to launch a product with much fanfare

listen to the pronunciation of to launch a product with much fanfare
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف to launch a product with much fanfare في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

launch a product
Bir ürünü piyasaya sürmek
to launch a product with much fanfare


    to launch a prod·uct with much fan·fare

    التركية النطق

    tı lônç ı prädıkt wîdh mʌç fänfer


    /tə ˈlônʧ ə ˈprädəkt wəᴛʜ ˈməʧ ˈfanˌfer/ /tə ˈlɔːnʧ ə ˈprɑːdəkt wɪð ˈmʌʧ ˈfænˌfɛr/