to bay

listen to the pronunciation of to bay
الإنجليزية - التركية

O kırmızı defne meyvesini seviyor. - She likes red bayberries.


Körfez, tekneler ve insanlarla dolu. - The bay is full of boats and people.

Bu körfeze New York Harbor denir. - This bay is called New York Harbor.

doru (at)
(Askeri) gemi reviri
(İnşaat) dikme
(Arkeoloji) kemer gözü
(Bilgisayar,İnşaat) yuva
(Askeri) revir
(at) doru 7.havlamak

Cumbayı açmak için sadece butona basmalısınız. - You have only to push the button to open the bay window.

{i} koy

Bize bu koyda özel balık tutma izni verildi. - We were granted the privilege of fishing in this bay.

{i} dikme (yapı)
{i} havlama
{i} revir (gemi)
{i} peron
zafer nişanesi olarak verilen defneden yapılmış taç
(Askeri) AÇIKLIK: Yüzücü ayaklı köprüde, yan yana bulunan iki ayak veya tombaz merkezleri arasındaki açıklık
i., bot. defne, defne ağacı
koy,v.ulu: n.körfez
{s} kızıl doru
bay leaf defne yaprağı
defne ispirtosu bay tree defne ağacı
defneye benzer birkaç cins ağaç
bay rum bir çeşit güzel kokulu losyon
{s} doru
{i} koy, küçük körfez
duvar bölmesi
doru at
التركية - التركية
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To pursue noisily, like a pack of hounds
A brown colour/color of the coat of some horses

bay colour:.

To bark
Of a reddish-brown colour (especially of horses)
A horse of this color
A body of water (especially the sea) more or less three-quarters surrounded by land
The distance between two supports in a vault or building with a pitched roof
The leaves of this shrub, woven into a garland used to reward a champion or victor; hence, fame, victory

both you here with many a cursed oth, / Sweare she is yours, and stirre vp bloudie frayes, / To win a willow bough, whilest other weares the bayes.

