
listen to the pronunciation of themed
الإنجليزية - التركية
Temalı, konulu

There are six themed activity areas with over fifty rides, live shows, and attractions.


Onun tezi bir anlam ifade etmiyor. Öncelikle onun teması belirsiz. - His thesis doesn't make sense. To begin with, its theme is obscure.

Yabancılaşma yirminci yüzyıl edebiyatının ortak bir teması. - Alienation is a common theme of twentieth-century literature.


Eğer yapmadığım bir şey için ailem beni cezalandırdıysa , onlara doğruları söylerdim ve benim masumiyetle ilgili onları ikna etmeye çalışırdım. - If my parents punished me for something I didn't do, I would tell them the truth and try to convince them of my innocence.

Nagasaki çevresinde onlara rehberlik edebilmem için kadınla birlikte gittim. - I went with the women so that I could guide them around Nagasaki.


The Network'ün kasım meselesinde görünen raporunun 70 kopyasını üretmek ve onları ajanlarımıza dağıtmak mümkün mü? - Is it possible to reproduce 70 copies of your report which appeared in the November issue of The Network and distribute them to our agents?

Onlardan herhangi birini seçebilirsin. - You may choose any of them.


Onlar parlak renkli kurbağalar olduğunu söylüyorlar fakat ben onları asla görmedim. - They say there are bright-colored frogs, but I've never seen them.

Takımımız beyzbolda onları 5-0 mağlup etti. - Our team defeated them by 5-0 at baseball.

theme song bir dans orkestrasının kendisini belirtmek için kullandığı müzik parçası
öğrenciye verilen yazı ödevi

Tema parkı geçen ay kapatıldı. - The theme park was closed down last month.

Favori TV show tema şarkın nedir? - What's your favorite TV show theme song?

tanıtım müziği

Romanın konusu nedir? - What's the theme of the novel?

Ben daha önce bir blog tuttum. Gerçekten belirli bir konum yoktu; Sadece o gün olan herhangi bir şeyi blogladım. - I've kept a blog before. I didn't really have a set theme; I just blogged about whatever happened that day.

(Dilbilim) öznelik
(Dilbilim) etkilenen
(Dilbilim) izlek

Onlardan herhangi birini seçebilirsin. - You may choose any of them.

Onlardan herhangi birini seçebilirsiniz. - You may choose any of them.

Bizans imparatorluğunda idari bölge
{i} motif [müz.]
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Having a particular theme or topic
{s} having a particular theme; that involves a particular topic; having or involving a particular motif
A themed place or event has been created so that it shows a particular historical time or way of life, or tells a well-known story. themed restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. a themed place or event has been designed to make people who go there feel like they are in a particular place or historical period
Third personal plural pronoun used after a preposition or as the object of a verb

She treated them for a cold. (direct object).

Third person singular pronoun of indeterminate or irrelevant gender

If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee, man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his covenant, nd hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; nd it be told thee, and thou hast heard of it, and enquired diligently, and, behold, it be true, and the thing certain, that such abomination is wrought in Israel: hen shalt thou bring forth that man or that woman, which have committed that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man or that woman, and shalt stone them with stones, till they die.


Them kids need to grow up.

The collection of color schemes, sounds, artwork etc., that "skin" an environment towards a particular motif
a recurring idea; a motif
theta role in generative grammar and government and binding theory
thematic relation of a noun phrase to a verb
A regional unit of organisation in the Byzantine empire
stem of a word
topic, what is being talked about, as opposed to rheme
In non-standard spoken English, them is sometimes used instead of `those'. `Our Billy doesn't eat them ones,' Helen said

Daphnis has forgotten me. He is dreaming of marrying some wealthy maiden. Ah! Why did I make him swear by his goats instead of by the Nymphs! He has forgotten them as he has forgotten me. - Daphnis has forgotten me. He is dreaming of marrying some wealthy maiden. Ah! Why did I make him swear by his goats instead of by the Nymphs! He has forgotten them as he has forgotten me.

