to importune

listen to the pronunciation of to importune
الإنجليزية - التركية
can sıkmak
durmadan istemek
ısrarla iste
importunityusandırıcı ısrar
{f} ısrarla istemek
{f} başının etini yemek
{f} sıkboğaz etmek
ısrar et
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Grievous, severe, exacting

And therewithall he fiercely at him flew, / And with importune outrage him assayld .

Approach to offer one's services as a prostitute
to harass with persistent demands or entreaties
disapproval If someone importunes another person, they ask them for something or ask them to do something, in an annoying way. One can no longer walk the streets without seeing beggars importuning passers by. = pester. to ask someone for something continuously in an annoying or unreasonable way beg (importuner, from importunus )
{f} pester, harass with insistent demands, persistently beseech
Approach to offer ones services as a prostitute
To require; to demand
To import; to signify
Harass with persistent requests
beg persistently and urgently; "I importune you to help them"
beg persistently and urgently; "I importune you to help them
Inopportune; unseasonable
To request or solicit, with urgency; to press with frequent, unreasonable, or troublesome application or pertinacity; hence, to tease; to irritate; to worry
Troublesome; vexatious; persistent; urgent; hence, vexatious on account of untimely urgency or pertinacious solicitation
to importune