to cruise

listen to the pronunciation of to cruise
الإنجليزية - التركية
gemi gezisi
{i} turistik gemi yolculuğu
{f} aynı hızla uzunca bir süre gitmek
{f} yol almak
kadın peşinde koşmak
(Askeri) sefere çıkmak

Yılın hangi zamanında sefere çıkmak istediğini düşündün mü? - Have you thought about what time of year you want to take a cruise?

(Denizbilim) seyr-ü sefer
gemi ile gezmek
(Askeri) deniz seyahati
tekne gezisi
(Bilgisayar) seyahat
düz uçuş
gemiyle yolculuk
(Havacılık) yolculuk

Tebrik ederiz! Bahamalar'a ücretsiz yolculuk kazandınız! - Congratulations! You just won a free cruise to the Bahamas!

(Askeri,Havacılık) seyir
gemiyle gezmek
(Askeri) sefer yapmak
eline alıp dolaşmak
{i} deniz gezisi
tekne gezintisi
deniz gezisi yapmak
karı peşinde dolaşmak
(otomobil/uçak/vb.) ortalama bir hızla gitmek
{f} dolaş

Tom yeni spor arabasıyla Park Caddesinde dolaştı. - Tom cruised down Park Street in his new sports car.

ağır ağır gitmek
gemi seyahati
deniz gezi
gezinti yap
{f} seyir etmek
{f} (gemiyle) dolaşmak
vapur seyahati
cruisingspeed normal sürat
{f} gemi ile dolaşmak
seyrüsefer etmek
kol gezmek
{f} (polis, polis arabası) (etrafı kolaçan
devriye gezme
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To win easily and convincingly

Germany cruised to a World Cup victory over the short-handed Australians.

To walk while holding on to an object. (stage in development of ambulation, typically occurring at 10 months)
A sea voyage, especially one taken for pleasure
To actively seek a romantic partner or casual sexual partner by moving about a particular area
{n} a voyage made for plunder
A voyage made in various directions, as of an armed vessel, for the protection of other vessels, or in search of an enemy; a sailing to and fro, as for exploration or for pleasure
If a car, ship, or aircraft cruises somewhere, it moves there at a steady comfortable speed. A black and white police car cruised past
A survey or inventory of forestland to locate timber and estimate its quantity by species, products, size, quality or other characteristics
A survey of forest land to locate timber and estimate its quantity by species, products, size, quality or other characteristics; the estimate obtained in such a survey
Used in an ATC clearance to authorize a pilot to conduct flight at any altitude from the minimum IFR altitude up to and including the altitude specified in the clearance The pilot may level off at any intermediate altitude within this block of airspace Climb/descent within the block is to be made at the discretion of the pilot However, once the pilot starts descent and verbally reports leaving an altitude in the block, he may not return to that altitude without additional ATC clearance Further, it is approval for the pilot to proceed to and make an approach at destination airport and can be used in conjunction with
A cruise is a holiday during which you travel on a ship or boat and visit a number of places. He and his wife were planning to go on a world cruise
If a team or sports player cruises to victory, they win easily. Graf looked in awesome form as she cruised to an easy victory. cruise missile Cruise Tom Thomas Cruise Mapother IV
To cruise over or about
A survey of forestland to locate timber and estimate its quantity by species, products, size, quality, or other characteristics
To move about an area leisurely in the hope of discovering something, or looking for custom
an ocean trip taken for pleasure sail or travel about for pleasure, relaxation, or sightseeing; "We were cruising in the Caribbean"
an ocean trip taken for pleasure
To inspect forest land for the purpose of estimating the quantity of lumber it will yield
A tour taken on a ship
The systematic measurement of a forested area designed to estimate to a specified degree of accuracy the volume of timber it contains, by evaluating the number and species of trees, their sizes and conditions
See Cruse, a small bottle
To travel at constant speed for maximum operating efficiency
(1) Survey of forest land that includes the location, volume, species, size, and quality of timber stands (2) Estimate obtained in such a survey
Cruise control Lovely feature where the electronics will operate the throttle (accelerator) to attempt to keep a set speed Can stop the nasty bunching on motorways if every one has it - like they do in America Works best in conjunction with an auto gearbox The very latest systems are "adaptive", so can keep an even gap from the vehicle in front
travel at a moderate speed; "Please keep your seat belt fastened while the plane is reaching cruising altitude"
the amount, compactness or depth of foliage of a tree crown
A survey of forest land to locate timber and estimate its quantity by species, products, size, quality, or other characteristics Also refers to an estimate derived from such a survey
- To walk over an area to be logged and estimate the amount and value of the standing timber
To explore with reference to capacity for the production of lumber; as, to cruise a section of land
look for a sexual partner in a public place; "The men were cruising the park"
If you cruise a sea, river, or canal, you travel around it or along it on a cruise. She wants to cruise the canals of France in a barge During their summer holidays they cruised further afield to Normandy and Brittany
an ocean trip taken for pleasure sail or travel about for pleasure, relaxation, or sightseeing; "We were cruising in the Caribbean" travel at a moderate speed; "Please keep your seat belt fastened while the plane is reaching cruising altitude" drive around aimlessly but ostentatiously and at leisure; "She cruised the neighborhood in her new convertible" look for a sexual partner in a public place; "The men were cruising the park
A simple, non-challenging ride (but riding is always fun) "I didn't feel like hammering today so I just did a cruiser"
A survey of forest stands to determine the number, size and species of trees, as well as terrain, soil condition, access and any other factors relevant to forest management planning
To seek a sexual partner, especially a prostitute
To sail back and forth on the ocean; to sail, as for the potection of commerce, in search of an enemy, for plunder, or for pleasure
drive around aimlessly but ostentatiously and at leisure; "She cruised the neighborhood in her new convertible"
{f} sail, sail from place to place; move at a moderate speed, travel; coast
look for a sexual partner in a public place; "The men were cruising the park
sail or travel about for pleasure, relaxation, or sightseeing; "We were cruising in the Caribbean"
Navigating the Internet by following hyperlinks from one Web site or page to another
To wander hither and thither on land
A front drop with a ½ twist to land in another front drop
{i} cruising, sailing, traveling on a ship; sea voyage (generally taken for pleasure)
To sail about, especially for pleasure
Survey of forest land that includes the location, volume, species, size, and quality of timber stands -Estimate obtained in such a survey
To walk while holding on to an object stage in development of ambulation, typically occuring at 10 months
to cruise

    التركية النطق

    tı kruz


    /tə ˈkro͞oz/ /tə ˈkruːz/


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