(sîn'thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim

listen to the pronunciation of (sîn'thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
التركية - الإنجليزية
{ç} synthesis (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
A deduction from the general to the particular (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
A synthesis of different ideas or styles is a mixture or combination of these ideas or styles. His novels are a rich synthesis of Balkan history and mythology (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
The art or process of making a compound by putting the ingredients together, as contrasted with analysis; thus, water is made by synthesis from hydrogen and oxygen; hence, specifically, the building up of complex compounds by special reactions, whereby their component radicals are so grouped that the resulting substances are identical in every respect with the natural articles when such occur; thus, artificial alcohol, urea, indigo blue, alizarin, etc (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
integration of two opposing representations into one new repre貞entation, with a view towards constructing a new level of the object's real虹ty Philosophy as Critique employs synthesis more than analysis On the operation of synthesis in the first Critique, see imagination (Cf analysis ) (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
are made by synthesis (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
the combination of ideas into a complex whole the process of producing a chemical compound (usually by the union of simpler chemical compounds) (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
Composition, or the putting of two or more things together, as in compounding medicines (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
A method of generating and manipulating sound electronically (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
The combination or reconciliation of opposed notions; see thesis / antithesis / synthesis (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
A step in the collective creation process during which ideas are grouped and organized (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
Fifth of the six steps in the Big Six Information Problem Solving curriculum, which involves organizing the information from multiple sources and presenting the information in an appropriate manner Back (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
the reaction of elements or compounds to form more complex compounds (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
Synthesis is the process of forming compounds out of simpler elements (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
building up large molecules from small molecules (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
The translation of input requirements (including performance, function, and interface) into possible solutions (resources and techniques) satisfying those inputs Defines a physical architecture of people, product, and process solutions for logical groupings of requirements (performance, function, and interface) and then designs those solutions (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
The act of putting together parts or elements to make up a complex whole (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
A synthesis adds to an analysis (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
In intelligence usage, the examining and combining of processed information with other information and intelligence for final interpretation; (JP 1-02) (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
integration of two opposing representations into one new representation, with a view towards constructing a new level of the object's reality Philosophy as Critique employs synthesis more than analysis On the operation of synthesis in the first Critique, see imagination (Cf analysis ) (sîn''thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim
the combination of thesis and antithesis (sîn'thısiz) i., (felsefe) , kim. sentez, bireşim


    syn.the.·ses (sîn'thı·siz) i., (fel·se·fe) , kim. sen·tez, bi·re·şim

