the burial ground was seen as a taboo place

listen to the pronunciation of the burial ground was seen as a taboo place
الإنجليزية - ألمانية
Die Begräbnisstätte wurde als verbotener Ort angesehen
the burial ground was seen as a taboo place


    the bu·ri·al ground was seen as a ta·boo place

    التركية النطق

    dhi beriıl graund wız sin äz ı täbu pleys


    /ᴛʜē ˈberēəl ˈground wəz ˈsēn ˈaz ə taˈbo͞o ˈplās/ /ðiː ˈbɛriːəl ˈɡraʊnd wəz ˈsiːn ˈæz ə tæˈbuː ˈpleɪs/