(Askeri) SÖZLEŞME SAHRA TEKNİSYENİ: Kara kuvvetleri tarafından kullanılan veya desteklenen ve mutlak surette belirli bir imalatçının mamulü olması gerekmeyen bir malzemenin kurulmasında, çalıştırılmasında ve bakımında danışman olarak idari hizmetlerde bulunmak üzere Devlet tarafından gayri şahsi hizmet anlaşmasına göre temin edilmiş bir imalathane teknik büro veya ticari ya da sınai müessese memuru
(Askeri) DİŞ TEKNİSYENİ: Dişçiliğe ait laboratuar işlerini yapan, radyografileri olan ve hastaları muayene ve tedaviye hazırlayan erat sınıfına mensup kimse
Refers to the front line service personnel responding to a specific request Technicians work under Service Providers
Refers to an electronic technician qualified to maintain and repair electronic equipment Not necessarily qualified to install electrical wiring Compare to Electrician
Any person who performs maintenance, service, or repair that could reasonably be expected to release Class I (CFC) or Class II (HCFC) substances into the atmosphere, including but not limited to installers, contractor employees, in-house service personnel, and in some cases, owners Technician also means any person disposing of appliances except for small appliances
A technician is someone who is very good at the detailed technical aspects of an activity. a versatile, veteran player, a superb technician
A technician in the school could be a physician, nurse, supervisor or a laboratory keeper
A person trained and certified to appraise and initiate the administration of emergency care for victims of trauma or acute illness before or during transportation of the victims to a health care facility via ambulance or aircraft
person trained and licensed to assess and start the emergency care for trauma victims or victims seriously injured before or during transportation of the victims to a healthcare facility by ambulance or airplane, emt