to ace

listen to the pronunciation of to ace
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} karşılanamayan atış (tenis)
birli iskambil oyununda
{i} isk. as, birli
yedekHe was within an ace of falling
(Argo) mükemmel
{i} bey
(pilot/sürücü/vb.) usta
(sınıf/pozisyon/beceri/vb.açısından) as
Sınavda yüksek not almak

She aced the exams easily.

(Askeri) hava indirme komuta unsuru (Birleşik Devletler Hava Kuvvetleri); hava muharebe unsuru (NATO); Avrupa Müttefik Komutanlığı; havacılık muharebe unsuru Deniz, hava, yer görev kuvveti (MAGTF) (airborne command element (USAF); air combat element (NATO); Allied Command Europe; aviation combat element Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF))
{i} k.dili. uzman, eksper. s., k.dili. işinin ehli, as. f
Az daha düşecekti Düşmesine ramak kaldı
{i} beş düşman uçağı düşüren pilot
{i} yek
ace in the hole argo en son koz
en iyi
spor as oyuncu
{i} birli
birinci sınıf
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
American Council on Education
American Cinema Editors, or designating a member of this society
air combat element
analysis and control element
angiotensin converting enzyme
aviation combat element
A male given name
A hole in one
A perfect score on a school exam
A run
To make an ace (hole in one)
To win a point by an ace
A single point or spot on a playing card or die
To pass (a test, interviews etc.) perfectly
A card or die face so marked

I have the ace of diamonds.

A military aircraft pilot who is credited with shooting down five or more enemy aircraft
{n} a unit on cards or dice, spot, mere trifle
A common nickname suggesting skill, particularly among airplane pilots
Action by the Community relating to the Environment, for promotion of clean technology and the recycling of waste products
succeed at easily; "She sailed through her exams"; "You will pass with flying colors"; "She nailed her astrophysics course"
American Coaster Enthusiasts The worlds largest rollercoaster club Famous for the Exclusive Ride Time at their events
Advanced Computing Environment (Hersteller)
The highest or lowest card in the deck In a high only poker game, the ace is always high with the exception of a 5 high straight, A,2,3,4,5
A serve that the opponent cannot return; as a verb, to serve an ace
the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number; "he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it"; "they had lunch at one"
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme is a sort of hormone in the kidney which controls the body's fluid/salt balance and has a major role in maintaining blood pressure
score an ace against; "He aced his opponents"
A legal service that the receiver is unable to return
Australian Communication Exchange The current National Relay Service provider and emergency call person for the text based emergency call service
ASIC Compiler Environment The graphical user interface delivery mechanism for submicron gate-array memory compiler elements
serve an ace against (someone)
Describes a legal serve that goes into play in such a way that the returner cannot even make contact with the ball
Action by the European Community relating to the Environment, for promotion of clean technology and the recycling of waste products Agenda 21: Agreement on action to be taken to protect the Environment It proposes integrating environmental protection and economic development Adopted by the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development at Rio de Janeiro in June 1992 AGRIMED: The collection of joint research programmes since 1984 that focus on the Mediterranean regions of the EC and on reducing the socioeconomic disparaities between these areas and the rest of the EC AQUARIUS: A 1987 EC-Project on safeguarding the marine environment ATMOSPHERE: Atmospheric Monitoring System for Protection of Health and Environment from Risky Emissions, an EUREKA project on industrial atmospheric pollution
The amount of ionization of the ions of the solar wind (i e , the number of electrons stripped from their original atoms) depends on the temperature of the region on the Sun where the ions originated Because of the high temperatures on the Sun, these ions usually have many more electrons stripped away than the atoms of the same elements in the ionosphere of Earth, say, where the temperatures are much lower Considering oxygen, for example, we may observe O+7 or +8 (meaning 7 or 8 electrons stripped away) in the solar wind, but only O+1 or +2 (1 or 2 electrons stripped away) for oxygen in the ionosphere For each positive ion in the solar wind, including the protons, which are the dominant constituents, there is an electron So the solar wind is electrically neutral on average, just as is the Sun itself
A serve where the receiver fails to return or even touch the ball The point is won by the server
play (a hole) in one stroke
(also called a "hole-in-one") 1 a score of 1 on a hole 2 holing the first shot, or tee shot, on a hole Example: An ace or hole in one is usually made on a par 3, but occasionally it happens on a par 4
someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
A shot with which the receiver cannot even make contact with the racquet; used especially with reference to service
Advanced Computing Environment: a consortium to agree on an open architecture based on the MIPS R4000 chip A computer architecture ARCS will be defined, on which either OS/2 or Open Desktop can be run
one of four playing cards in a deck having a single pip on its face
attitude control electronics - Unit in Microlab-1 spacecraft that controls spacecraft attitude Also the suffix of level 0 attitude files
Advanced Composition Explorer Located with SOHO at L1, ACE provides 24 hour coverage of the solar wind parameters and solar energetic particle intensity ACE may give as much as an hour's warning of CME's that can cause geomagnetic storms here at Earth
Aggregated Cost Efficiency Index - a measure of efficiency based on an annual % of budget
-Advanced Composition Explorer
a major strategic headquarters of NATO; safeguards an are extending from Norway to Turkey
A valid serve that is not reached by the opponent
a serve that the receiver is unable to reach
Agriculture in Concert with the Environment
Advanced Composition Explorer A spacecraft studying the heliosphere and cosmic rays more!
Allied Command Europe One of the two primary divisions of NATO The other is Allied Command Atlantic Its commander is the SACEUR See SHAPE
A single point won by a stroke, as in handball, rackets, etc
The best pitcher on the team
A unit; a single point or spot on a card or die; the card or die face so marked
To pass (a test, interviews etc) perfectly
A serve made without the opponent hitting the ball
An expert at something
If you say that someone holds all the aces, you mean that they have all the advantages in a contest or situation
of the highest quality; "an ace reporter"; "a crack shot"; "a first-rate golfer"; "a super party"; "played top-notch tennis"; "an athlete in tiptop condition"; "she is absolutely tops
a serve that the receiver is unable to reach one of four playing cards in a deck having a single pip on its face someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field serve an ace against (someone) play (a hole) in one stroke score an ace against; "He aced his opponents"
Extremely good, excellent
An ace is a playing card with a single symbol on it. In most card games, the ace of a particular suit has either the highest or the lowest value of the cards in that suit. the ace of hearts
Hence: A very small quantity or degree; a particle; an atom; a jot
A unit; a single point or spot on a card or die; the card or die so marked; as, the ace of diamonds
A very small quantity or degree; a particle; an atom; a jot
{f} hit a ball that is not returned (Tennis); be a champion; receive a high score
In tennis, an ace is a serve which is so fast that the other player cannot reach the ball
If you describe someone such as a sports player as an ace, you mean that they are very good at what they do. former motor-racing ace Stirling Moss. Ace is also an adjective. ace horror-film producer Lawrence Woolsey
{i} expert; champion; playing card with the A on it (Cards); unreturned serve (Tennis)
التركية - الإنجليزية
the ace
to ace