A bone fracture is a medical condition in which a bone becomes cracked, splintered, or bisected as a result of physical trauma. A bone fracture can also occur as a result of certain medical conditions that weaken the bones, such as osteoporosis or certain types of cancer. A broken bone is not always defined as a fracture, much as a fracture is not always defined as a broken bone. (U.S. Gov't 2005) A broken bone is defined as a complete severing of the bone, as in opposition to a fracture covering any type of crack or break in the bone
tıbbi anlamda kemik kırılması ya da benzer bir hasara uğraması
tıb·bi an·lam·da ke·mik kı·rıl·ma·sı ya da ben·zer bir ha·sa·ra uğ·ra·ma·sı