to jitter

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الإنجليزية - التركية
(Askeri) EKO TİTREMESİ: Bir osiloskop üzerine aksetmiş olan bir radar sinyalinin istikrarsızlığı
{f} sinirlenmek
{f} sinirden titremek
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To be nervous
A nervous action; a tic
A program or routine that performs jitting
A state of nervousness (primarily used in the plural - often with 'the'.)

That creepy movie gave me the jitters.

A flickering signal caused by packet transmission delays
The deviation of a transmission signal in time or phase It can introduce errors and loss of synchronization in high-speed synchronous communications
In telecommunications, analog communication line distortion caused by the variation of a signal from its reference timing positions Jitter can cause data loss, particularly at high speeds
Temporal variation in a signal from an ideal reference clock There are many kinds of jitter, including sample jitter, channel jitter, and interface jitter
The slight movement of a transmission signal in time or phase that can introduce errors and loss of synchronization More jitter will be encountered with longer cables, cables with higher attenuation, and signals at higher data rates Also, called phase jitter, timing distortion, or intersymbol interference
An abrupt and unwanted variation of one or more signal characteristics
Also called phase jitter, timing distortion, or inter-symbol interference The slight movement of a transmission signal in time or phase that can introduce data errors and loss of synchronization
Variation in timing, or time of arrival, of received signals; an unwanted lack of perfection which can lead to bit areas
In ATM, the Cell Delay Variation (CDV) In a more general context, this is the variation of a frequence supposed to be stable
Jumping or instability in the television picture, often caused by synchronization or tracking errors
Jitter is the variance of latency (i e delay) in a connection The problem is that audio devices or connection-oriented systems (e g ISDN or PSTN) need a continuous stream of data In order to compensate for this, VoIP terminals and gateways implement a jitter buffer that collect the packets before relaying them onto their audio devices or connection-oriented lines (e g ISDN), respectively An increase in the jitter buffer size decreases the likelihood of data being missed but also has the drawback that it increases latency of a connection
small rapid variations in a waveform resulting from fluctuations in the voltage supply or mechanical vibrations or other sources
Short-term (intra packet) instability of an electrical signal caused by electrical or mechanical changes Commonly called phase jitter
A state of nervousness (primarily used in the plural - often with the.)
The flux reversal spacing variation on a magnetic stripe, whether real or apparent; if the reversal is improperly placed on the stripe, it is called encoded jitter; jitter resulting from speed changes during the read is called acceleration jitter; jitter resulting from read circuit changes with amplitude or frequency is called phase jitter
Interference on an analog line caused by a variation of a signal from its reference timing slots Jitter can cause problems in the receipt of data
The timing uncertainty of the signal crossing zero voltage 2
Jitter is a kind of distortion of digital signals that takes the form of phase shifts over a transmission medium
A measure of the short term frequency stability of the oscillator It applies only to rectangular wave forms It is measured as the uncertainty in the location of one edge of the signal with respect to other edges It is usually specified in units of time (nano-seconds or pico-seconds), but may also be specified in degrees This measurement has particular application to the digital communications industry
Analog communication line distortion caused by variations of a signal from its reference timing position
Deviation from the original being copied
The slight movement of a transmission signal in time or phase that can introduce errors & loss of synchronization in high speed synchronous communications
{f} be nervous, be fidgety, be tense and jumpy
{i} rapid variations in a signal due to electric disturbance
Small and rapid variations in the timing of a waveform due to noise, changes in component characteristics, supply voltages, imperfect synchronizing circuits, etc See also DDJ, DCD, and RJ
An unwanted signal variation
Small vibrations or fluctuations in a displayed image caused by irregularities in the display signal
  Abrupt and unwanted variations of one or more signal characteristics, such as the interval between successive pulses, the amplitude of successive cycles, or the frequency or phase of successive cycles (188)  Note 1:   Jitter must be specified in qualitative terms (e g , amplitude, phase, pulse width or pulse position) and in quantitative terms (e g , average, RMS, or peak-to-peak) Note 2:   The low-frequency cutoff for jitter is usually specified at 1 Hz   Contrast with drift, wander
Variation in the time position of a read data event from the expected position
Jitter is a short term instability of the amplitude and/or phase of a signal It is commonly called Phase Jitter
to jitter