
listen to the pronunciation of summary
الإنجليزية - التركية

Ben yazıyı okudum ve şimdi bir özet yazıyorum. - I have read the article and now I am writing a summary.

Lütfen özetinizi salıya kadar gönderin. - Please send in your summary by Tuesday.

detaylı olmayan
çok kısa
acele yapılan
derhal yapılan
{s} özlü
{s} fazlasıyla çabuk yapılan
summarily resmi muameleyi beklemeden
{s} seri
{s} kısa
summary proceeding acele muhakeme usulü
{s} kestirme
{i} kısaltma
{s} özetlenmiş
(Bilgisayar) özet bilgi
özet halinde olan
summary court
(Askeri) dar yetkili mahkeme
summary execution
(Kanun) yargısız infaz
summary offence
hafif suç
summary card
özet kartı
summary of
summary punch
özet delgi
summary advertisements
Özet Reklamları
summary areas
(Askeri) özet rapor sahaları
summary areas
(Askeri) ÖZET RAPOR SAHALARI: Belirli deniz sahaları. Bu sahalardan her biri için, tatbikatı yöneten subay tarafından, günlük olarak (kendi seyir sahası ve kuvvetlerini içine alan) tahmini mevki özeti ve düşman hakkındaki bilgi özeti mesajları düzenlenir. Bu mesajlar; belirli bölgelerde seyir halinde bulunan harp gemileri ve açık deniz kaptanları ile belirli bazı kıyı makamlarına bilgi temini için hazırlanır
summary as of
(Bilgisayar) rapor sonu tarihi
summary balance of payments
(Ticaret) özet ödemeler dengesi
summary below data
(Bilgisayar) veri altında özetle
summary cloze
(Dilbilim) özet çıkartmalı
summary court
(Askeri) DAR YETKİLİ ASKERİ MAHKEME: Bak. "summary court-martial"
summary court martial
(Askeri) DAR YETKİLİ ASKERİ MAHKEME: ABD Ordusunda, bir subaydan kurulu askeri mahkeme. Bu mahkeme; bir aya kadar hapis, 45 güne kadar ağır hizmet, iki aya kadar disiplin cezası ve bir maaşın üçte ikisine kadar para kesme cezası verebilir
summary court martial
(Askeri) dar yetkili askeri mahkeme
summary court martial order
summary court officer
(Askeri) DAR YETKİLİ ASKERİ MAHKEME BAŞKANI: Bir dar yetkili askeri mahkemenin görevlerini yerine getirmek ve Askeri Ceza Kanununun ve Askeri Ceza Muhakemeleri Usulü Kanununun 136'ncı maddesine göre yeminleri yaptırmak üzere atanmış subay
summary description
özet tanım
summary dismissal
süre vermeden işten atma
summary file
özek dosya
summary file
(Bilgisayar) özet dosya
summary file
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) özet kütük
summary function
(Bilgisayar) özet işlevi
summary info
Özet bilgi
summary information categories
(Bilgisayar) özet bilgi kategorileri
summary judgement
(Kanun) karar oturumu
summary judgement motion
(Kanun) karar duruşması talebi
summary log
(Bilgisayar) özet günlük
summary of charges
(Bilgisayar) faturalama özeti
summary of estimates
keşif özeti
summary only
(Bilgisayar) yalnızca özet
summary options
(Bilgisayar) özet seçenekleri
summary page
(Bilgisayar) özet sayfa
summary posting
(Ticaret) birleşik kayıt
summary procedure
(Kanun) acele muhakeme usulü
summary report
Özet Raporu
summary statement
(Ticaret) rapor özeti
summary statement
(Ticaret) mali durum özeti
summary toolbar
(Bilgisayar) özet araç çubuğu
decision summary
karar özeti
import summary
(Bilgisayar) alma özeti
site summary
(Bilgisayar) site özeti
summary for
(Bilgisayar) özet
usage summary
(Bilgisayar) kullanım özeti
in summary
Sözün özü, kısaca
income summary
gelir özeti
inspections summary
denetim özeti
medicare summary notice back to top
ilaç özet haber başa dön
operational summary
operasyonel özet

Here is operational summary of the program.

