Knock yourself out, Tom.
- Kafana göre takıl, Tom.
I wish I had a tackle box as nice as yours.
- Keşke seninki kadar güzel bir takım kutum olsa.
This is my tackle box.
- Bu benim takım sandığım.
You wouldn't have liked me the way I was three years ago.
- Nie lubiłbyś mnie takiego, jaki byłem trzy lata temu.
Oh yeah, that's right. I was supposed to meet some friends in Shibuya at eight.
- O tak, to prawda. Musiałem odwiedzić paru przyjaciół w Shibuyi o ósmej.
If I were really rich, I would never work in a place like this.
- Gdybym był naprawdę bogaty, nigdy nie pracowałbym w miejscu takim jak to.
I never thought we'd end up like this.
- Nigdy nie przypuszczałem, że tak skończymy.
Yes, but it'll be difficult.
- Tak, ale to będzie trudne.
Yes, I understand. Thank you.
- Tak, rozumiem. Dziękuję.
He is, so to speak, a walking dictionary.
- On jest, że tak powiem, chodzącym słownikiem.
Why should you be so sad?
- Czemu miałbyś być taki smutny?
Don't be so noisy, please.
- Proszę, nie bądź taki głośny.
Talk like that will raise suspicion.
- Taka wypowiedź wywoła reakcję.
It's the first time that anybody said something like that to me.
- To pierwszy raz, gdy ktoś powiedział mi coś takiego.
More coffee? No, thanks.
- Mere kaffe? Nej tak.
Thanks to you I've lost my appetite.
- Takket være dig har jeg mistet min appetit.
Thanks for the tip. I'll give it a try.
- Tak for tippet. Jeg vil give det en chance.
Thanks for your explanation.
- Tak for din forklaring.
But let me thank you for your generous words, at least. I have had none spoken to me in so long.
- Men tillad mig i det mindste at takke dig for dine storsindede ord. Sådan er der ingen der har talt til mig i meget lang tid.
Thank you for your explanation.
- Tak for din forklaring.