to bin

listen to the pronunciation of to bin
الإنجليزية - التركية
çöp kutusu

Kafan bir çöp kutusu değildir. - Your head is not a trash bin.

Patlayıcılar bir çöp kutusunun içine saklanmıştı. - The explosives were hidden in a trash bin.

çöp kovası
{i} kömürlük
(Ticaret) ambara koymak
(Gıda,Teknik) silo

Her biri için bir dizüstü bilgisayar yerine bütün konularım için üç halkalı klasör kullanırım. - I use a three-ring binder for all my subjects instead of a notebook for each one.


Bizim tekerlekli çöp bidonumuz çalındı. - Our wheelie bin was stolen.

(Bilgisayar) ikilik

Dünya üzerinde 10 çeşit insan vardır: ikilik sistemi anlayanlar ve anlamayanlar. - There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.

çöp tenekesi

Yumurta kabuklarını organik çöp tenekesine atın. - Throw the egg shells in the organic rubbish bin.


Yumurta kabuklarını organik çöp tenekesine atın. - Throw the egg shells in the organic rubbish bin.


Patlayıcılar bir çöp kutusunun içine saklanmıştı. - The explosives were hidden in a trash bin.

Çöp kutusundan silinmiş bir dosyayı geri getirmek mümkün mü? - Is it possible to recover a file deleted from the bin?

{i} ambar
{i} (kömür, tahıl v.b.'ni saklamak için) kap; sandık; yer: coal bin kömürlük. wood bin odunluk
kutuya veya sandığa koymak
التركية - التركية
Dokuz yüz doksan dokuzdan sonra gelen sayının adı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) ASAT
(Osmanlı Dönemi) f. Kelime sonuna ilâve ile "gören, görücü" mânalarına gelir. Meselâ
Bu sayının adı ve bu sayıyı gösteren rakam, 1000, M
Pek çok, çok sayıda: "Taşlar, topraklar kaydırarak bin zorlukla iniyorlardı."- R. H. Karay
Bu sayıyı gösteren 1000, M rakamlarının adı
Korku, tehlike
Pek çok, çok sayıda
On kere yüz, dokuz yüz doksan dokuzdan bir artık
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To dispose of (something) by putting it into a bin, or as if putting it into a bin

He put the bank statement in the shoebox marked Bank Statements and binned the rest.

Contraction of being
son of; equivalent to Hebrew בן (ben)
To throw away, reject, give up

The CC had long since binned the idea of catching the regular shuttle service,.

Alternative form of been
A container for rubbish or waste
A container used for storage
United States economist (1918-2002)
{n} a repository for corn or wine, chest, box
A euphonic form of the prefix Bi-
store in bins
Any Point of Sale container designed to hold bulk merchandise
1) A standard container for components 2) An inventory shelf or rack location with a specific identifier
son of; equivalent to Hebrew (ben)
In CPU-speak, a single speed increment as defined by a 0 5 multiplier jump For example, on a 66MHz system bus, a 266MHz processor (66MHz x 4 0) is one bin faster than a 233MHz processor (66MHz x 3 5)
A box, frame, crib, or inclosed place, used as a receptacle for any commodity; as, a corn bin; a wine bin; a coal bin
[Arabic] son of
Four-sided superstructure to be mounted on a pallet base, with or without a cover; also known as a box or container bin pallet
An electronic capability in the memory of some advanced pulse generators which stores a certain type of data Bins are usually associated with rate ranges For example, one cardiac event is recorded by the pulse generator, classified by rate range and then stored in the bin for that rate range Bin counts can later be interrogated biphasic A waveform morphology having both a positive and negative deflection
A directory that contains programs Your home directory probably has a subdirectory named bin The system has directories called /bin and /usr/bin
An old form of Be and Been
A bin is a container that you put rubbish in. He screwed the paper small and chucked it in the bin
-a physical storage container such as a small corrugated or plastic parts bin Also used interchangeably with the term slot to designate a single storage location
To put into a bin; as, to bin wine
{i} garbage; box
National Intelligence Agency
In mainframe computing, a Bin, refers to the "mailbox" where computer reports are distributed to computer users AITS maintains numbered bins for its clients' output at each campus
the quantity contained in a bin
Bins are regions of the standard curve bordered midway between the mean responses of adjacent standards The response is either the adjusted response or the normalized response Each standard curve is divided into the same number of bins as there are standards If tracer activity samples are assayed, screening tests are divided into ten bins with the borders at ten percent intervals of the mean response of the tracer activity Binning allows the response or concentration of standard and unknown samples to be examined individually at specific regions of the standard curve Binning is also used to compare the variance lines of the responses from standards with the variance line of the responses from unknowns
Contraction of been
a container; usually has a lid
A MacBinary II encoded file (filename extension) This file type, downloaded as MacBinary or Binary, can be decompressed with Stuffit Expander
equivalent to gate (see there)
A DNA fragment size range within which alleles are assigned based on their relative electrophoretic mobilities
To convert continuous data into discrete groups
If you bin something, you throw it away. He decided to bin his paintings. To place or store in a bin. binned binning to throw something away. bin Laden Osama Fuzuli Mehmed bin Süleyman Mahathir bin Mohamad Datuk Seri Mahathir bin Mohamad Nur al Hilmi Burhanuddin bin Muhammad
a container; usually has a lid the quantity contained in a bin store in bins
The first six digits of the account number appearing on the card Each state implements a unique BIN for state program identification
Business Identification Number BPE: Business Process Engineering
A bin is a container that you keep or store things in. a bread bin. big steel storage bins
Each frequency point represented in the frequency domain display of an FFT is called a bin
- A directory containing executable programs, primarily binary files
A directory that contains programs on a UNIX system
Abbreviation for "binary " bin is frequently used as the name of a directory on a UNIX file system intended to contain executable programs, such as operating system utilities, or CGI programs in a subdirectory of a Web server's content root
an identification number consisting of a two-part code assigned to banks and savings associations; the first part shows the location and the second identifies the bank itself
The usual name of a directory containing runnable programs, possibly derived from the term binary or simply the english word denoting a container See searchpath
To dispose of (something) by putting it into a bin
التركية - الإنجليزية

