Neden onu gerçekten yumruklamadın? - Why didn't you just punch him?

Onu söylediğin için seni yumruklamalıyım. - I ought to punch you for saying that.

zımba ile delik açmak

Biletçi biletimi zımbalamayı unuttu. - The conductor forgot to punch my ticket.

meyveli kokteyl
matkap ile delmek
bizle delmek
{f} zımbala

Biletçi biletimi zımbalamayı unuttu. - The conductor forgot to punch my ticket.

{f} zimbala
Çay, şeker, tarçın, limon karışımına rom veya kanyak gibi damıtılmış bir alkollü içki katılarak yapılan ve bu içkinin buharlaşan alkolü yakıldıktan sonra içilen içki
Şişman ve hantal bir kukla
şişman ve hantal bir kukla [tiy.]
{f} vurmak
{f} sertçe basmak
{i} güç
(Tıp) Dokudan küçük yuvarlak parça almada kullanılan özel biyopsi aleti
(Nükleer Bilimler) panç
{i} punç
{i} tıknaz tip
(Tıp) Bir çeşit alkollü içki
{i} kart basma makinesi
muşta ile vurmak
punch bowl içinde punç yapılan büyükpunch glass punç kadehi
{f} zımba ile delmek
(Askeri) PUNCH (KODU): Hava önlemede "önlenecek uçakla çok yakında temas etmeniz gerekmekte" anlamına gelen bir koddur. (sadece "air intercept-hava önlemede" kullanılmaktadır)
{f} biz ile delmek
punch zımbala/yumrukla
{i} biz
{f} zımbalamak; zımba ile (delik) açmak
(Tıp) Kırılan dişte diş kökünü çıkarmağa mahsus alet
{i} bodur
{i} punch
{i} kısa bacaklı yük beygiri
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Indicates a high level of professionalism because of being a past contributor to the magazine

The Newcomes was illustrated by Punch cartoonist Richard Doyle.

