(Askeri) TAKTİK/LOJİSTİK GRUP: Kıta, malzeme ve ikmal maddelerinin gemiden kıyıya intikalinde, kontrol gemilerindeki deniz kuvvetleri kontrol subaylarına yardımcı olmak üzere kıta komutanları tarafından görevlendirilmiş temsilciler
Tactical Air Command (USAF, now merged into ACC) TACAMO - TAke Charge And Move Out TACAN - TACtical Air Navigation TACCO - Tactical coordinator TADS - Target Acquisition and Designation Sight TANS - Tactical Air Navigation System TAS - (True Air Speed) -- Calibrated airspeed corrected for non-standard temperature and pressure TBO - Time Between Overhauls TCS - Television Camera System Teline - Telemetry intelligence TFR - Terrain Following Radar TIALD - Target Identification Airborn Laser Designation TINS - Tactical Inertial Navigation System TJS - Tactical Jamming System TRAM - Target Recognition and Attack Multisensor TOW - Tube-launched, Optically-sighted, Wire-guided TSSAM - Tri Service Stand-off Attack Missile
Transportation Association of Canada Traffic Advisory Center Transportation Advisory Center, used in DIRECT
Total Allowable Catch - represents the total amount of fish stock that can be sustainably removed in any one year It encompasses all removals by fishers (commercial and non-commercial) The Minister of Fisheries is required under 1996 Fisheries Act to set a TAC that will move a stock towards a biomass level that will support the Maximum Sustainable Yield
A variant of ticktacktoe. a children's game in which two players draw X's or O's in a pattern of nine squares, trying to get three in a row British Equivalent: noughts and crosses (tic-tac-toe (1800-1900); from the sound of play)