sort of summary
bir çeşit özet
Intelligence Report Index Summary File
(Askeri) İstihbarat Raporu İndeks Özet Dosyası
career summary
(Askeri) on yıllık safahat çizelgesi
career summary
(Askeri) ON YILLIK SAFAHAT ÇİZELGESİ: Bir subayın on yıllık hal sercümesini (statement of service) gösteren çizelge
central source registry; commander in chief's (CINC's) summary report; commander
(Askeri) merkezi kaynak tescili; Muharip Komutanlık Başkomutanının (CINC) özet raporu; komutanın özet raporu; kontrollü tedarik oranı
contact area summary position report
(Askeri) temas bölgesi özet pozisyon raporu
cumulative summary
toplu özet
daily intelligence summary
(Askeri) günlük istihbarat özeti
daily intelligence summary; defense information system; Defense Investigative Se
(Askeri) günlük istihbarat özeti; istihbarat bilgi sistemi; Savunma Bakanlığı Soruşturma Dairesi; dağıtılmış interaktif simülasyon
daily movement summary
(Askeri) liman günlük faaliyet özeti
daily movement summary
(Askeri) LİMAN GÜNLÜK FAALİYET ÖZETİ: 24 saat içinde limana giren ve çıkan bütün ticari gemilerin (tarafsız devletlerinkiler dahil) kalkış ve varışını gösteren bir çizelge. Bu özetler bölge komutanları (veya bölge komutanlarının görevlendirdiği harekat kontrol makamları) tarafından hazırlanır ve gizlilik derecesi taşır
data from summary info
(Bilgisayar) özet bilgi'den veri
decree of summary court
(Kanun) ceza kararnamesi
defense intelligence terrorist summary
(Askeri) terörizmle ilgili savunma istihbarat özeti
intelligence situation summary
(Askeri) istihbarat durum özeti
intelligence summary
(Askeri) istihbarat özeti
intelligence summary
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT ÖZETİ: Sık aralıklarla istihbarat konularının bir özetini veren özel rapor. Bak. "intelligence". INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY OF COUNTERINTELLIGENCE (INTSUM-CI): İSTİHBARAT KARŞI KOYMA ÖZEL RAPORU
international station meteorological climatic summary
(Askeri) uluslararası meteoroloji ve gözlem raporu
loan summary
kredi özeti
maritime intelligence summary
(Askeri) deniz istihbarat özeti
memory summary
(Bilgisayar) bellek özeti
monthly summary
(Bilgisayar) aylık özet
operation summary
(Askeri) harekat özeti
periodic intelligence summary
(Askeri) periyodik istihbarat özeti
periodic intelligence summary
(Askeri) PERİYODİK İSTİHBARAT ÖZETİ: Normal olarak kolordu veya eşdeğer düzeyler ile daha üst kademelerde genellikle 24 saatlik aralarla veya komutan tarafından emredilen aralarla hazırlanan bir taktik harekattaki istihbarat durumunu ihtiva eden rapor. Aynı zamanda PERINTSUM olarak anılmaktadır
periodic summary report
(Askeri) özet devre raporu
periodic summary report
(Askeri) ÖZET DEVRE RAPORU: Bak. "periodic report"
prompt for summary info
Özet Bilgi iste
restore summary
(Bilgisayar) özeti geri yükle
save summary as
Özeti adıyla kaydet
search and rescue situation summary report
(Askeri) arama ve kurtarma durum özet raporu
server summary
dağıtıcı özeti
show summary
Özeti Göster
özet şeklinde
tactical atmospheric summary; true air speed
(Askeri) taktik atmosferik bilgi özeti; gerçek hava hızı
tiff summary
(Bilgisayar) tıff özet
type of summary
(Bilgisayar) özet türü
vehicle summary and priority table
(Askeri) ARAÇ BOŞALTMA ÖNCELİK LİSTESİ: Muharebe yüklemesi yapılmış bir gemideki, tüm araçları, boşaltma öncelik listesine göre gösteren çizelge. Bu çizelgede her aracın cinsi, boyutları, kapladığı alan ve hacım, ağırlığı ve istif yeriyle araca yüklenilen yük ve aracın ait olduğu birlik gösterilir
vehicle summary and priority table
(Askeri) araç boşaltma ve öncelik çizelgesi
volume summary
Oylum özeti
weekly intelligence summary
(Askeri) haftalık istihbarat özeti
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
An abstract or a condensed presentation of the substance of a body of material
Performed speedily and without formal ceremony

Summary justice is bad justice.

concise, brief or presented in a condensed form

A summary review is in the appendix.

