Telekomünikasyon (uzaktan iletişim): Duyum, yazı, resim, simge ya da her çeşit bilginin tel, radyo, optik ile başka elektromanyetik dizgelerle iletilmesi, bunların yayımı ya da alınması
(Askeri) TELEKOMÜNİKASYON MERKEZİ: Gelen ve giden mesajların gönderilmesi, alınması, kabulü, işlem yapılması ve dağıtılmasından sorumlu olan ve normal olarak birden fazla teşkilat veya terminale hizmet veren tesis
(Askeri) TAKTİK DIŞI TELEKOMÜNİKASYON: Normal olarak teşkilat ve malzeme kadrolarına ve istihkak çizelgelerine dahil edilmemiş, bütün muhabere sistemleri, çevrimler, tesisler, hizmetler ve teçhizat
(Askeri) STRATEJİK TELEKOMÜNİKASYON: Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığının kendi tasarrufunda bulunan bu kuvvet tarafından kiralanan, işletilen veya kontrol edilen kıta içi, kıtalar arası ve komutanlıklar arası telekomünikasyon tesisleri ve hizmetleri. Normal olarak, harekat alanı içindeki kara ordusu asli komutanına kadar tahsis edilmiş Kara Kuvvetleri unsurlarının ve emir verildiği zaman diğer Milli Savunma ve hükümet makamlarının, komuta ve kontrol yetkilerinin icrasında, lojistik ve idari destek ihtiyaçlarının yerine getirilmesinde bir vasıta olarak kullanılır
(Askeri) TELEKOMÜNİKASYON: Her türlü işaret, sinyal, resim, yazı ve seslerin veya haberlerin telli, telsiz görüntü veya diğer elektromanyetik sistemlerle gönderilmesi yayılması veya alınması
(Askeri) ULAŞTIRMA VE TELEKOMÜNİKASYON İSTİHBARATI: Yabancı memleketlerin ulaştırma ve telekomünikasyonu hakkında bilgi edinmek maksadıyla yapılan stratejik istihbarat
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
تعريف telecommunications في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
the science and technology of communication at a distance, especially the electronic transmission of signals; telecommunication
Refers to the transmission of all forms of information, including digital data, voice, fax, sound, and video, from one location to another over some type of network
Broadly refers to electronic communications systems including telephones, but in the context of computer systems, it generally refers to information transmission via telephone lines or other channels between geographically distant computers
Includes any of the component technologies used for electronic communications over a distance typically greater than that covered by a human shout In the context of this paper it implies two-way communications
The transmission and reception of information-bearing electrical signals between remote systems
Any transmission, emission or reception of signs, signals, writings, images, sounds or information of any nature by cable, radio, visual, optical or other electromagnetic systems
The emission, transmission or reception of intelligence by any wire, cable, radio, optical or other electromagnetic system
The transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user's choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received
The field of communicating informationincluding data, text, pictures, voice, and video
Telecommunications is any process that enables one or more users to pass to one or more other users information of any nature delivered in any usable form, by wire, radio, visual, or other electrical, electromagnetic, optical means The word is derived from the Greek tele, "far off," and the Latin communicare "to share "
Preparation, transmission, communication, or related processing of information (text, images, sounds, or other data) by electrical, electromagnetic, or similar means
{i} long-distance communication, communication performed by electronic means with nearly no restriction on distance
The electronic transmission of voice signals and other data over telephone-based carrier systems, including cellular See Internet telephony
any transmission, emission, or reception of signs, signals, writings, images, and sounds, or information of any nature by cable, radio, visual, optical or other electromagnetic systems
– communication process for transmission of information from a sender to a receiver by means of electromagnetic or lightwave medium
Telecommunications is the transmission of voice and/or data through a medium by means of electrical impulses and includes all aspects of transmitting information
The exchange of information by electrical transmission over great distances (i e , telephone lines); telecommunications technology connects terminals to computer systems
The communication of information over a distance by means of radio waves, optical signals or along a transmission line
The transfer of information between computers over telephone lines Just plug in a modem, fire up some communications software, and you can make contact with the office computer or the Internet
The science and technology of communication by artificial means (radio, television, telephony, etc )
