the committee studied the minutiae of the report for hours

listen to the pronunciation of the committee studied the minutiae of the report for hours
الإنجليزية - ألمانية
Der Ausschuss studierte stundenlang die Einzelheiten des Berichts
the committee studied the minutiae of the report for hours


    the com·mit·tee stud·ied the mi·nu·ti·ae of the re·port for Hours

    التركية النطق

    dhi kımîti stʌdid dhi mînuşiı ıv dhi ripôrt fôr aurz


    /ᴛʜē kəˈmətē ˈstədēd ᴛʜē məˈno͞osʜēə əv ᴛʜē rēˈpôrt ˈfôr ˈourz/ /ðiː kəˈmɪtiː ˈstʌdiːd ðiː mɪˈnuːʃiːə əv ðiː riːˈpɔːrt ˈfɔːr ˈaʊrz/