to expedite

listen to the pronunciation of to expedite
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Hukuk) çabuklaştırmak
sürat vermek
(Havacılık) çabuklaştır
süratini artırmak
(Ticaret) çabuklaştırma
tacil etmek
hız vermek

Hızlandırılmış teslim ilave on dolara mal olacak. - Expedited delivery will cost an additional ten dollars.

{f} göndermek
çabuk icra etmek
{f} kolaylaştırmak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To perform (a task) fast and efficiently
to hasten the movement or progress of
To relieve of impediments; to facilitate; to accelerate the process or progress of; to hasten; to quicken; as, to expedite the growth of plants
To process (a task) fast and efficiently
process fast and efficiently; "I will try to expedite the matter"
If you expedite something, you cause it to be done more quickly. We tried to help you expedite your plans. = speed up. to make a process or action happen more quickly = speed up (past participle of expedire , from pes )
{v} to facilitate, hasten, dispatch, free
{a} active, quick, ready, light-armed
To accelerate the progress of
Used by ATC when prompt compliance is required to avoid the development of an imminent situation Expedite climb/descent normally indicates to a pilot that the approximate best rate of climb/descent should be used without requiring an exceptional change in aircraft handling characteristics
speed up the progress of; facilitate; "This should expedite the process"
accelerate the process or progress of
To despatch; to send forth; to issue officially
To raise the priority level on a production or purchase order due to a past due condition or a change in the requirement date that necessitates compressing the normal lead time
A formal process of diverging from normal processing procedures to accelerate the handling of a high-priority request (usually at a higher cost to the requester)
Free of impediment; unimpeded
{f} speed up, accelerate, facilitate (a process, action, etc.); dispatch, execute quickly and efficiently
Expeditious; quick; speedily; prompt
process fast and efficiently; "I will try to expedite the matter" speed up the progress of; facilitate; "This should expedite the process
speed up the progress of; facilitate; "This should expedite the process
to expedite


    to ex·pe·dite

    التركية النطق

    tı ekspîdayt


    /tə ˈekspəˌdīt/ /tə ˈɛkspɪˌdaɪt/