Name of a glove puppet who was the main character used in a Punch and Judy show
Name of a famous satirical magazine
A mechanism for punching holes in paper or other thin material
A button (of a joypad, joystick or similar device) whose only or main current function is that when it is pressed causes a video game character to punch
A device, generally slender and round, used for creating holes in thin material, for driving an object through a hole in a containing object, or to stamp or emboss a mark or design on a surface
Power, strength, energy
A hit or strike with one's fist
{v} to bore a hole with a punch
{n} an instrument, liquor, buffoon, puppet, horse
to the punch
(deyim) To the first blow or to decisive action ― usually used with beat
(1) (B) force out a trump
To perforate or stamp with an instrument by pressure, or a blow; as, to punch a hole; to punch ticket
A beverage composed of wine or distilled liquor, water (or milk), sugar, and the juice of lemon, with spice or mint; specifically named from the kind of spirit used; as rum punch, claret punch, champagne punch, etc
An extension piece applied to the top of a pile; a dolly
A hole or opening created with a punch
an iced mixed drink usually containing alcohol and prepared for multiple servings; normally served in a punch bowl
Bouncing off of the floor or apparatus rather than jumping Jumping involves bending your legs and pushing, while "punching" involves anticipating the floor and springing off using both any spring in the floor as well as power in your legs
Historically orienteerers were carrying control cards made of paper or cardboard and punched them at each control to prove that they had visited it In the age of electronic controls (aka SPORTident Stations) orienteerers carry electronic control cards (aka SICards) At every control they stick their SICard into a SPORTident Station to prove that they have visited the control The current time and the control's ID is recorded on the control card See Also: SPORTident Station, SICard
In R/C terms, this means the same thing as acceleration Driving "full punch" means you are on the throttle all the time!
To accelerate
Identical to a knockdown shot A low, boring shot played with little wrist action and little follow-through Used to combat a headwind
A hit or strike with ones fist
A fast moving mass of air (e g dry punch, cold punch)
If you say that something has punch, you mean that it has force or effectiveness. My nervousness made me deliver the vital points of my address without sufficient punch
R/C racers' term used to describe the amount of acceleration a car or truck possesses
To create a hole in a device or network allowing legal or illegal entry
Êto place holes in paper (as for use in notebooks, binders, etc) Q R
BIOS entry point to a routine that sends a character to the punch device
The punch is the male force element of a stamping die that contacts the stock to perforate, bend, draw, or shape the desired workpiece It generally consists of a working end and a retaining portion
A punch for making indentations or dots in a piece of work, as for suspension between lathe centers, etc
A beverage, generally containing a mixture of fruit juice and some other beverage, often alcoholic
the second part of a joke that contains a reinterpretation that creates a 2nd story that shatters the setup's decoy assumption
A punch is a tool that you use for making holes in something. Make two holes with a hole punch
If you say that someone does not pull their punches when they are criticizing a person or thing, you mean that they say exactly what they think, even though this might upset or offend people. She has a reputation for getting at the guts of a subject and never pulling her punches. Mr Punch, the main character in a Punch and Judy Show. a British weekly magazine which was started in 1841 and is still produced today. It consists mainly of humorous articles and cartoons. Hooknosed, humpbacked character in marionette and puppet shows (see puppetry). Adapted from a stock character of the commedia dell'arte, the puppet character was taken to France and England by Italian puppeteers in the 1660s. By 1700 every English puppet show featured Punch (from Punchinello) and his wife, Judy. As marionettes became less popular in the 1790s, smaller glove puppets were used in the popular Punch-and-Judy play. The hooked nose and the brutal, vindictive, and deceitful behaviour of the English Punch were established characteristics by the 19th century. In France his popularity declined during the 19th and 20th centuries, and he disappeared there as a comic figure. Puppeteers in England have carried on the tradition of Punch-and-Judy shows. English illustrated periodical published 1841-1992 and revived in 1996 with a revised format. Initially a weekly radical paper, it became famous for its satiric humour, caricatures, and cartoons. Among its famous early staff members were William Thackeray and John Tenniel. A cover drawing by Richard Doyle was used continuously from 1849 to 1956, when each issue's cover was made different, though the traditional figures of Punch and his dog Toby usually appeared somewhere
drive forcibly as if by a punch; "the nail punched through the wall"
A thrust or blow
To employ a punch to create a hole in or stamp or emboss a mark on something
{i} strike from a fist; device used to create holes in a material; beverage made from several mixed liquids (often wine and juice); punch line
If you punch something such as the buttons on a keyboard, you touch them in order to store information on a machine such as a computer or to give the machine a command to do something. Mrs. Baylor strode to the elevator and punched the button. = push, press
{f} hit with a closed fist; perforate, make a hole
To strike something or someone with ones fist
If you punch the air, you put one or both of your fists forcefully above your shoulders as a gesture of delight or victory. At the end, Graf punched the air in delight, a huge grin on her face
A small gadget similar to a hole puncher that creates shapes and comes in a variety of choices
One of a breed of large, heavy draught horses; as, the Suffolk punch
a two-footed take-off which precedes an acrobatic aerial maneuver
a tool for making (usually circular) holes
drive forcibly as if by a punch; "the nail punched through the wall
A short, fat fellow; anything short and thick
Power; impact; strength; oomph
to place holes in paper (as for use in notebooks, binders, etc)
a tool for making (usually circular) holes an iced mixed drink usually containing alcohol and prepared for multiple servings; normally served in a punch bowl deliver a quick blow to; "he punched me in the stomach"
CNC output device - used in CNC machines to output programs to perforated tape Units can be parallel to tape punch or serial output
The buffoon or harlequin of a puppet show
A prop, as for the roof of a mine
A punch for punching holes in sheet metal, having a small conical center to insure correct locating
Punch is a drink made from wine or spirits mixed with things such as sugar, lemons, and spices
A tool, usually of steel, variously shaped at one end for different uses, and either solid, for stamping or for perforating holes in metallic plates and other substances, or hollow and sharpedged, for cutting out blanks, as for buttons, steel pens, jewelry, and the like; a die
To thrust against; to poke; as, to punch one with the end of a stick or the elbow
originated in India in the 18th century, based on rum and incorporating five different drinks It has become a mix of many drinks, both non-alcoholic and alcoholic, carefully blended so that no one flavour predominates
If you punch holes in something, you make holes in it by pushing or pressing it with something sharp. I took a ballpoint pen and punched a hole in the carton
The process of cutting a shape out of a sheet of a material (usually with a single vertical motion) using a non-rotating cutting tool
make a hole into or between, as for ease of separation; "perforate the sheets of paper"
deliver a quick blow to; "he punched me in the stomach"
If you punch someone or something, you hit them hard with your fist. After punching him on the chin she wound up hitting him over the head In American English, punch out means the same as punch. `I almost lost my job today.' --- `What happened?' --- `Oh, I punched out this guy.' In the past, many kids would settle disputes by punching each other out. Punch is also a noun. He was hurting Johansson with body punches in the fourth round. + puncher punchers punch·er the awesome range of blows which have confirmed him as boxing's hardest puncher
(boxing) a blow with the fist; "I gave him a clout on his nose" a tool for making (usually circular) holes an iced mixed drink usually containing alcohol and prepared for multiple servings; normally served in a punch bowl deliver a quick blow to; "he punched me in the stomach" make a hole into or between, as for ease of separation; "perforate the sheets of paper" drive forcibly as if by a punch; "the nail punched through the wall
(boxing) a blow with the fist; "I gave him a clout on his nose"
التركية - الإنجليزية
to punch

    التركية النطق

    tı pʌnç


    /tə ˈpənʧ/ /tə ˈpʌnʧ/


    ... their machine's root of trust, they punch holes in the network perimeter by accident, ...