The Network'ün kasım meselesinde görünen raporunun 70 kopyasını üretmek ve onları ajanlarımıza dağıtmak mümkün mü?
- Is it possible to reproduce 70 copies of your report which appeared in the November issue of The Network and distribute them to our agents?
Biz bu ürünü Japonya'da dağıtmak isteriz.
- We would like to distribute this product in Japan.
The Network'ün kasım meselesinde görünen raporunun 70 kopyasını üretmek ve onları ajanlarımıza dağıtmak mümkün mü?
- Is it possible to reproduce 70 copies of your report which appeared in the November issue of The Network and distribute them to our agents?
Belge tüm bölüm başkanlarına dağıtıldı.
- The document was distributed to all department heads.
The database distributed verbs into transitive and intransitive segments.
I raked the soil then distributed grass seed.
The robot's six legs distributed its weight over a wide area.
The agency distributes newspapers to local shops.
He distributed the bread amongst his followers.
A network of children distributes flyers to every house.