an abstract
A summary covers the main points of an article or an essay
{a} short, brief
{n} an abridgement
Formed into a sum; summed up; reduced into a narrow compass, or into few words; short; brief; concise; compendious; as, a summary statement of facts
briefly giving the gist of something; "a short and compendious book"; "a compact style is brief and pithy"; "succinct comparisons"; "a summary formulation of a wide-ranging subject"
{s} concise, condensed; rapid, performed without delay, done in a quick and unceremonious manner
a brief restatement of all major, significant points, usually reducing the original by at least half or more For note cards, a summary may be written in abbreviated formats such as outlines and fragments; however, all other summaries are written in paragraph and essay form
1-2 sentence summary of the unit
Here are all of the terms used in the STAR System
A re-statement of another's ideas from as objective a point of view as possible The summary does not include an evaluation or comment about the ideas presented Contrast with synthesis
Summaries, or summary columns, are used to compute subtotals, grand totals, running totals, and other summarizations of the data in a report
To use text analysis to pinpoint and display selected sentences that appear to represent the emphasized points in an item
-title of the page that shows a list of all the criteria you have selected for your search and on which you will click the Finish button
A summary of something is a short account of it, which gives the main points but not the details. What follows is a brief summary of the process Here's a summary of the day's news = résumé You use in summary to indicate that what you are about to say is a summary of what has just been said. In summary, it is my opinion that this complete treatment process was very successful
A general or comprehensive statement; an abridged account; an abstract, abridgment, or compendium, containing the sum or substance of a fuller account
A short restatement of the main points of a report
Summary actions are done without delay, often when something else should have been done first or done instead. It says torture and summary execution are common. summaries a short statement that gives the main information about something, without giving all the details
Key terms used in Chapter V are defined
Summary reports contain a condensed version of many of the other reports, including the file, directory, and address reports The summary report contains smaller versions of all these distinct reports in one file, so that you can get a quick overview
Consolidation of like items for accounting purposes
{i} brief and comprehensive overview of the main points of a body of material, abstract, synopsis, recapitulation
Brief abstract or summary describing the dataset and its intended purpose
performed speedily and without formality; "a summary execution"; "summary justice"
String field, single line, maximum of 40 characters Summary of the DESCRIPTION field, which must appear in every message definition
a briefstatement that presents the main points in a concise form; "he gave a summary of the conclusions
A brief description of the nature of the case
The narrative description of the instructional contents of the IMI product
a briefstatement that presents the main points in a concise form; "he gave a summary of the conclusions"
The interpretation of the plant quarantine import requirements of a foreign country The summaries provide guidance to PPQ officers, State and county cooperators, and other persons concerned with the exportation of plants and plant products The summaries are not to be considered legally authoritative They are written from translated plant quarantine regulations, official instructions, and other information provided by officials in foreign countries The summaries are found in EXCERPT
Brief description of information in the document
The measure summary or digest found printed near the top of a bill
Hence, rapidly performed; quickly executed; as, a summary process; to take summary vengeance
The program contains the full text of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition
A short paragraph or two that tells what a selection is about A summary does not include details from the story
Despite the occasional minor technical flaw in the software, the Maltese Picture Dictionary is an excellent example of CALL software, from the point of view of its pedagogical design The software will undoubtedly be a welcome addition to currently available instructional materials for Maltese and prove useful to individuals interested in learning the language on their own as well as for use as a language lab supplement in an institutional course Users of Windows NT should be aware that the record and playback function of the software does not operate properly on that platform
The purpose of this section of Project 21232 is to revise and/or add new definitions to §25 5 of the Substantive Rules that will be needed to implement the new requirements of SB 7 Staff's plan is to create temporary sections for definitions within each of the subchapters incorporating rules required by SB 7 Periodically, §25 5 will be amended and the definitions transferred to that section This strategy will avoid the necessity to have multiple pending amendments to §25 5 ongoing at the same time, however, §25 5 will be amended several times
Description of the goals and context of physical activity programming at each state department of health Notes: A summary can include information about state physical activity plans, coalitions or partnerships, and other activities that are not included in the inventory but are relevant and important to physical activity promotion at the state level The content of this section varies depending on the amount and nature of the information provided by each state
summary judgment
The determination by a court that no factual issues are in dispute, and that the legal issues require the case to be decided in favor of one party or the other
summary judgments
plural form of summary judgment
summary execution
A summary execution is a type of extrajudicial punishment in which an accused or reported suspect of criminal activity is killed, often at the time and place of their being discovered. Summary executions may be a tactic employed by parties involved in guerrilla warfare and counterinsurgency tactics
summary judgment
(Kanun) A judgment rendered by the court prior to a verdict because no material issue of fact exists and one party or the other is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law, (synonym) summary judgement, judgment on the pleadings, judgement on the pleadings
summary court-martial
In the U.S. armed forces, a court-martial consisting of one officer, convened and held to try relatively minor offenses
summary judgment
A decision rendered by the commissioner in a simple proceeding, without trial, based a motion supporting the claim made
summary judgment
A decision made on the basis of statements and evidence presented for the record without a trial It is used when there is no dispute as to the facts of the case, and one party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law
summary judgment
A court order directing a bondsman or defendant to pay the full monetary amount of bail when the original bond or document put up in lieu of money is no longer valid
summary judgment
A pre-trial judgment given on the basis of pleadings, affidavits, and exhibits  presented for the record by way of a motion It is used when there is no genuine issue of material fact and one party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law See FRCP 56
summary judgment
A court decision made prior to trial based upon a claim made by a party that even if the factual assertions of the opposing party are found true, they still have no legal remedies
summary judgment
A judgment which is entered in favor of one party without a trial, as there are no real triable issues of fact
summary judgment
Final decision or judgment by the court prior to the trial This occurs when the judge determines that the prevailing party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law either on the pleadings alone or after review in the pleadings and other evidence
summary judgment
A judgment granted to a party in a lawsuit when the pleadings and other materials in the case disclose no material issue of fact between the parties, making it possible for the case to be decided on the basis of the law by the court A summary judgment avoids a costly jury trial
summary judgment
A decision of a court concerning the merits of a lawsuit which is rendered on the motion of a party when the pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on file, together with affidavits, show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact A summary judgment is a court decision which shows that the party who made the motion is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law
summary judgment
a finding and entry of judgment by the court after a hearing and review of the claims and the evidence of the parties prior to a trial wherein the court determines that there is no genuine issue or dispute as to any material fact available for presentation and that the evidence, as a matter of law, is insufficient to allow such claim to continue and renders judgment in favor of one party
summary judgment
{i} final decision made by a judge prior to a verdict that resolves a lawsuit in favor of one of the parties
summary judgment
A procedure for obtaining a judgment from a court in a lawsuit before a trial because there are no disputed issues of material fact for a jury to decide
summary procedure
very quick civil trail that is held without the usual hearings by the plaintiff unless he was given permission to defend himself
summary trial
{i} trial which is quicker and less expensive to a full trial
climatic summary
Tabular data for averages, extremes, and frequencies of weather elements or phenomena for a year, season, month, or other period at a specific location or area
in summary
To summarise, as a summary
Over a short period of time, briefly

