that will really give her food for thought

listen to the pronunciation of that will really give her food for thought
الإنجليزية - ألمانية
Daran wird sie zu kauen haben
that will really give her food for thought


    that will re·al·ly give her food for thought

    التركية النطق

    dhıt wıl rili gîv hır fud fôr thôt


    /ᴛʜət wəl ˈrēlē ˈgəv hər ˈfo͞od ˈfôr ˈᴛʜôt/ /ðət wəl ˈriːliː ˈɡɪv hɜr ˈfuːd ˈfɔːr ˈθɔːt/