
listen to the pronunciation of teiz
التركية - الإنجليزية
Belief in the existence of a personal creator God, present and active in the governance and organization of the world and the universe. The God may be known by or through revelation (i.e, with no evidence other than faith or introspection)
Belief in the existence of at least one deity
{n} the belief of the existence of a God
belief in god
Belief in [or belief in the probability of] the existence of God(s) A broad category encompassing a wide variety of beliefs, Theism does not specify the particular kind of God(s) believed in There are several types of Theism including deism and monotheism, the belief in one God, pantheism, the belief that everything is God, and polytheism, the belief in many gods Theistic religions such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are monotheistic, whereas a polytheistic religion such as Hinduism admits of many Gods
Theism is derived from the Greek Qeo/j(Theos) meaning "God" plus -ism Theism for our intents and purposes is the belief in the true and living God who is Creator and sovereign Ruler of the universe and known by voluntary revelation
A belief that God exists separate from the world in which we live [OPPOSITE OF PANTHEISM]
The belief that there is a god or gods
{i} belief in one or more gods, deism
Belief in a god Specifically, belief in the one God who is creator and ruler of the universe and is known through revelation
belief in a personal god, goddess, gods or goddesses
In the eighteenth century sense, Theism meant a belief in one God as the Creator and as the Almighty ever present power on earth and in man Theists in general accepted the teachings of revelation and grace and differed from Deists (see "Deism") in this respect
belief in the existence of one or more deities
the claim that one God created the world and sustains it while transcending it
The study of God
commonly used to mean belief in the existence of a personal god or gods which take an active part in the running of the world See also Atheism, Agnosticism and Deism
the doctrine or belief in the existence of a God or gods
The morbid condition resulting from the excessive use of tea
the belief in an infinite and personal God who created the physical universe and continues to act upon it as He chooses
belief in the existence of a personal creator God, especially by or through revelation (i.e, with no evidence other than faith or introspection)