He covered the topic summarily in an answer to a question.

{a} shortly, briefly, concisely
in summary

In summary, this book is a good introduction to bird watching.

A summary
A summary
Executive Summary
{i} summary of main points of a business plan; document that summarises the main points of a business proposal
Rich Site Summary
{i} RSS, family of document types or XML file formats used to list updates to a site
executive summary
an executive summary captures and presents succinctly the essence of the business plan It is, in effect, a capsulized version of the entire plan The executive summary is not simply a background statement, nor is it an introduction It is in a sense the business plan in miniature Because many business plan reviewers are inundated with proposals, they use the executive summary for a quick understanding of the total plan
executive summary
The executive summary is a brief overview of the most important information in a business plan
executive summary
A rather long but condensed version of the report that details all essential parts of the purpose, procedure, results, and conclusions It must stand alone, with no additional information introduced that is not in the report
executive summary
The portion of a research report that explains why the research was done, what was found and what those findings mean, and what action, if any, management should undertake See also conclusion
executive summary
A brief summary of the key points of a more detailed report or study
executive summary
| Introduction | Background New York State Pesticide Use and Sales Data Water Contamination | Recommendations | Conclusion | References Appendix: Methodology and Data Quality Issues
executive summary
A nontechnical summary statement designed to provide a quick overview of the full-length report on which it is based
executive summary
A synopsis of a project that presents key facts such as amount of money requested, activities that will be executive, outcomes that will be achieved, and need for the proposed project
executive summary
The portion of a research report that summarizes all of the sections of the report
executive summary
A one or two page document which includes the essence of the whole business plan Executive summaries are helpful when seeking financing, especially when many people are reviewing the plan
executive summary
Appears at the beginning of the report and gives a condensed version of the entire document An informative abstract
plural of summary
In a summary manner
without delay; in a summary manner; "the suspected spy was summarily executed"
without delay; in a summary manner; "the suspected spy was summarily executed
concisely, succinctly; rapidly, speedily, in a quick and unceremonious manner
immediately, and without following the normal process
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف summary في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

sözleşme tutanağı protocol, summary of the results of
a negotiation