to mellow

listen to the pronunciation of to mellow
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Dilbilim) boğuk
(Argo) arkadaş
(Argo) sevgili
tatlı (ses/renk)

İyi şarap gibi, kadınlar yaşlandıklarında olgunlaşırlar. - Like good wine, women mellow when they age.

Çoğu kadın, yaşlandıkça olgunlaşır. - Most women mellow as they age.

{f} yumuşat
{f} olgunlaş

Çoğu kadın, yaşlandıkça olgunlaşır. - Most women mellow as they age.

İyi şarap gibi, kadınlar yaşlandıklarında olgunlaşırlar. - Like good wine, women mellow when they age.

hoş tabiatlı
{f} olgunlaş: adj.olgun
{s} keyifli
{s} yumuşak (toprak)
{f} yumuşatmak
tatlı iyi huylu
{f} yumuşat: adj.olgu
yıllanmış dolgun
{f} 1. olgunlaşmak. 2
{s} cana yakın
{s} yıllanmış (şarap)
{f} yumuşamak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Not coarse, rough, or harsh; subdued, soft, rich, delicate; -- said of sound, color, flavor, style, etc
A relaxed mood
Well matured; softened by years; genial; jovial
Relaxed; calm; easygoing; laid-back
Easily worked or penetrated; not hard or rigid; as, a mellow soil
Warmed by liquor, slightly intoxicated; or, stoned, high
{a} soft, full-ripe, nice, merry, drunk
{v} to soften, grow soft, ripen, mature
If someone mellows or if something mellows them, they become kinder or less extreme in their behaviour, especially as a result of growing older. When the children married and had children of their own, he mellowed a little Marriage had not mellowed him. Mellow is also an adjective. Is she more mellow and tolerant?
To relax or soften
slightly and pleasantly intoxicated from alcohol or a drug (especially marijuana)
unhurried and relaxed; "an easygoing pace"; "a mellow conversation"
Not coarse, rough, or harsh; subdued; soft; rich; delicate; said of sound, color, flavor, style, etc
To become mellow
Soft or tender by reason of ripeness; having a tender pulp; as, a mellow apple
A mellow sound or flavour is pleasant, smooth, and rich. His voice was deep and mellow and his speech had a soothing and comforting quality. a delightfully mellow, soft and balanced wine
Not coarse, rough, or harsh; subdued; soft; rich; delicate; -- said of sound, color, flavor, style, etc
make or grow (more) mellow; "These apples need to mellow a bit more"; "The sun mellowed the fruit" become more relaxed, easygoing, or genial; "With age, he mellowed" soften, make mellow; "Age and experience mellowed him over the years" having or suggesting softness and richness in quality; "a mellow sound"; "the mellow air brought in the feel of imminent autumn"- Thomas Hardy; "a mellowing sun" having attained to kindliness or gentleness through age and experience; "mellow wisdom"; "the peace of mellow age" having a full and pleasing flavor through proper aging; "a mellow port"; "mellowed fruit
having attained to kindliness or gentleness through age and experience; "mellow wisdom"; "the peace of mellow age"
Full, well-balanced, satisfying coffee; implies low or medium acidity (See winy )
having or suggesting softness and richness in quality; "a mellow sound"; "the mellow air brought in the feel of imminent autumn"- Thomas Hardy; "a mellowing sun"
become more relaxed, easygoing, or genial; "With age, he mellowed"
{f} soften; become soft; make gentle, calm; ripen, age
make or grow (more) mellow; "These apples need to mellow a bit more"; "The sun mellowed the fruit"
Smooth and soft, with no harshness
To make mellow
qualifies a gropy and sweet white wine that can be classified between dry and liquor-like wines
Warmed by liquor; slightly intoxicated
having a full and pleasing flavor through proper aging; "a mellow port"; "mellowed fruit"
A beer of low bitterness but with aromatic notes that blend with the bitterness
(obsolete) in a mellow manner
To become mellow; as, ripe fruit soon mellows
Mellow is used to describe things that have a pleasant, soft, rich colour, usually red, orange, yellow, or brown. the softer, mellower light of evening
having a full and pleasing flavor through proper aging; "a mellow port"; "mellowed fruit
{s} sweet; soft, ripe; made better with age; full, rich and pleasant; calm; content drugged, drunk
If someone is mellow, they feel very relaxed and cheerful, especially as the result of alcohol or good food. He'd had a few glasses of champagne himself and was fairly mellow
soften, make mellow; "Age and experience mellowed him over the years"
A primary coffee taste sensation created as salts in the coffee combine with sugars to increase the overall sweetness Characteristic found most often in washed arabica coffees grown at elevations below 4,000 feet, such Kona coffee from Hawaii Mellow ranges from mild to delicate
to mellow