to chart

listen to the pronunciation of to chart
الإنجليزية - التركية

Tom Mary'ye çizelgeyi gösterdi. - Tom showed Mary the chart.

Tom'un çizelgesini tekrar gözden geçiriyorum. - I've been going over Tom's chart.


Tom tabloları ve grafikleri sever. - Tom loves charts and graphs.

Bunu neden söylediğini anlayamıyorum. Sayıları ve grafiklerin nasıl analiz edileceğini bilmiyorsun. - I can't understand why you said that. You don't know how to analyze numbers and charts.

{f} planlamak

Bu tablo ozon tabakasının işlevini gösteriyor. - This chart illustrates the function of ozone layer.

Selena Gomez'in ikinci albümü Billboard Magazine'in top iki yüz albüm tablosunda dört numaraya yerleşti. - Selena Gomez's second album hit Billboard Magazine's top two hundred albums chart at number four.

(Bilgisayar) çizim çizelge
(Gıda,Teknik) diyagram
(Bilgisayar) grafiği

Bu grafiği anlamıyorum. - I don't understand this chart.

(Bilgisayar) grafik çizelge
(Spor) istatistik
kayda geçirmek

Tablo vücudun nasıl çalıştığını göstermektedir. - The chart illustrates how the body works.

{f} taslağını çıkar
haritasını çizmek
{i} şema
{i} kroki
{f} plânını çizmek
{f} -in haritasını yapmak
chartless haritasız
{f} plan yapmak
{i} portolon
haritasını yap
{i} harita köşkü
(Askeri) ŞEMA: İstatistiki bilgilerin liste, resim, çizelge vesaire şeklinde veya başka vasıtalarla temsil edilmesi
{i} popüler müzik listesi
(Tıp) Hastalığın günlük seyri (ateş, nabız, kan basıncı v.s)'ni gösteren kağıt, gözlem kağıdı (Bulgular hergün çizelge halinde işlenir)
{i} deniz haritası
{i} plan
(Tıp) Kişide görme keskinliğini tesbitte kullanılan üzeirned matbu harfler bulunan karton, çeşitli testype'lardan biri
grafik,v.taslağını çıkar: n.şema
{f} haritasını yapmak
{f} çizelge ile göstermek
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A subspace of a manifold used as part of an atlas
A graphical presentation of something
To draw or figure out a route or plan

Let's chart how we're going to get from here to there..

A map for a very particular purpose, such as shipping or aeroplanes/airplanes, showing information useful for that purpose and ignoring most other information
To appear on a hit-recording chart

The song has charted for 1500 weeks!.

{n} a delineation of coasts, islands
graphics term
The charts are the official lists that show which CDs have sold the most copies each week. This album confirmed The Orb's status as national stars, going straight to Number One in the charts They topped both the US singles and album charts at the same time. = hit parade
Graphic representation of worksheet data
To lay down in a chart; to map; to delineate; as, to chart a coast
a hydrographic or marine map; a map on which is projected a portion of water and the land which it surrounds, or by which it is surrounded, intended especially for the use of seamen; as, the United States Coast Survey charts; the English Admiralty charts
A chart is a map of the sea or stars. charts of Greek waters
Navigational map
Special-purpose map designed for navigation or to present specific data or information The term "chart" is applied chiefly to maps made primarily for nautical and aeronautical navigation, and to maps of the heavens, although the term is sometimes used to describe other special-purpose maps
a drawing that compares numbers -- "The four charts below are different ways of showing the information " (273)
{i} graph, diagram
To draw a chart or map
A chart is a data structure used in parsing It consists of a collection of active arcs (sometimes also called edges), together with a collection of constituents, (sometimes also called inactive arcs or inactive edges See also chart parsing
Part of the so-called technical analysis Graphic representation of price fluctuations of individual securities or even of trade and stock market indices The chartist, namely the compiler of the so-called 'technical analysis', makes use of past price curves in order to produce a price forecast based on specific, typical, recurrent situations
represent by means of a graph; "chart the data"
A graphical representation of data in a form, report, or data access page
A map of a body of water that contains piloting information
a map designed to assist navigation by air or sea a visual display of information plan in detail; "Bush is charting a course to destroy Saddam Hussein"
A map of the heavens with emphasis on the Solar System The modern Astrological Chart shows the Eastern horizon as the ascendant and the location of all the planets in relation to where the subject was born
A graphical representation of data
a visual display of information
A chart is a graphical representation of the data stored in the cells selected
If you chart the development or progress of something, you observe it and record or show it. You can also say that a report or graph charts the development or progress of something. Bulletin boards charted each executive's progress. = record
Chesapeake Highway Advisories Routing Traffic; provides traffic information to motorists traveling between the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area and Maryland's Eastern Shore
A chart is a diagram, picture, or graph which is intended to make information easier to understand. Male unemployment was 14.2%, compared with 5.8% for women The chart below shows our top 10 choices. see also bar chart, flow chart, pie chart = diagram
make a chart of; "chart the territory
{f} make a graph, diagram
A map for use by navigators
A map displaying various graphic representations Often these are maps of waterways Early versions of these water charts were called portolans
A tool for organizing, summarizing and depicting data in graphic form
A map; esp
[intrans.] (of a record) appear on a hit-recording chart
plan in detail; "Bush is charting a course to destroy Saddam Hussein"
A graph showing how the price of a given stock has changed over time Other data is often included, such as volume data Many people claim to be able to divine extraordinary information about the future performance of a stock by consulting charts about the past Fools don't believe this can be done on a consistent basis
a map designed to assist navigation by air or sea
A two dimensional representation of the change in price and turnover or volume of a stock or index
A written deed; a charter
A sheet of paper, pasteboard, or the like, on which information is exhibited, esp
A special-purpose map that is used for navigating on water or in the air A nautical chart is a map used by sailors to show the depth of the water, coastlines, and aids to navigation
If you chart an area of land, sea, or sky, or a feature in that area, you make a map of the area or show the feature in it. Ptolemy charted more than 1000 stars in 48 constellations These seas have been well charted. = map
when the information is arranged in tabular form; as, an historical chart
The paper a hospital uses to keep track of your health A set of paper sheets of facts set up as a diagram, group, graph, table, picture and usually on a clipboard at the foot of the bed
A class of map designed primarily for use in air or water navigation The term also applies to astronomical maps
make a chart of; "chart the territory"
A visual representation showing the distribution of data across a set of categories for the purpose of comparing values
A tool for organization and summarization; aids in the analysis of data and displays organized information in graphic form
to chart

    التركية النطق

    tı çärt


    /tə ˈʧärt/ /tə ˈʧɑːrt/


    ... they watch the song climb the chart. ...
    ... DAVID BECKHAM: Well I won the book chart in soccer school. ...