A musical instrument that generates sound electronically and is designed according to certain principles developed by Robert Moog and others in the 1960s A synthesizer is distinguished from an electronic piano or electronic organ by the fact that its sounds can be programmed by the user, and from a sampler by the fact that the sampler allows the user to make digital recordings of external sound sources
– a device or software component that translates MIDI into audible music Commonly abbreviated as "synth" A typical MIDI instruction might be "play a C on a saxophone" Since the synthesizer creates the sound, the quality of the music is completely dependent on the synthesizer High quality synthesizers use a technique called wavetable synthesis Inexpensive sound cards for PCs contain rather low quality hardware synthesizers which use a technique called FM synthesis
An electronic device that creates sound from oscillators, filters and amplifiers By combining different waveforms from several oscillators, complex filtering, and manipulating the attack, decay and release of the sound, one can create a wide variety of different sounds The synthesizer can imitate acoustic instruments, or create original, uniquely electronic sounds
{i} computerized electronic instrument capable of reproducing the sounds of various musical instruments; person or thing that synthesizes (also synthesiser)
(Often shortened to synth ) A device driven by a microprocessor, which contains a programmable chip Examples of instruments that can contol synthesizers: Guitar, keyboard, wind, string, drum controllers The keyboard itself does not produce musical sound A synthesizer circuit, built into the keyboard, accomplishes this function Originally, a synthesizer was so called because it synthesized acoustic instruments Nowdays, the term refers to the sound-generating circuitry of any MIDI gear Another term is sound module
An electronic musical instrument capable of generating sound using real-time control over the key parameters of sound: frequency, timbre, amplitude, and duration Today most synthesizers include a MIDI interface Also may refer to an internal sound card or external box for use with multimedia sequencing software
It is an electronic instrument that can create sounds from different musical instruments such as horns and woodwinds to other sounds that cannot be duplicated with musical instruments Synthesizers usually consists of a piano type of keyboard along with controls to choose the instruments Submitter: Lorena's Group and Jin Xu Go to the Glossary Index Computers and Sound Page Audio Page Flash: Audio Movie 1 Flash: Audio Movie 2 Flash: Sound Movie
In wireless microphones, a circuit which generates a stable and precise RF output on any one of a number of preset (or programmable) frequencies Synthesizers are used as the local oscillators for receivers, and to set the output frequency of transmitters See Frequency Synthesizer Back to top
syn·the·siz·er synthesizers in BRIT, also use synthesiser A synthesizer is an electronic machine that produces speech, music, or other sounds, usually by combining individual syllables or sounds that have been previously recorded. Now he can only communicate through a voice synthesiser. synthesiser an electronic instrument that produces the sounds of various musical instruments. Machine that electronically generates and modifies sounds, frequently with the use of a digital computer, for use in the composition of electronic music and in live performance. The synthesizer generates wave forms and then subjects them to alteration in intensity, duration, frequency, and timbre. It may use subtractive synthesis (removing unwanted components from a signal containing a fundamental and all related overtones), additive synthesis (building tones from signals for pure sine-wave tones), or other techniques, most importantly whole-sound sampling (digital recording of sounds, usually from acoustic instruments). The first synthesizer was developed 1955 by RCA. Compact, commercially viable synthesizers, generally with pianolike keyboards, were produced in the 1960s by Robert Moog born 1934 , Donald Buchla born 1937 , and others. With transistor technology, these soon became portable and cheap enough for practical performance use, and such instruments became fixtures in rock bands, often displacing electric pianos and organs. See also MIDI
An instrument that creates complex sounds by generating, altering, and combining various electrical waveforms, generally by means of voltage-controlled modules
(music) an electronic instrument (usually played with a keyboard) that generates and modifies sounds electronically and can imitate a variety of other musical instruments