You use them instead of `him or her' to refer to a person without saying whether that person is a man or a woman. Some people think this use is incorrect. It takes great courage to face your child and tell them the truth
pron. those people (3rd person)
The objective case of they
You use them to refer to a group of people, animals, or things. Kids these days have no one to tell them what's right and wrong His dark socks, I could see, had a stripe on them
them WEAK STRONG Them is a third person plural pronoun. Them is used as the object of a verb or preposition
{p} plural the oblique case of they
{n} a subject, talk, dissertation, power, root
the main melody of a piece of music, especially one that is the source of variations
The appearance of a user interface Netscape's official word for skins See skin and chrome
the subject matter of a conversation or discussion; "he didn't want to discuss that subject"; "it was a very sensitive topic"; "his letters were always on the theme of love"
The central meaning or dominant idea in a literary work A theme provides a unifying point around which the plot, characters, setting, point of view, symbols, and other elements of a work are organized It is important not to mistake the theme for the actual subject of the work; the theme refers to the abstract concept that is made concrete through the images, characterization, and action of the text In nonfiction, however, the theme generally refers to the main topic of the discourse
A user-defined perspective on a geographic data set specified, if applicable, by a name and feature class or data set name, attributes of interest, or data classification scheme
{f} provide with a subject
A user-defined perspective on a coverage, grid, tin or image geographic data set specified, if applicable, by a coverage name and feature class or data set name, attributes of interest, a data classification scheme, and theme-specific symbology for drawing
The leading subject of a composition or a movement
provide with a particular theme or motive; "the restaurant often themes its menus"
A Theme, simply put, is a set of VoyForums options under a single name This allows a user to pick a single option and set many attributes of their forum at one time VoyForums provides a large quantity of advanced options and themes are a way for everyone to set these with ease Additionally, the preset themes allow even the most advanced user a means of viewing examples so they can then use their own creativity in configuring forums
In the Readership Institute's newspaper content analysis, each story was coded according to the primary theme - or topic - of the story There were 26 themes, such as politics, business, sports, and science, representing the types of stories commonly appearing in newspapers
a subject of a talk or an artistic piece; a topic
A central idea or statement that unifies and controls the entire work The theme can take the form of a brief and meaningful insight or a comprehensive vision of life; it may be a single idea such as "progress" (in many Victorian works), "order and duty" (in many early Roman works), "seize-the-day" (in many late Roman works), or "jealousy" (in Shakespeare's Othello) The theme may also be a more complicated doctrine, such as Milton's theme in Paradise Lost, "to justify the ways of God to men," or "Socialism is the only sane reaction to the labor abuses in Chicago meat-packing plants" (Upton Sinclair's The Jungle) A theme is the author's way of communicating and sharing ideas, perceptions, and feelings with readers, and it may be directly stated in the book, or it may only be implied Compare with motif and leit-motif
{i} subject, topic, main idea
A big idea or a higher-order conceptual category that can subsume vast quantities of specific information An important science theme is the Form Follows Function in living and engineered systems (See Essential Question and Focus question to see the relationship among themes, essential questions, and focus questions )
a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in a literary or artistic work; "it was the usual `boy gets girl' theme" (music) melodic subject of a musical composition; "the theme is announced in the first measures"; "the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it" provide with a particular theme or motive; "the restaurant often themes its menus
1 A phrase that serves as the subject, or melody for a given work, as in a fugue, or sonata 2 A conceptual idea that motivates a given work
A theme is a short simple tune on which a piece of music is based. variations on themes from Mozart's The Magic Flute
a main musical idea of a composition
Discourse on a certain subject
A collection of geographic objects defined by the user Geographic objects are organized logically into groups of layers or themes [ESRI93] See also Layer
a major idea or proposition broad enough to cover the entire scope of a literary or other work of art
A noun or verb, not modified by inflections; also, that part of a noun or verb which remains unchanged (except by euphonic variations) in declension or conjugation; stem
(music) melodic subject of a musical composition; "the theme is announced in the first measures"; "the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it"
That by means of which a thing is done; means; instrument
A subject or topic on which a person writes or speaks; a proposition for discussion or argument; a text
A theme applies professionally designed graphics to elements of the pages in a FrontPage-based web FrontPage offers a gallery of over 50 themes that consist of similar design elements and color schemes for bullets, fonts, graphics, navigation bars, and other page elements When applied, a theme gives pages and navigation bars in a web an attractive and consistent appearance
A theme in a piece of writing, a talk, or a discussion is an important idea or subject that runs through it. The theme of the conference is renaissance Europe
provide with a particular theme or motive; "the restaurant often themes its menus
In music, a short melody or a self-contained musical phrase
A theme applies professionally designed, graphical page elements to the pages in a FrontPage web FrontPage offers a gallery of over 50 themes that consist of similar design elements for bullets, fonts, images, navigation bars, and other page elements When applied, a theme gives pages and navigation bars in a FrontPage web an attractive and consistent appearance You apply a theme in the FrontPage Explorer's Themes view
An important melody that occurs several times throughout a piece of music The theme is usually a melody or melodic fragment A single theme may be used as the basis for a set of variations Most music has more than one theme
The central thought, idea, or significance of action with which a play deals Literary Arts
an essay (especially one written as an assignment); "he got an A on his composition"
Theme music or a theme song is a piece of music that is played at the beginning and end of a film or of a television or radio programme. the theme from Dr Zhivago
Used in ArcView; a collection of geographic objects defined by the user Examples of themes in digital libraries include footprints, background cartography, and place names
A very short (often three or four notes) wisp of music that is a basis for or recurring theme in a piece of music Example: Beethoven's 5th The first four notes are the theme, and most everything after that is based on that theme
(linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed; "thematic vowels are part of the stem"
a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in a literary or artistic work; "it was the usual `boy gets girl' theme"
A theme in an artist's work or in a work of literature is an idea in it that the artist or writer develops or repeats. The novel's central theme is the perennial conflict between men and women
The central idea, topic, or didactic quality of a work Sidelight: Although theme is often used interchangeably with motif, it is preferable to recognize the difference between the two terms (See also Burden) (Compare Content, Diction, Form, Persona, Style, Texture, Tone)
A composition or essay required of a pupil
A theme applies a set of coordinated graphic elements to a document, page or across all pages in a Web site Themes can consist of designs and color schemes for fonts, navigation bars, and other page elements
a prevailing idea in a work, but sometimes not explicitly stated, as in Ogden Nash's "Candy is dandy, / But liquor is

    التركية النطق



    /ˈᴛʜēmd/ /ˈθiːmd/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ 'thEm ] (noun.) 14th century. Middle English teme, theme, from Middle French and Latin; Middle French teme, from Latin thema, from Greek, literally, something laid down, from tithenai to place; more at DO.


    ... Or I had a Willy Wonka themed birthday party, so I had ...