Will ten thousand yen do? - On bin yen yeterli mi?

I have no more than one thousand yen. - Bende bin yenden fazla yok.

one thousand

Each person paid one thousand dollars. - Her biri bin dolar ödedi.

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, one thousand. - Yüz, iki yüz, üç yüz, dört yüz, beş yüz, altı yüz, yedi yüz, sekiz yüz, dokuz yüz, bin.


There are a thousand meters in a kilometer. - Bir kilometre bin metredir.

get on

If I miss the train, I'll get on the bus. - Treni kaçırırsam, otobüse bineceğim.

Let's get on the bus. - Hadi otobüse binelim.


It so happened that I rode in the same train with him. - Tesadüfen onunla aynı trene bindim.

Tom rode the horse bareback. - Tom eyersiz ata bindi.

{f} ridden

Have you ever ridden a bicycle? - Hiç bisiklete bindin mi?

This isn't the first time I've ridden a bicycle. - Bu, ilk kez bir bisiklete binişim değil.


You shouldn't ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. - Kaldırımda bisiklete binmemelisin.

It's fun to ride a motorcycle. - Motosiklete binmek eğlencelidir.

ride on

You can also ride on an old, restored, steam train. - Eski, onarılmış, buharlı bir trene de binebilirsin.

You can have a ride on my motorcycle. - Motosikletime binebilirsin.

{f} board

What gate do I board at? - Hangi kapıda bineceğim?

What time do you start boarding? - Saat kaçta binmeye başlarsınız?

got on

I got on the wrong bus. - Ben yanlış otobüse bindim.

Tom got on the wrong bus. - Tom yanlış otobüse bindi.

{f} riding

You're playing with fire if you insist on riding your motorcycle without a helmet on. - Bir kask giymeden motosiklete binmekte ısrar edersen, ateşle oynuyorsun.

Have you ever been horseback riding? - Hiç at biniciliğine gittin mi?

got in

They got into the boat. - Onlar tekneye bindiler.

Tom got into Mary's car. - Tom Mary'nin arabasına bindi.


Fifteen thousand million euros must be saved over the course of the next four years. - Önümüzdeki dört yıl boyunca On beş bin milyon euro tasarruf edilmeli.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. - Bin millik yolculuk bir tek adımla başlar.

numbering 1000
to bin

    التركية النطق

    tı bîn


    /tə ˈbən/ /tə ˈbɪn/


    ... So no banter around the recycling bin? ...
    ... we have gone after Al Qaeda's leadership like never before and Osama bin Laden is dead. ...