taviz vermez

listen to the pronunciation of taviz vermez
التركية - الإنجليزية
inflexible and not yielding
{a} relaxing, easing, stiff
Not bending; not suffering flexure; not yielding to pressure; stiff; applied to material things
present participle of unbend
incapable of adapting or changing to meet circumstances; "a rigid disciplinarian"; "an inflexible law"; "an unbending will to dominate"
very reserved, aloof and antisocial
Unyielding in nature; unchangeable; fixed; applied to abstract ideas; as, unbending truths
If you describe a person or their behaviour as unbending, you mean that they have very strict beliefs and attitudes, which they are unwilling to change. He was rigid and unbending. her unbending opposition to the old regime. = inflexible. unwilling to change your opinions, decisions etc
Unyielding in will; not subject to persuasion or influence; inflexible; resolute; applied to persons
Devoted to relaxation or amusement
{s} not bending, unyielding, inflexible, rigid
taviz ver
make concessions to
taviz vermez