that doesn't have the publicity impact of chaining yourself to rails

listen to the pronunciation of that doesn't have the publicity impact of chaining yourself to rails
الإنجليزية - ألمانية
Das ist nicht so medienwirksam wie das Anketten an Gleise
that doesn't have the publicity impact of chaining yourself to rails


    that does·n't have the pub·lic·i·ty im·pact of chaining your·self to rails

    التركية النطق

    dhıt dʌzın häv dhi pıblîsıti împäkt ıv çeynîng yûrself tı reylz


    /ᴛʜət ˈdəzən ˈhav ᴛʜē pəˈbləsətē əmˈpakt əv ˈʧānəɴɢ yo͝orˈself tə ˈrālz/ /ðət ˈdʌzən ˈhæv ðiː pəˈblɪsətiː ɪmˈpækt əv ˈʧeɪnɪŋ jʊrˈsɛlf tə ˈreɪlz/