to be upside down

listen to the pronunciation of to be upside down
الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف to be upside down في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

upside down
Tepe taklak / Başaşağı
upside down
upside down
upside down

Bob portreyi hoş bir çerçeve ile çerçeveledi fakat o tepetaklak olmuştu. - Bob mounted the portrait in a fancy frame, but it was upside down.

upside down
baş aşağı ters
upside down
allak bullak
upside down
alt üst
upside down
tepe taklak
upside down

O, şişeyi başaşağı çevirdi ve salladı fakat bal hâlâ akmıyordu. - He turned the bottle upside down and shook it, but still the honey wouldn't come out.

O akşam bahşişimi masada başaşağı bıraktığım bir kahve fincanının altına bıraktım. - That evening I left my tip under a coffee cup, which I left upside down on the table.

upside down

O, tabloyu ters çevirdi. - He turned the table upside down.

Kitapları rafa ters koyma! - Don't put the books in the shelf upside down.

upside down

Depremden sonra Tom'un dünyası altüst oldu. - After the earthquake, Tom's world turned upside down.

Benim uyku alışkanlıklarım olimpiyatlar nedeniyle altüst edildi. - My sleeping patterns have been turned upside down due to the Olympics.

upside down
Baş aşağı, tepe taklak
be upside down
alt üst olmak
upside down
altüst,baş aşağı
upside down
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف to be upside down في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

upside down
In great disorder

The thief had turned the room upside down.

upside down
Inverted, so that the top is now at the bottom

The Union flag was flying upside down, a sign of danger.

upside down
Owing more money for something than it is worth; having negative equity

He's upside down on his mortgage.

upside down
Inverted; turned so that the top is at the bottom

Would you like some of my upside down cake?.

Upside down
upside down
inverted; reversed; confused, bewildered
upside down
If something has been moved upside down, it has been turned round so that the part that is usually lowest is above the part that is usually highest. The painting was hung upside down Salter held the bag by the corners and shook it upside down. Upside down is also an adjective. His eyes were open and everything he saw was upside down Tony had an upside-down map of Britain on his wall
upside down
to turn something upside down: see turn. in a position with the top at the bottom and the bottom at the top
upside down
in an inverted manner; "the box was lying on the floor upside down"
upside down
in an inverted manner; "the box was lying on the floor upside down
to be upside down


    to be up·side Down

    التركية النطق

    tı bi ʌpsayd daun


    /tə bē ˈəpˈsīd ˈdoun/ /tə biː ˈʌpˈsaɪd ˈdaʊn/


    ... to fix them upside down tax code that gives ...