shortened form of bay window
{i} small arm of the sea where the shore curves inward; laurel (type of shrub); chamber, compartment; compartment containing a drive (Computers); howl of a hunting dog; dark reddish-brown color; bay-colored horse
{n} a recess or arm of the sea, an inclosure in a barn, a state of being hemmed in, land covered with the bay tree
{n} the bay tree or laurel, a numerous genus
A berry, particularly of the laurel
{a} inclining to a chesnut brown
{v} to bark as a dog, hem in, surround, dam
A region of Somalia
a unit of a building marked by vaulting or roof compartments
A kind of mahogany obtained from Campeachy Bay
To bark, as a dog with a deep voice does, at his game
A wide, curving indentation, recess, or arm of a sea or lake into the land or between two capes or headlands, larger than a cove, and usually smaller than, but of the same general character as, a gulf (Bates & Jackson 1987)
Space between two bents
Each of the spaces, port and starboard, between decks, forward of the bitts, in sailing warships
A bay platform
A recess in the shore or an inlet of a sea between two capes or headlands, not so large as a gulf but larger than a cove
place in a computer case to put drives and other devices
{s} having a dark reddish-brown color (as of a horse)
A berry
The climactic confrontation between hunting-dogs and their prey
The leaf of this shrub, used as a herb
A wide area of water extending into land from a sea or lake San Francisco, California, is on the Golden Gate Bay
A bay horse is reddish-brown in colour
a horse of a moderate reddish-brown color a compartment in an aircraft used for some specific purpose; "he opened the bomb bay" a compartment on a ship between decks; often used as a hospital; "they put him in the sick bay" the sound of a hound on the scent an indentation of a shoreline larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf bark with prolonged noises, of dogs utter in deep prolonged tones (used of animals especially a horse) of a moderate reddish-brown color
a horse of a moderate reddish-brown color
A part of a sea or lake that advances inland of the shoreline
The laurel tree (Laurus nobilis)
An unfinished area or space between a row of columns and the bearing wall Usually the smallest area into which a building floor can be partitioned
The excited barking of dogs when hunting or being attacked
A part of an ocean or lake extending into the land
An opening in a wall, especially between two columns
(used of animals especially a horse) of a moderate reddish-brown color
The opening between two columns or walls that forms a space
A body of water partially enclosed by land, but with a large outlet to the sea or ocean
A compartment in a barn, for depositing hay, or grain in the stalks
A bay is a partly enclosed area, inside or outside a building, that is used for a particular purpose. The animals are herded into a bay, then butchered The car reversed into the loading bay
part of the sea or lake extending into land
An internal recess; a compartment or area surrounded on three sides
If you keep something or someone at bay, or hold them at bay, you prevent them from reaching, attacking, or affecting you. Eating oranges keeps colds at bay Prisoners armed with baseball bats used the hostages to hold police at bay. In architecture, any division of a building between vertical lines or planes, especially the entire space included between the centerlines of two adjacent vertical supports. The space between two columns or pilasters, or from pier to pier in a church, including that part of the vaulting (see vault) or ceiling between them, is thus called a bay. Any of several small trees with aromatic leaves, especially the sweet bay, or bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), source of the bay leaf used in cooking. The California laurel (Umbellularia californica) is an ornamental tree also called the bay tree. The bay rum tree, or simply bay (Pimenta racemosa), has leaves and twigs that yield, when distilled, oil of bay, which is used in perfumery and in the preparation of bay rum, a fragrant cosmetic and medicinal liquid. Semicircular or nearly circular concavity, similar to a gulf but usually smaller. Bays may range from a few hundred yards to several hundred miles from side to side. They are usually located where easily eroded rocks, such as clays and sandstones, are bounded by harder, more erosion-resistant formations of igneous rocks, such as granite, or hard calcareous rocks, such as massive limestones. Some bays form excellent harbours. Frobisher Bay Dublin Bay prawn Abu Qir Bay Atchafalaya Bay Baffin Bay Barataria Bay Bay of Pigs invasion Bay Laguna de Bengal Bay of Biscayne Bay Botany Bay Buzzards Bay Cádiz Bay of Cam Ranh Bay Campeche Bay of Cardigan Bay Chaleur Bay Chesapeake Bay Conception Bay Coos Bay Marshfield Bay Corpus Christi Bay Delagoa Bay Delaware Bay Faxa Bay Fundy Bay of Georgian Bay Glacier Bay Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve Grand Traverse Bay Green Bay Guantánamo Bay Hervey Bay Hudson Bay Hudson's Bay Co. Islands Bay of Jamaica Bay James Bay Jervis Bay Manila Bay Manila Bay Battle of Massachusetts Bay Colony Milne Bay Mobile Bay Mobile Bay Battle of Montego Bay Moreton Bay Naples Bay of Narragansett Bay Passamaquoddy Bay Peter the Great Bay Prudhoe Bay Quinte Bay of San Francisco Bay Subic Bay Table Bay Tampa Bay Thunder Bay Tokyo Bay Ungava Bay Walvis Bay Whales Bay of Biscay Bay of
An opening in the chassis used for installation of mass storage equipment such as a CD-ROM drive
the sound of a hound on the scent
A shrub of the family Lauraceae, having dark green leaves and berries
a horse of a moderate reddish-brown color a compartment in an aircraft used for some specific purpose; "he opened the bomb bay"
A bay is an area of a room which extends beyond the main walls of a house, especially an area with a large window at the front of a house
A wide area of water extending into land from a sea or lake
The distance between two supports in a vault
Hence, in the plural, an honorary garland or crown bestowed as a prize for victory or excellence, anciently made or consisting of branches of the laurel
utter in deep prolonged tones
Internal division of building marked by roof principals or vaulting piers; A unit of interior space in a building, marked off by architectural divisions
Sections into which the nave of a church is divided, generally by columns or pillars Can be counted by following the longitudinal axis
An inlet of the sea, usually smaller than a gulf, but of the same general character
the sound of a hound on the scent an indentation of a shoreline larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf bark with prolonged noises, of dogs utter in deep prolonged tones (used of animals especially a horse) of a moderate reddish-brown color
To bathe
{f} bark, howl
A recess or indentation shaped like a bay
A small body of water set off from the main body; as a compartment containing water for a wheel; the portion of a canal just outside of the gates of a lock, etc
Reddish brown; of the color of a chestnut; applied to the color of horses
To bark at
The space between the primary frames measured parallel to the ridge
A recess or INLET in the SHORE of a SEA or lake between two capes or HEADLANDS, not as large as a GULF but larger than a COVE See also BIGHT, EMBAYMENT See Figure 5
A regularly repeating division of a facade, marked by fenestration
a small recess opening off a larger room
التركية - الإنجليزية

Mister Gipuzkoa won the title of Mister Spain in 1999. - Bay Gipuzkoa 1999 yılında Bay İspanya ünvanını kazandı.

Hey mister, you forgot your coat! - Hey bayım, ceketini unuttun!

{i} MR

Sir, do we have to write in ink? - Bayım, mürekkeple yazmak zorunda mıyız?

Is this all you have, sir? - Sahip olduğunuz her şey bu mudur, bayım?


There are more male members than female ones on this website. - Bu web sitesinde bayan üyelerden daha fazla erkek üye var.

I'm not sure if it's a male or a female. - Onun bir erkek mi yoksa bir bayan mı olduğundan emin değilim.

{i} gentleman

Mr Hawk is a kind gentleman. - Bay Hawk bir tür beyefendi.

Mr. Hawk is a kind gentleman. - Bay Hawk nazik bir beyefendidir.


Layla's life as a wealthy lady was a mirage. - Varlıklı bir bayan olarak Leyla'nın yaşamı bir seraptı.


Ladies and gentlemen, I would like you to listen to my opinion. - Baylar bayanlar, görüşüme kulak vermenizi istiyorum.

Ladies and gentlemen, due to an accident at the airport, our arrival will be delayed. - Bayanlar baylar, havaalanındaki bir kaza sebebiyle varışımız gecikecek.


Tom is quite rich, isn't he? - Tom bayağı zengin, değil mi?

That lady appears to be rich. - Şu bayan zengin görünüyor.

Mr., Sir, mister; gentleman
to bay

    التركية النطق

    tı bey


    /tə ˈbā/ /tə ˈbeɪ/


    ... And so we basically had to send people throughout the Bay Area ...
    ... and we close the prison at Guantanamo Bay ...