this vacuum cleaner is a mighty mite

listen to the pronunciation of this vacuum cleaner is a mighty mite
الإنجليزية - ألمانية
Dieser Staubsauger ist ein kraftvoller Winzling
this vacuum cleaner is a mighty mite


    this va·cu·um clean·er I·s a migh·ty mite

    التركية النطق

    dhîs väkyum klinır îz ı mayti mayt


    /ᴛʜəs ˈvakyo͞om ˈklēnər əz ə ˈmītē ˈmīt/ /ðɪs ˈvækjuːm ˈkliːnɜr ɪz ə ˈmaɪtiː ˈmaɪt/