to come over

listen to the pronunciation of to come over
الإنجليزية - التركية

Uğramak ve oynamak ister misin? - Do you want to come over and play?

Tom'un uğramak için ve piyanoyu taşımamıza yardım etmek için zamanı olacağını umuyordum. - I was hoping Tom would have time to come over and help us move the piano.

başına gelmek
{f} uzaktan gelmek
(deyim) dışa vurmak
(Dilbilim) bir haller olmak
(Dilbilim) karşı tarafa geçmek
(Dilbilim) göçmen olarak gelmek
(Dilbilim) üzerine bir hal gelmek
(Dilbilim) (umutsuzluğa vb) kapılmak
(Dilbilim) taraf değiştirmek
izlenim yaratmak
(Dilbilim) yakalanmak

Gelmek istersen, öncelikle ara. - If you want to come over, call first.

Pazartesi günü işten sonra yemeğe gelmek ister misin? - Would you like to come over for dinner after work on Monday?

Üzerine çökmek
Birşey olmak, başına gelmek
{f} yön değiştirmek
{f} ziyaret etmek

O yüzden mi ziyaret etmek istiyorsun? - Is that why you want to come over?

Ziyaret etmek ve bir film izlemek ya da başka bir şey ister misin? - Do you want to come over and watch a movie or something?

{f} olmak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To affect

It was then that a great pity came over me for this thin shadow of man; thinking rather what a fine, tall gentleman Colonel Mohune had once been, and a good soldier no doubt besides, than that he had wasted a noble estate and played traitor to the king.

To change ones position or location

I think, Emmaline, he concluded, I will ask Ántonia to come over and help you in the kitchen. She will be glad to earn something, and it will be a good time to end misunderstandings. I may as well ride over this morning and make arrangements. Do you want to go with me, Jim? His tone told me that he had already decided for me.

If someone or what they are saying comes over in a particular way, they make that impression on people who meet them or are listening to them. You come over as a capable and amusing companion = come across
If someone comes over all dizzy or shy, for example, they suddenly start feeling or acting in that way. When Connie pours her troubles out to him, Joe comes over all sensitive
If a feeling or desire, especially a strange or surprising one, comes over you, it affects you strongly. As I entered the corridor which led to my room that eerie feeling came over me I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me
communicate the intended meaning or impression; "He came across very clearly"
{f} visit; drop in; come, participate, join
to come over

    التركية النطق

    tı kʌm ōvır


    /tə ˈkəm ˈōvər/ /tə ˈkʌm ˈoʊvɜr/


    ... now, with the interest of the players that have come over, ...
    ... where we now have had more than 1,000 speakers come over ...