to hackle

listen to the pronunciation of to hackle
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
By extension (because the hackles of a cock are lifted when it's angry), the hair on the nape of the neck in dogs and other animals; also used figuratively for humans

When the dog got angry his hackles rose and he growled.

One of the long, narrow feathers on the neck of birds, most noticeable on the cock
To dress (flax or hemp) with a hackle; to prepare fibres of flax or hemp for spinning

Then, with a smile that seemed to have all the freshness of the matutinal hour in it, she bent again to her work of hackling flax.

An instrument with steel pins used to comb out flax or hemp
A plate with rows of pointed needles used to blend or straighten hair
A feather plume on some soldier's uniforms, especially the hat or helmet
A feather used to make a fishing lure or a fishing lure incorporating a feather
{v} to dress flax or hemp
{n} an instrument, raw silk, skin, fly
to constantly hassle or bother
A comb for dressing flax, raw silk, etc
Chicken feathers used to tie flies that look like baitfish
comb with a heckle; "heckle hemp or flax"
To separate, as the coarse part of flax or hemp from the fine, by drawing it through the teeth of a hackle or hatchel
{f} fasten a hackle to a fishing fly; cut roughly, chop, hack
The hair on the nape of the neck
Any flimsy substance unspun, as raw silk
One of the peculiar, long, narrow feathers on the neck of fowls, most noticeable on the cock
long slender feather on the necks of e g turkeys and pheasants
various types of feathers used for making tails, wing cases, legs
An artificial fly for angling, made of feathers
One of the peculiar, long, narrow feathers on the neck of fowls, most noticeable on the cock, often used in making artificial flies; hence, any feather so used
To tear asunder; to break in pieces
Multiple surface defects on the end of a fiber Increases connector loss possibly to the point of not transmitting light
Descriptive of the feathers of a fowl
A feather plume on some soldiers uniforms, especially the hat or hlemet
a hatchel
long slender feather on the necks of e
{i} neck feather (of a rooster, peacock, etc.); long thin feather used for making fishing flies
turkeys and pheasants
to hackle


    to hack·le

    التركية النطق

    tı häkıl


    /tə ˈhakəl/ /tə ˈhækəl/