to grit

listen to the pronunciation of to grit
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} iri kum
{i} metanet
{i} cesaret
{i} dayanıklılık
{f} gıcırdatmak
(Tıp) pütür

Tom ağrıyan dişlerini gıcırdatıyor. - Tom is gritting his teeth in obvious pain.

kum tanesi
(Mekanik) maden kırıntısı
(Mekanik) maden talaşı
{f} gıcırdat

Tom ağrıyan dişlerini gıcırdatıyor. - Tom is gritting his teeth in obvious pain.

Tom dişlerini gıcırdattı. - Tom gritted his teeth.

(Mühendislik) maden talası, maden kırıntısı; iri taneli kum
diş gıcırdatmak
{i} metanet. f
{i} kum tanesi; kum tanesi gibi taş parçacığı
{f} gıcırdamak
{i} kumtaşı
kum ve çakıl gibi kaba daneler
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A member or supporter of the Liberal Party of Canada or one of its provincial wings (except for the Quebec provincial wing)
To clench, particularly in reaction to pain or anger; apparently only appears in gritting one's teeth

He has a sleeping disorder and grits his teeth.

To cover with grit
A character trait that encompasses courage, fearlessness, or guts

That kid with the cast on his arm has the grit to play dodgeball.

husked but unground oats
Inedible particles in food

Tastes like grit from nut shells in these cookies.

A measure of relative coarseness of an abrasive material such as sandpaper

I need a sheet of 100 grit sandpaper.

Collection of hard small materials, such as dirt, ground stone, debris from sandblasting or other such grinding, swarf from metalworking

The flower beds were white with grit from sand blasting the flagstone walkways.

{n} the coarse part of meal, sand, dust, a fish, an argillaceous earth or stone
Of or belonging to the Liberal Party of Canada
Firmness of mind; invincible spirit; unyielding courage; fortitude
very tiny stones or sand that birds swallow They use it to help break up food
The name is also applied to a finer sharp-grained sandstone; as, grindstone grit
Heavy, inorganic matter, such as sand or pebbles
a hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone
{i} small rough granules or particles (i.e. sand); bravery, pluck; endurance
If you grit your teeth, you make up your mind to carry on even if the situation is very difficult. There is going to be hardship, but we have to grit our teeth and get on with it
Contaminant that may be found in whole
acronym for "graduated and reciprocated initiatives in tension reduction"-a strategy designed to de-escalate international tensions
Grain, esp
clench together; "grit one's teeth"
crushed stone or sand placed in clay in order to make potter vessels stronger
A hard, coarse-grained siliceous sandstone; as, millstone grit; called also gritrock and gritstone
{f} grind the teeth together; abrade, grind; make a harsh grinding noise
Structure, as adapted to grind or sharpen; as, a hone of good grit
coarseness of texture in sanding papers or powders
Grit is very small pieces of stone. It is often put on roads in winter to make them less slippery. He felt tiny bits of grit and sand peppering his knees
Sand or gravel; rough, hard particles
An abrasive blasting media obtained from slag and various other materials
Acronym for a grantor retained income trust, which is an irrevocable trust to which a residence is transferred for a term of years, with the grantor retaining the use of the residence for that term At the end of the term, the residence becomes the property of the remainder beneficiary The present value of the retained interest is not taxed for transfer tax purposes The present value of the retained interest is the sum of: (1) the value of an income interest for the specified term, and (2) the present value of the contingent right to receive the value if the grantor dies during the specified term
a hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone clench together; "grit one's teeth"
The coarse part of meal
Clench, particularly in reaction to pain, apparently only appears in gritting ones teeth
If you grit your teeth, you press your upper and lower teeth tightly together, usually because you are angry about something. Gritting my teeth, I did my best to stifle one or two remarks `It is clear that my client has been less than frank with me,' said his lawyer, through gritted teeth
Dense inorganic matter, such as sand and gravel, present in water or sewage ADVANCE \x 540
A measure of the size of abrasive particles used in the manufacturing of sandpaper Grit can also be measured as the number of particles in an square inch of sandpaper surface
To grind; to rub harshly together; to grate; as, to grit the teeth
Mineral particles used for abrasive metal removal
cover with a grit; "grit roads
- a slang term to describe a supporter or member of the Liberal Party of Canada Its leader is Prime Minister Jean Chrétien
oats or wheat, hulled and coarsely ground; in high milling, fragments of cracked wheat smaller than groats
close friends
fortitude and determination; "he didn't have the guts to try it"
To give forth a grating sound, as sand under the feet; to grate; to grind
A character trait that means to have courage, fearlessness, or guts
If someone has grit, they have the determination and courage to continue doing something even though it is very difficult. You've got to admire her grit
the abrasive material on a grinding belt or wheel used for sharpening squeegee material
a hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone clench together; "grit one's teeth" cover with a grit; "grit roads
Collection of hard small materials, such as coarse dirt or ground rock
Usually applied to the grade or particle size of coated abrasives
Hard and heavier solid matter in wastewater It is generally inorganic Examples include sand, gravel, ash, glass and metal fragments
cover with a grit; "grit roads"
Cover with grit
to grit


    to Grit

    التركية النطق

    tı grît


    /tə ˈgrət/ /tə ˈɡrɪt/


    ... those things are designed to make sure that the American people, their genius, their grit, ...