The preparation, transmission, communication, or related processing of information by electrical, electromagnetic, electromechanical, or electro-optical means See also ELECTRONIC MAIL, INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT
The form telecommunication is used as a modifier. Telecommunications is the technology of sending signals and messages over long distances using electronic equipment, for example by radio and telephone. a Japanese telecommunication company. the sending and receiving of messages by telephone, radio, television etc. Communication between parties at a distance from one another. Modern telecommunication systems capable of transmitting telephone, fax, data, radio, or television signals can transmit large volumes of information over long distances. Digital transmission is employed in order to achieve high reliability with minimal noise, or interference, and because it can transmit any signal type, digital or analog. For digital transmission, analog signals must be subjected to a process of analog-to-digital conversion; most television, radio, and voice communications are analog and must be digitized before transmission. Transmission may occur over cables, wireless radio relay systems, or via satellite links
The electronic transmission of information of any type, including data, images, sound, facsimiles, and so on
Telecommunications refers to long-distance communication (the Greek tele means "far off") At present, such communication is carried out with the aid of electronic equipment such as the Radio, Telegraph, Telephone, and Television In earlier times, however, smoke signals, drums, light beacons, and various forms of semaphore were used for the same purpose The information that is transmitted can be in the form of voice, symbols, pictures, or data, or a combination of these The physical equipment for a telecommunications system includes a transmitter, one or more receivers, and a channel or means of communication such as the air, water, wire, cable, communications satellite, or some combination of these
The area of CIS that oversees a number of services including the maintenance and installation of telephone equipment
(Elektrik, Elektronik) DECT or Digital Enhanced (formerly European) Cordless Telecommunications is an ETSI standard for digital portable phones, commonly used for domestic or corporate purposes. DECT can also be used for wireless data transfers. DECT is recognised by the ITU as fulfilling the IMT-2000 requirements and thus qualifies as a 3G system. Within the IMT-2000 group of technologies, DECT is referred to as IMT-FT (Frequency Time)
founded in 1959 by 19 countries (and expanded to 26 during its first ten years) as a coordinating body for European state telecommunications and postal organizations
Exchange of voice, video, or data through digital or analog electromagnetic or electronic signals (e g , radio, telephone, television, facsimile, computer/modem)
The transfer of information between computers over telephone lines Just plug in a modem, fire up some communications software, and you can make contact with the office computer or the Internet
means any transmission of signs, signals, writing, images or sounds or intelligence of any nature by wire, radio, visual, optical or other electromagnetic system
Voice, data, message, and video transmissions, including the terminal, transmission and switching facilities of Government and public telecommunications systems, as well as operating and network software (FEDSIM, 1993)
(often plural) the branch of electrical engineering concerned with the technology of electronic communication at a distance (often plural) systems used in transmitting messages over a distance electronically
Any process or group of processes that allows for the relay of printed or written matter, moving or fixed pictures, or other visible or audible signals
1 Any transmission, emission, or reception of signs, signals, writing, images and sounds or intelligence of any nature by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic systems [NTIA] [RR] 2 Any transmission, emission, or reception of signs, signals, writings, images, sounds, or information of any nature by wire, radio, visual, or other electromagnetic systems [JP1]
Any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images sounds, data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photoelectronic or photooptical system
() The word telecommunication was adapted from the French word télécommunication. It is a compound of the Greek prefix tele- (τηλε-), meaning 'far off', and the Latin communicare, meaning 'to share'.Telecommunication, tele- and communication, New Oxford American Dictionary (2nd edition), 2005. The French word télécommunication was coined in 1904 by French engineer and novelist Édouard Estaunié.Jean-Marie Dilhac, , 2004.