to garden

listen to the pronunciation of to garden
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} bahçe

Bahçedeki bütün çiçekler sarı. - All the flowers in the garden are yellow.

Bahçede bir tavşan koşuyor. - A rabbit is running in the garden.

{i} park

Park içinde bir heykel bahçesi var. - There's a sculpture garden inside the park.

Bazı bahçıvanlar parkta açelyalara bakarlar. - Several gardeners look after the azaleas in the park.

market garden bostan
s alelade
botanical garden bitkilerin sergilendiği bahçe

Bahçeyi kim tahrip etti? - Who destroyed the garden?

Bahçeyi temizleyelim, ne dersin? - Let's clean the garden, shall we?

garden party gardenparti
Garden of Eden cennet bahçesi
bahçıvanlık yapmak
bahçeyle uğraşmak
{f} bahçe işiyle uğraş
bahçede çalışmak

Babamın bir dinlenmeye ihtiyacı var. O üç saattir bahçede çalışmaktadır. - Dad needs to take a rest. He's been working in the garden for three hours.

(fiil) bahçe işiyle uğraşmak
kitchen garden sebze bahçesi
bahçede çalış

Babamın bir dinlenmeye ihtiyacı var. O üç saattir bahçede çalışmaktadır. - Dad needs to take a rest. He's been working in the garden for three hours.

Tom bahçede çalışırken uzun kollu giyer. - Tom wears long sleeves when working in the garden.

{s} bahçe ile ilgili
{f} bahçede çalışmak, çiçeklerle uğraşmak
{f} bahçe işiyle uğraşmak
garden hose bahçe hortumu
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Pubic hair or the genitalia it masks
(in plural gardens) Such an ornamental place to which the public have access
of a batsman, to inspect and tap the pitch lightly with the bat so as to smooth out small rough patches and irregularities
Of, relating to, in, from or for use in a garden

garden shed (= a shed in a garden).

The collective noun for microphone

garden of microphones, which stuck up like metal flowers in her face.

to grow plants in a garden; to create or maintain a garden

UK equivalent)I love to do gardening.

An outdoor area containing one or more types of plants, usually plants grown for food (vegetable garden) or ornamental purposes (flower garden)
{v} to cultivate or make a garden
{n} a place to raise kitchen plants, flowers and fruits, a well cultivated spot
If you garden, you do work in your garden such as weeding or planting. Jim gardened at the homes of friends on weekends. + gardening gar·den·ing I have taken up gardening again
To cultivate as a garden
A piece of ground appropriated to the cultivation of herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables
the flowers or vegetables or fruits or herbs that are cultivated in a garden
a plot of ground where plants are cultivated a yard or lawn adjoining a house the flowers or vegetables or fruits or herbs that are cultivated in a garden work in the garden; "My hobby is gardening
{f} work in a garden, create a garden, cultivate
Such an ornamental place to which the public have access
The name of a specific plantation used to identify fine harvest produced solely from that garden
{s} cultivated in a garden; used in a garden; of or pertaining to a garden; suitable for a garden
work in the garden; "My hobby is gardening"
A rich, well-cultivated spot or tract of country
el jardin
n kebun
Gardens is sometimes used as part of the name of a street. He lives at 9, Acacia Gardens. to work in a garden, keeping it clean, growing plants etc. Plot of ground where herbs, fruits, flowers, vegetables, or trees are cultivated. The earliest surviving detailed garden plan is Egyptian and dates from about 1400 BC; it shows tree-lined avenues and rectangular ponds. Mesopotamian gardens were places where shade and cool water could be enjoyed; Hellenistic gardens were conspicuously luxurious in their display of precious materials, a tradition carried over by Byzantine gardens. Islamic gardens made use of water, often in pools and fed by narrow canals resembling irrigation channels. In Renaissance Europe, gardens reflected confidence in human ability to impose order on the external world; Italian gardens emphasized the unity of house and garden. French 17th-century gardens were rigidly symmetrical, and French cultural dominance in Europe popularized this style into the next century. In 18th-century England, increasing awareness of the natural world led to the development of "natural" gardens that made use of irregular, nonsymmetrical layouts. Chinese gardens have generally harmonized with the natural landscape, and have employed rocks gathered from great distances as a universal decorative feature. Early Japanese gardens imitated Chinese principles; later developments were the abstract garden, which might feature only sand and rocks, and miniature gardens made in trays (see bonsai). garden pepper zoological garden botanical garden botanic garden Covent Garden garden city Garden Grove Kew Gardens Royal Botanic Gardens Kew landscape gardening organic gardening
v The act of intentionally growing plants This does not include maintenance of plants that already existed when a home was acquired A person who just cuts the grass and hedges cannot be considered to be gardening -- they are doing yard work n The intentionally grown plants of a gardener
a plot of ground where plants are cultivated
a yard or lawn adjoining a house
= inner selfGardener = success, good luckGifts = giving/sharing of love and ideasGuitar = happiness
The grounds at the front or back of a house
A decorative place outside, usually where plants are grown for food (vegetable garden) or ornamental purposes (flower garden)
Garden means two things: the organization which trains SeeDs, and the places where this organization has its headquarters There are three Gardens throughout the world: Balamb, Trabia, and Galbadia Gardens have neutral status and do not belong to any government Balamb and Galbadia Gardens are built on old Centra shelters, which have the capability of flight (or at least hovering) in emergencies
{i} plot of ground for growing plants; public park; backyard; yard or lawn next to a house; vegetables or fruits that are cultivated in a garden; flowers cultivated in a garden
Gardens are places like a park that have areas of plants, trees, and grass, and that people can visit and walk around. The Gardens are open from 10.30am until 5pm. Kensington Gardens
To lay out or cultivate a garden; to labor in a garden; to practice horticulture
A piece of ground on which flowers are cultivated
In British English, a garden is a piece of land next to a house, with flowers, vegetables, other plants, and often grass. In American English, the usual word is yard, and a garden refers only to land which is used for growing flowers and vegetables. the most beautiful garden on Earth

Tom has a big garden, too. - Tom has a big garden as well.

There are no roses in the garden. - There aren't any roses in the garden.

to garden


    to gar·den

    التركية النطق

    tı gärdın


    /tə ˈgärdən/ /tə ˈɡɑːrdən/


    ... threat, but at least against script kiddies or griefers or just your garden variety deputy ...
    ... at the end of the tulip garden two of them are particularly charming ...