Product ordered but out of stock and promised to ship when the product becomes available
The process a company uses when a customer orders an item that is not in inventory at the time of the original order The company fills the order when the item becomes available
An ordered item becomes a back order when the warehouse is temporarily out of that item
part of an order that was not filled when the initial shipment was made Back orders are usually shipped when the items become available without the customer having to place a reorder
Any past-due, unfilled portion of an order A back order may be for part of the quantity of any line item ordered or for an entire line item not delivered with the majority of the shipment Back orders typically result from supplier inventory stock-outs
That portion of an order which the vendor cannot deliver on schedule and which has been re-entered for shipment when available
That portion of an order that cannot be delivered at the scheduled time, but will be delivered at a later date when available